
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 155: Meeting Mayor Bingshan! Kalifa Is Here!

Robin, why are those guys threatening you?" Vivi walked up to Robin and asked in a low voice.

"Yeah, those guys hide their heads and hide their tails. They are not good people at first glance!" Miss Valentine snorted.

"Are they really from the secret department?" Makino frowned.

"Yes, and they must have some important tasks to do here, and...this task also requires me. That's why they threatened me to help them!" Robin frowned: "They thought I was killed by World before. The people wanted by the government threatened me. If I don't obey their orders, they will... issue a 'Buster Call' and mobilize a large fleet to destroy our pirate group!"

"Are they stupid?" A group of girls beside Robin asked in astonishment: "What's the use of this 'Buster Call'? Can it deal with Ron? Can it deal with our Sword and Rose Pirates? Ron defeated two people by himself before. A Marine Admiral, who also destroyed dozens of warships!"

Robin heard this and said: "Yes, this 'Buster Call' has no effect on us, but it cannot be underestimated, because, I...my hometown Ohara perished because of the 'Buster Call', and my mother He also died in that disaster!"

"Sorry! Robin!" Makino apologized: "We reminded you of something sad!"

"It's okay!" Robin forced a smile, with a trace of sadness hidden in his eyes.

After Ron put away his things, he headed towards the residence of the Governor of Water City.

At this time, Kalifa, who was in the chief minister's mansion, also received messages from several companions. When he heard that two of them failed to find Robin, but were almost killed by Ron, he couldn't help but cursed in a low voice: " Blueno and Nero, these two losers, really succeed more than they do!"

Kalifa glanced at the director's office, frowned, tangled her golden hair, pushed up the glasses on the bridge of her nose, and walked outside.

"Kalifa!" As soon as he went out, a man with a dove standing on his shoulder came over: "You already know the matter, right?"

"Yes, they informed me here. Those two guys are really stupid. Why don't you handle this matter yourself?" Kalifa frowned and said: "Robin is basically out of luck now. That Ron is here. There's no way we can take Robin away."

"Ron!" The man was silent for a moment: "I want to try to see if he is really that strong!"

"Lucci, are you crazy?" Kalifa stared at the man in front of him with wide eyes: "Don't you know his record? Neither Marine nor Admiral are opponents, so you want to fight him?"

"Oh, those trash in Marine are not only trash, but also Marine Admiral is trash!" Rob Lucci said disdainfully: "Forget it, we will discuss this matter later. I came to see you in person this time just to inform you. , We have to take action tonight. Pluton's matter cannot be delayed any longer. We have been lurking for five years, and it's time to understand!"

"Okay, I understand!" Kalifa nodded: "Are you going to meet Ace Baku?"

No, I will go see him in person tonight. Huh, the Pluton design drawings are definitely in this guy's hands. When I get the drawings, I will kill him immediately!" Rob Lucci said coldly.

"Okay!" Kalifa nodded, and then asked: "What about me? What should I do?"

"You go and join them first. Those guys are really useless!" Rob Lucci shook his head and said, "Go and tell them your plan of action!"


"Kalifa!" At this moment, the voice of Chief Ace Bagu, also known as Bingshan, came over.

Kalifa glanced at Rob Lucci, who nodded and said, "You go first!"

Kalifa came to Ace Bagu's office and asked: "Mr. Chief, what happened?"

"Just now, the guard of the mansion sent news that Ron, who arrived in our water capital yesterday, wants to see me!" Ace Bagu said with a solemn expression: "Go and pick them up. Although his reputation shocks the Grand Line, I As a government official, I still can't put down my reputation to greet him, after all, he is a pirate!"

"I understand!" Kalifa's heart moved. Ron came to see Ace Baku at this time. Will this affect our plan?

々Remember to be polite, although he is a pirate, he has not done anything to us in the Water City now, and his strength is very powerful, we cannot neglect him!" Ace Bagu ordered.

Okay, I understand!" Kalifa nodded and retreated.

When Kalifa went out, she found that Rob Lucci was gone. He must have left: "That guy left so fast. I still want to tell him about this."

I hope it won't be affected!"

When Kalifa came to the gate of the mansion, she first saw Ron surrounded by a group of beautiful girls.

Ron also turned around and looked at Kalifa. She is indeed a beautiful person!

"Hello, are you Mr. Ron?" Kalifa walked over, nodded politely towards the girls (Wang Nuo's), and then said to Ron: "Mr. Chief, let me take you up!"

"Let's go!" Ron nodded. Now that the girls are around him, he can't stare at other people's beauties and ruin his glorious image, can he?

Sure enough, when Nami and the others saw that Ron was not staring at such a voluptuous beauty like Kalifa, they immediately cast a look of praise. As a result, Ron straightened his waist even more.

When we arrived at Ace Bagu's office, Ace Bagu had already welcomed Ron out. After all, Ron's status was extraordinary. Even if he kept his identity and did not go downstairs to greet him, it was still appropriate to welcome him out the door.

"Mr. Ron, welcome to the Water City!" Ace Baku looked at Ron with a smile and then looked at the girls: "Welcome to all beautiful ladies too!"