
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 200 Supernova Gathering! Jewelry Pawnee!


In the amusement park, on the roller coaster that was flying past like a dragon, three little girls were shouting into the wind. Even Golden Week, who had always been very quiet, showed excitement. After all, he was still a child. Encountering such a situation The exciting roller coaster still revealed the emotions that should have been there.

"Ahhh!" Cornish and Kaya also shouted excitedly.

Although the others, Nami and Vivi, had happy smiles on their faces, they did not shout in panic. Even Nokigao and Makino only nervously grasped the protective pole in front of them.

As for the others, whether it is Laki or Tashigi, they are both powerful people and are not moved at all, let alone Ron and Robin.

The roller coaster ride ended and everyone got off.

"Oh my god, it's so thrilling!" Kaya held Ron's arm and said with some weakness in her legs: "It's so fast, I thought I was going to fall just now!"

"Yes, yes!" Cornis patted her small chest and said fearfully: "Shall we go play something safer next? I always feel that roller coasters are too dangerous!"

"Haha, Sister Cornish and Sister Kaya, you are so timid!" Abis smiled proudly: "Look, our three children are not afraid at all!"

"Yeah!" Aisha also raised her head proudly.

Golden Week didn't speak, but the corners of his mouth curled up slightly.

"Then, let's go make a Ferris wheel?" Ron took Kaya's hand and stabilized her somewhat limp figure. At the same time, he also held Cornis's little hand, taking the opportunity to take advantage of her, which annoyed Ke. Nisi's face turned red.

"Okay, okay, let's go make a Ferris wheel!" Elsa Abis's eyes lit up: "We rode it yesterday, it was fun!"

Did you sit on it yesterday?" Ron said, "Wouldn't it be boring to sit on it again today? How about changing to another one?"

"No need to change, no need to change!" Aisha Abis shook her head quickly: "We still want to ride, the Ferris wheel is very interesting, we can see a lot of beautiful scenery! It's Golden Week, isn't it?"

"Yes!" Golden Week nodded quickly, with a look of expectation in his shining eyes.

"Okay, let's go and sit together!" Ron smiled slightly. These little girls are still at a playful age, and they probably won't get tired of sitting there every day.

So, a group of people went to the Ferris wheel together and rode the Ferris wheel again.

When the Ferris wheel reached the highest point in the sky, Ron saw the scenery of almost half of the island. Beautiful bubbles were floating everywhere in the sky, shining with beautiful colors against the sun, reflecting the blue of the sea in the distance. Reflection, the whole world is a beautiful picture.

"It's so beautiful...!" Kaya praised with admiration.

"Well, the view from here is no worse than Sky Island. It's really beautiful!" Cornish smiled while silently opening Ron's hand that quietly reached out to her waist.

"There's an ice cream shop there!" Aisha's eyes suddenly lit up, she looked at a small shop below and said, "Shall we go down and buy ice cream later?"

"Okay, I want to eat it too!" Abis shouted.

Golden Week touched the corners of her mouth and said nothing, but her expression betrayed her.

"There's a circus over there, let's go see the clowns!" Kaya said, pointing in another direction.

"We have plenty of time. Let's go see it later. There are all delicious and fun things!" Ron waved his hand.

So, after getting off the Ferris wheel, everyone walked to the small shop, first had a large ice cream each, and then went to watch the circus together.

"It's already noon, let's go have dinner?" Nami suggested.

Let's go, I know a place with good taste!" Noqigao said: "I went to try a few restaurants yesterday. The taste of that restaurant was great, especially the soy squid and the sizzling squid. Well, there are also Caviar and fruit salad are also good!"

"Oh, my mouth is drooling..." Abis quickly took Ron's hand and said, "Let's go quickly! Everyone is hungry!"

"Let's go eat!" Speaking of eating, Ron also felt hungry. After reaching the level of Munch-Munch Fruit, he could control himself. He no longer had the feeling of hunger that he couldn't eat all the time, but he could still feel a little hungry. , let's go eat first!

Everyone came to a restaurant outside the amusement park, sat down at a large round table in the hall, and started ordering food.

While waiting for the food, Ron looked around and spotted a few familiar faces.

'Supernova? . . One, two, three. . . ' Ron counted and found that there were actually four supernovas in this hotel. The most eye-catching one was a cute girl who was eating and drinking without caring about her image.

Jewelry Pawnee. . . ' Ron looked at the girl speechlessly. That girl was Jewelry Bonny, one of the supernovas. She had the ability to make herself or others younger or older. Ron didn't know what the specific fruit was. There is no explanation in the original plot.

Ron even thinks that Jewelry Bonny's fruit has the ability to control time, which is similar to Ion's retrograde fruit, except that Ion's retrograde fruit seems to be more powerful!

Both Devil Fruit should have time-based abilities!

However, Ron still tends to regress the fruit when it comes to his choice of the third fruit!

In other words, Ron plans to add unlimited Munch-Munch Fruit points after the system is upgraded to level four. By then, the limit of three Devil Fruits will no longer be a limit. If more Devil Fruits can be swallowed, He has more options to choose from!

There are also some Devil Fruit abilities in this world that don't look like much, but actually have great potential!

For example, a person in the plot of The fish men island: Vanderdyken!

His Devil Fruit is a target fruit that can shoot at targets no matter where they are!

If this ability is increased to the full level, if it is increased to the one million level, or the 100 million level, then if Ron shoots an arrow in this world, can it hit people in other dimensions?

For example, if you shoot an arrow at Naruto in the Hokage world, can the arrow pass through the dimensional barrier and hit Naruto's head?

Or if you shoot an arrow at a target in reality and catch the arrow yourself, will you follow the arrow back to reality?

In addition to Jewelry Boney, there are three other supernovas in the hotel, namely Capone Bege, Eustass Kid, and Basil Hawkins. The four of them are dining quietly, except for Boney's movement, which is not a bit loud. What else happens.

Ron's food was served, and everyone started eating and drinking.

After eating, everyone checked out and walked towards the hotel, ready to go back and have a rest.

But not far away, Robin suddenly frowned and looked at the street ahead. There, the crowd stood still. There were shouts and shouts. The crowd fell to their knees one after another, not even daring to raise their heads. rise.

'.々No, it's Celestial Dragons!" Robin looked at it carefully and said in surprise.

"Celestial Dragons? World noble Celestial Dragons?" Kaya asked curiously: "I haven't seen what Celestial Dragons look like. Where are they?"

"Didn't Robin say you can't provoke Tianlong (Li Zhao) people?" Makino said with some worry: "Why don't we avoid it?"

"The Celestial Dragons have a respected position, why don't we just stay away from them?" Vivi hesitated and looked at Ron.

"Avoid?" Ron raised his brows, holding a toothpick in his mouth, holding Elsa and Abis in his hands, his expression unchanged at all: "Have you forgotten what I said before? I'm here Now, there's nothing to be afraid of!"

"This will cause trouble!" Kalifa also frowned and said: "You don't know that the Celestial Dragons are the real rulers of this world. Even the World government belongs to them. They are the masters of this world. If If we provoke them... it might be difficult for us to move on the Grand Line!"

"What bullshit Celestial Dragons!" Ron shook his head and said disdainfully: "They're just a bunch of moths! Let's go our own way, those Celestial Dragons, and pray they don't mess with me!"


Seeing Ron walking towards the two little ones carelessly, Robin Vivi, Kalifa and others looked at each other, and they immediately felt: Something is going to happen, Qing!