
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 36: Famous Throughout The World! What The Four Emperors Think Of Ron!

West Blue, South Blue, and East Blue where Ron is now, both Marines and pirates are all discussing this boy who suddenly appeared. This is a powerful newcomer with the power of a great swordsman!

"Having such strength at the age of nineteen, are today's young people already so exaggerated?" A middle-aged pirate captain couldn't help but sigh.

"There is definitely a place for him among the supernovas of this generation!" Another pirate said solemnly: "With this kind of strength, it is impossible for the World Government to ignore it. Maybe it will offer him an olive branch to join Shichibukai!"

"Haha, there are a lot of people in Shichibukai now. It's not easy for the government to recruit people, right?" A pirate smiled coldly: "Isn't it necessary to eliminate one of the existing Shichibukai?"

"It is impossible to eliminate!" A rational pirate analyzed: "From the current information, the captain Ron of the Sword and Rose Pirates has caused a lot of losses to the East Blue Marine. It is impossible for the Marines to Just let it go, maybe there will be another collision next!"

"Hahaha, it's really exciting. I really want to see how this guy performs after entering the Grand Line!" A pirate captain on the Grand Line laughed and said.

New World, the territory of the Four Emperors.

After the news spread, the Four Emperors also knew about Ron's deeds.

"Dad!" On the ship of the Whitebeard Pirates, Marco the Phoenix squinted and handed a newspaper to Whitebeard, who was resting with his eyes closed: "East Blue has a super newcomer, haha, from the news Look, he has more potential than Ace!"

"Huh?" Whitebeard slowly opened his eyes, and an unconcealed domineering aura suddenly rose. After looking at Marco, Whitebeard withdrew his aura, took the newspaper, took a look, and said with a smile: "Ruhaha Haha! He is indeed a good little guy. At the age of nineteen, he defeated seventeen warships with one sword! A great swordsman? It's a bit exaggerated! Luhahahaha, regardless of whether the news is exaggerated or not, this little family still has some strength. , but to say it has more potential than Ace is not necessarily true!"

"Oh? Haha!" Of course Marco thought so too. As the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates, Ace is also a Mera-mera Fruit user. He is only one year older than Ron. His potential is very powerful. Marco I also think this newspaper is a bit exaggerated!

"A nineteen-year-old swordsman is indeed too exaggerated!" Marco shook his head and did not take the news to heart. In any case, Ron is still hanging out in East Blue, trying to get their Recognition by powerful people is more than just that. You have to pass the first half of the Grand Line and come to the New World to be qualified to face them.

Just as Marco thought.

In the territory of Four Emperors, on the cake island where BIGmom is located, aunt Charlotte Linlin was sitting at a long table eating all kinds of sweets crazily. She glanced at a newspaper handed by her son from the corner of her eyes. She grinned and said disdainfully: " It's just a matter in that small place in East Blue. Morgans really knows how to brag, and he's a great swordsman? A nineteen-year-old swordsman? Hahaha, so what if he's a great swordsman? He just gave me more when he came to me. It's just a toy!"

The territory of the Four Emperors, where Kaido of the Beasts is located. Kaido looked at Ron's news and couldn't help but grinned: "Great Swordsman? He's just a little guy. I wonder if you can bring me some fun?"

In the Four Emperors territory, where the Red Hair Pirates are located, the red-haired Shanks, who was having a party and drinking wine with the crew, suddenly saw Beckman coming to him and handed him a newspaper: "Shanks, this is the news from East Blue. , East Blue has recently produced an incredible little guy!"

"Oh?" Shanks took a sip of wine casually, held the newspaper and scanned it casually, and then his eyes immediately lit up: "Great swordsman? You are only nineteen years old? Hahaha, okay, I don't know when I will have the opportunity. I can fight with him!"

Beckman is smiling and his eyes are shining with wisdom. As the think tank of the Red Hair Pirates, his wisdom has always been a major reliance for the entire pirate group to survive in the New World: "Shanks, this little guy's Is his strength really as strong as that of a great swordsman?"

"Cleaving seventeen warships in one piece, even the small warships of East Blue, this kind of swordsmanship is not low!" Shanks thought for a while and said: "At least let me do it, and I need to use 80% of my strength!"

"Hmm!" Beckman said thoughtfully, "I just don't know if that guy has Haki. If he doesn't have Haki, it's not a big worry. There's also Devil Fruit..."

"Hahaha, no matter what, come on, drink and drink!" Shanks laughed and did not take this matter to heart, but continued to drag Beckman to drink with everyone.