
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 161 Come On, I'll Beat Eight Of You One By One!

Ron didn't take action immediately. He had said before that he would wait for all CP9 people to arrive and then catch them all. He promised Kalifa not to kill anyone.

but. . . Now there is a very tangled question. He is interested in the Devil Fruit on Blueno, one of the members of CP9!

The Door Fruit is a Devil Fruit related to space abilities. It can open a portal on any wall, allowing people to walk directly through the wall.

This ability is only simple to use in Blueno's hands, and the ability level of its fruit is absolutely very low. Only in Ron's hands can it display its true ability.

What will happen after the Menmen Fruits are filled up?

Give yourself the ability to cut space directly?

Use the enemy's body as a wall and open doors on the enemy?

Or can you directly control the power of space? Create storage space?

We still don't know this yet, we won't know until we get the fruits.

Ron is determined to get this fruit, as for Kalifa. . . Ahem, just kill one person, it's okay, it's just a prisoner anyway, just don't kill the others.

Not long after, there was a sound of huge and heavy footsteps outside the door.

"Here we come!" Rob Lucci's expression moved, knowing that his people were already there. When he looked at Ron, his expression suddenly became confident, as if he had everything under control.

"Here we come!" Kalifa looked nervous. She wanted to see the other members defeat Ron, but she was also afraid that Ron would be too strong and defeat all the other members, because her previous battle with Ron made her know that Ron's strength was simply unfathomable. So she was very confused.

"Here it comes!" Ace Bagu's expression was complicated. From what Rob Lucci said just now, we can guess that the other CP9 members must have gone to their offices to bring the drawings, but it was really a A fake blueprint. He didn't have the real Pluton manufacturing blueprint at all, not even Franky, who was also a disciple of Master Tom with him. Tom didn't leave such a dangerous thing behind. Maybe when he died, He had already guessed the World Government's plan, so he took the real blueprint underground.

The blueprint hidden in Bingshan's hand is not Pluton's blueprint at all, but the ship blueprint he studied so hard. Even though he is now the director of the Water City,

But his identity as a former disciple of Master Tom is indelible. He is also a shipwright and has his own dream of building a ship. Unexpectedly, never expected that these CP9 people would think that it was Pluton's drawing.

"Are you here?" Nami's eyes were full of excitement. She stopped fighting with Kaya, Aisha and the others with snacks. Instead, she got up and walked to Ron's side. She asked excitedly: "Ron, can you give them to me?" How to deal with it? I feel that I have used Thunder Fruit's ability well now, so let me try it out?"

"You can pull it off, your Thunder Fruit ability... You should concentrate on using it to sail the boat now. These guys in front of you are not the ones you met before. I will improve your Thunder Fruit ability in the future. After gaining the ability, you can fight however you want, but not now!" Ron rolled his eyes at Nami, her strength, even if Thunder Fruit (bdba) is very strong, how long does it take Nami to fight, she can still deal with the little minions. , it was impossible to deal with a character like Rob Lucci. Ron didn't want Nami to get hurt, so he flatly rejected Nami's proposal.

"As for us, my strength should be able to deal with them, right?" Vivi also came over to ask for a fight: "They dare to threaten Sister Robin, which is unforgivable. I want to teach them a lesson and avenge Sister Robin!"

"Stay calm and stop making trouble!" Ron waved his hand quickly: "With your three-legged cat strength, it's okay to deal with one or two people, but now there are eight people on the other side, and each of them can use Marine Six Styles. They all have Devil Fruit abilities. Vivi, you don't have Devil Fruit. How many can you deal with? Stop making trouble and just shout 6 to me from the side!"

"Brother Ron, come on! Defeat them and avenge sister Robin!" Kaya over there was grabbing cakes from Aisha. She seemed to be aware of what was going on here. She raised her head and shouted 6 in her busy schedule, and then continued to lower her head and fight with Aisha. 'Get up.

Brother Ron, please finish it soon, and then let's set off for sailing early!" Abis said vaguely, because she was eating something in her mouth. She just took advantage of Kaya and Aisha to grab something to eat, and she took the opportunity to pick it up. She missed it and looked at the two men with a smile as they glared at her with pride.

