
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 181 New Emperor Vs Old Emperor? Ronvs Shanks!

He, how, how did he run to the island?"

Newsbird said incoherently.

"That blue light door just now..." Morgans touched his chin and said softly: "That door, can it be teleported over a long distance? There is something!"

"What!" News Bird was shocked: "You still have such an ability? What kind of fruit ability is this?"

Audiences all over the world also heard these words, and they were also amazed by Ron's ability. Just now, everyone thought that Ron had escaped, but they didn't expect that they didn't need to take a boat to the island, they just opened a light door and arrived at the island. .

This ability is really convenient.

But some people's eyes were already twinkling.

"This ability!" Naval Headquarters, Staff He next to Sengoku's expression changed: "This ability is really...

"What? There's nothing to worry about with this ability, right?" Sengoku and other Marine generals don't think this ability is very powerful. At most, it can save some energy when they are on the road.

"No! According to the information we received, he should have obtained this ability from CP9 member Blueno. Regarding Ron's Devil Fruit ability, haven't you read the information from the intelligence department?" Staff He glanced at Sengoku.

"Yes, this guy got a Munch-Munch Fruit from Drum Island. It's just a very ordinary fruit with poor power. But for some reason, he actually killed him again in 387 Water City. I originally thought he only had the intention to kill Blueno, but I didn't expect that he now has Blueno's door fruit ability!" Sengoku frowned.

What do you care about is why he can eat two Devil Fruits?" Consultant He said: "What I care about is that he just got the Door Fruit. Why did the Door Fruit that had been in Blueno's hands for so many years be taken away by this one? Ron has developed to this extent and can actually cross such a long distance out of thin air."

"That's right!" Sengoku suddenly said: "This door is in Blueno's hands. It can only open the door on the wall. The distance between the doors is too thick. How come in Ron's hands, it can span such a long distance out of thin air?" ?"

"This guy..." Staff Officer He looked at Ron on the screen calmly: "He has a unique approach to the development of Devil Fruit!"

"This guy is a bit scary!" Sengoku said solemnly: "The key is that he can still eat the second Devil Fruit, which is a bit of a problem!"

"As we all know, everyone can only eat one Devil Fruit. Anyone who eats the second Devil Fruit will be exploded by the power of the fruit. But Ron, now he has a second Devil Fruit, he means (bdbb) Not blocked to death?"

"Herald, hurry up and pass this news to the government...

"No need, there are no fools in the government. They are all watching the live broadcast. They know what to do!" Staff He shook his head: "Let's continue watching!"

There are no fools in the World Government. Among other people watching the live broadcast, in addition to ordinary people, those powerful people also thought of this.

"This guy can actually eat two Devil Fruits...

"It's so weird. How come the person who ate two Devil Fruits didn't explode?"

"So, this guy is weird!"

All viewers in the world watching the live broadcast are talking about it.

On the edge of the island, Ron watched Shanks approaching with a calm expression. He suddenly turned his head and looked at the Kuja pirate ship not far away, about a few hundred meters away.

"Empress..." Ron murmured to himself, his eyes meeting the one on the Nine Snakes pirate ship.

Interesting man!" On the Nine Snakes pirate ship, the empress, wearing a beautiful robe, looked at the boy on the island with burning eyes: "This boy is a little different from other men!"

"Sister... you are not tempted, are you?" Sandersonia beside the empress looked at her expression and asked involuntarily.

"How is that possible!" The empress shook her head: "You know how much I hate men. I am just interested in this guy. He is different from ordinary people. You heard what he said just now."

"Yes, making an enemy of the world's strongest!" Sandersonia nodded and said in shock: "This guy is a lunatic!"

"If you don't have the strength to say that, you're courting death or going crazy, but if you have the strength, it's Haki!" The empress smiled lightly and said proudly: "The Ai family has not encountered such a character for a long time!"

"It is indeed different from ordinary men!" Sandersonia nodded.

"Shanks has landed on the island, and the real decisive battle is about to begin!" The empress looked condensed. Shanks is one of the Four Emperors. Can Ron, a nineteen-year-old boy, defeat him?

On the uninhabited island, Shanks jumped from the boat and landed on the island. He walked fifty meters opposite Ron and looked at Ron with strange eyes: "I didn't expect that you actually have this ability!"

"It's just a small ability!" Ron said calmly: "Let's get started, everyone is very busy, start early and finish early!"

"Not bad!" Shanks nodded, and with a swipe of his hand, he pulled out the long knife from his waist. The blade pointed at Ron far away, and his aura began to gather: "Draw the knife! As the world's greatest swordsman, you won't You won't draw your sword when you face me, right?"

"Of course not!" Ron shook his head: "Of course I can't hold back against the Four Emperors!"


The Third Generation ghost on Ron's waist was pulled out of its sheath, and the blade was facing Shanks at a distance.



Two shocking sword energies soared into the sky, and the world was shocked!

"Quickly, retreat quickly, and retreat a few hundred meters!" Morgans was shocked and quickly ordered his men to retreat: "The sword energy is so strong, don't get too close, we will be in danger if we get close!"

"I understand!" Without his need to say anything, the two news birds, whose faces were pale after being hit by the sword energy, quickly controlled the hot air balloon to retreat.

The other ships, the Ark and the Red Hair Pirates ships were all far away and were fine. The Red Hair Pirates ship also stayed away from the island under the command of Beckman.

On the Nine Snakes pirate ship, when the empress saw such a sharp sword energy erupting, her brows slightly furrowed on her beautiful face, and she said sternly: "Let's retreat too, their sword energy is too strong, we can't get close!"

"Okay sister!"

The ship was far away from the island, and there were only two strong men left on the uninhabited island, holding swords and bursting out sword energy, facing each other from a distance.

"Kill!" Shanks roared, and disappeared in a flash, then reappeared in front of Ron.

Shanks slashed down with his sword.

Ron's expression remained unchanged, and the long knife in his hand was filled with purple-red aura. He held it in front of him to block Shanks's fierce sword!


The sound of gold and iron clashing shook the sky and the ocean, and white-turned fish continued to float in the nearby seawater. All of these fish died in the fight between the two people just now. The terrifying sword energy and shock caused waves within hundreds of meters. All the small fish died, and the shrimps and crabs on the island died suddenly.

"The battle between the new emperor and the old emperor has begun!" Morgans looked at the two swords fighting below, his face slightly excited. This is big news. The whole world is watching the battle!