Robin watched the three people playing around, feeling calm and gentle in his heart. Before meeting Ron, the CP9 group was not a nightmare for Robin. But now, these people are in front of Ron, and behind Ron. The girls next to him turned out to be dispensable existences in front of them. They were not worried at all about Ron's failure and had absolute confidence and trust in Ron.

"Ron..." Robin looked at Ron's back. This back was not broad, and his figure was not very strong, but he was such a person, and he had such a terrifying record along the way, and a name that shocked the world. , sweeping through all invading enemies, crushing all enemies, and guarding a group of beautiful girls on the Grand Line.

"Perhaps, joining the Sword and Rose Pirates is also a good choice!" Robin thought to himself.


The door of the living room was pushed open forcefully, and seven weirdos of different shapes walked in. Some were strong, some were thin, and some were obese. "Lu Qi!" A young man wearing a peaked cap and a long square nose looked at Lu Qi, nodded and said, "We got the thing. If you ask us to do it now, is there going to be a showdown today?"

This young man is none other than Kagu, who possesses the Giraffe Fruit. His ability and expertise are in terms of speed, both in terms of movement speed and attack speed.

"Yes, Lu Qi, is our long-term lurking finally coming to an end?" asked a strong man with hair like horns. This man was none other than Blueno, who possessed the Gate Fruit.

"Stop talking nonsense, where are the things?" Rob Lucci interrupted a few people with a wave of his hand and asked directly.

"Here!" Kagu handed a stack of paper to Lu Qi: "These are indeed the design drawings of a large ship, but we don't know yet whether they are Pluton's design drawings. We need someone like Robin. Only people can be sure!"

Kagu said, turning his head to look at Ronan who was sitting not far away.

"Humph, there's no need to look for her. Let's go back and hand it over to the superiors. The superiors will naturally find a way to confirm it then!" Rob Lucci put away the drawings and said in a deep voice: "The problem now is, Ron!"

Ron!" Everyone else in CP9 looked at Ron. Of course they knew that Ron was in the Water Capital. After all, Ron's arrival caused a big sensation. The super-large gold pillar worth 2.8 billion beli made the water The people in the capital have been shocked for two days. With the people talking a lot, how could they not know?

"Originally I was planning to take action at night, but all our information was known to Ace Bagu, and the person who told him the list of all of us was Ron!" Rob Lucci pointed at Ron and said: "He didn't take action just now. I specially wait for you to come and join me, planning to catch us all in one fell swoop!"

"Are you kidding?" A fat woman sneered: "We are from CP9. Even if he is Ron, he can't deal with so many of us by himself, right?"

"If you dare to underestimate us, we must give him some color. Look at the sea weasel," Nero said with a sneer.

"Since we are all exposed, there is no need to hide. Lu Qi, let's do it. This guy is indeed very strong. Even I was shocked when I saw those records. But there are many of us now. Let's go together. As long as Ron is defeated and captured , we will gain a huge achievement, enough to upgrade us to several levels!" Jabra looked at Ron greedily and sneered gloomily.

"Yeah!" At this time, Rob Lucci didn't show any emotion when facing Ron. He knew that Ron was definitely not weak. After all, the record was there. However, he didn't believe that so many people on his side could not be Ron's opponents. As long as Ron can be defeated and captured, their contribution is really great, and this risk can be taken.

"Come on, since you are all here, there is no need to hesitate anymore. I will beat eight of you by myself. What are you afraid of?" Ron said with his hands behind his back, looking indifferent.

"Arrogant guy! Take action!"

Rob Lucci stared at Ron who was not far across the way. Looking at his conceited appearance with his hands behind his back leisurely, a cold light flashed in his eyes. He waved his hand fiercely towards Ron and actually ordered the attack to start. He himself quickly moved towards Ron rushed over, and with every step he took, his figure was growing rapidly. When he came to Ron, his figure had completely transformed into a huge cheetah, with muscles all over his body ligated and terrifying.


Rob Lucci tore off a claw, as if it could tear the air, and clawed straight at Ron's head.

On the other side, Kagu was very fast and had already arrived behind Ron. He kicked out a Tempest Kick, and the sharp aura that could cut everything went directly towards Ron's waist.