
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 122 The Treasure Is Obtained! Celestial Dragons' Golden Pistol!

The eyes of these strong men flickered. Although it looked like they were surrounding others, the actual situation was that a person on the opposite side surrounded them all. They were panicking in their hearts!

"What, what should we do now?" A strong man asked tremblingly.

"I, how did I know!" Another strong man was sweating profusely.

"How about we run away?" A strong man holding an ax wiped his sweat and suggested cautiously.

"What a great idea!" The others' eyes lit up and they moved to prepare to escape.

Bang bang bang. . .

Three more gunshots were fired in a row, and three people fell to the ground. These were the three people who wanted to escape first, including the strong man with an ax who suggested running away.

Ron blew smoke from the muzzle of his pistol and said calmly: "I will kill anyone who dares to run away!"

"Wow, have mercy on me!" A strong man couldn't help the pressure and quickly knelt down and kowtowed to beg for mercy.

"Please, please forgive me, sir. We, we did this because we listened to the leader's words. Please let us go!" Others knelt down and begged for mercy.

Even pirates who lick blood from their swords will be frightened out of their courage when they encounter a life crisis, not to mention they are just a small pirate group.

Ron glanced at them: "Take me to where your pirate ship is and get money to redeem your life. If you don't have the money, I will kill you all!"

Listening to Ron's cold tone, all the strong men shuddered and immediately nodded wildly: "Okay, okay, no problem, we have money, we have money on board, we will definitely hand over all the treasures to you, I just ask you." Can you give us a way out!"

"Done!" Ron turned around and looked at the girls.

The girls all smiled.

Nami said: "Fortunately you came in time, otherwise, if they hurt Kaya and Miss Golden Week, I don't know how to explain to you!"

"Hmph, they want to hurt me, it's impossible!" Miss Golden Week said proudly, raising her head.

"But they will hurt Kaya!" Nami clicked Miss Golden Week's forehead and said, "Kaya is just a ship doctor, she has no power!"

"Oh!" Miss Golden Week glanced at Kaya and nodded: "I will find a way to protect sister Kaya!"

"Thank you!" Kaya looked at Miss Golden Week gently and said gratefully.

"You're welcome!" Miss Golden Week also showed a smile on her lips. Although she has never been good at expressing her feelings, it can be seen that she is very happy now.

"I'm sorry!" Vivi and Tashigi came to Ron and said with some embarrassment: "The two of us were a little careless, and they took the opportunity to take Kaya and the others as hostages. . .

"It's okay, two sisters!" Kaya saw the guilty looks on the two people's faces, immediately walked over, took their hands and said: "At that time, you still had to take care of sister Nami and Abis, there were so many people. You definitely couldn't take care of it, and I was a little frightened at the time, so it's my fault that I couldn't hide behind you in time!"

"Haha, please stop apologizing!" Ron said with a smile: "There are so many people on the other side. It's really no fault of you two. Please pay more attention in the future! With the strength of the two of you, if you really have to go all out, no matter what, they There is no way we can hold on for long, you two are just too soft-hearted, so you gave each other an opportunity!"

The actual situation must be like this. With Tashigi's current strength as a kendo master, even if the opponent's leader is a master of spear skills, there is no way to defeat Tashigi. Plus, with Vivi, a person with good attack power, they will be caught by the opponent. Staying with Kaya and Miss during Golden Week, they must have been merciful at that time.

"Yeah!" Both girls bowed their heads and admitted their mistakes, saying that they would never be merciful next time, otherwise it would be too late to say anything else if they really hurt other girls.

"Then, the next step is to carry the treasure!" Ron turned to look at Nami: "This is your favorite thing. Let's go there together. You have to count how much money you have!"

"Don't worry!" As soon as he mentioned the treasure, Nami's eyes suddenly lit up: "I will definitely move all their treasures, let's go!"

A group of people, led by Ron, escorted a dozen strong men towards the dock of Gaya Island, and came to a medium-sized pirate ship. Under Ron's threat, the dozen or so men The strong man had no choice but to move out all the treasures in the cabin.

Nami's eyes were shining with gold as he began to count the treasures. After counting, he exclaimed in surprise: "There are so many treasures here. The treasures here are worth at least 50 million beli! Oh my god, we are rich!"

"Fifty million Baileys!" Vivi also sighed: "With such a large amount of money, it seems they have done a lot of bad things!"

"Now, we have done something good. Ron killed their leader, and we took away the treasures. I think they may break up in the future, right?" Nuoqi said with a smile.

When Ron heard this, he smiled, turned to the remaining pirates of this pirate group and said: "You will disband in the future. Don't let me see you on the sea again, otherwise, I will kill you all!"

As he finished speaking, Ron touched the long knife on his waist. With a flash of light, the pirate ship on the pier burst into pieces and was actually cut in half by his knife.

When the dozen or so strong men who were lucky enough to escape with their lives saw this, they were so frightened that they all went limp and collapsed on the ground. They stared blankly at the slowly sinking pirate ship, their minds completely blank.

They, what kind of enemy did they provoke?

Ron led the girls to carry the five boxes of looted treasure back to the Meili, and then had to hold his nose and continue shopping with the girls.

Alas! I still can't escape the fate of shopping!

"Brother Ron, this pistol is very nice!" Next to Ron, Kaya has been holding Ron's arm. She feels that she feels safest only when she is around Ron. Seeing a golden pistol in Ron's hand, she thought Get up, isn't this the pistol of the leader of the Sea Ghost Pirates?

"This is the pistol of the guy just now. Although that guy is not very good and his marksmanship is very rubbish, this pistol is indeed a good thing. Haha, I will keep it temporarily and play with it as a toy. !" Ron said with a smile while playing with the pistol in his hand.

He felt that the opponent's marksmanship might only be over ten levels at most. To a large extent, the opponent's marksmanship bonus came from this pistol. The value of this pistol was definitely no worse than the Third Generation Kitotsu on Ron's waist. Even higher, the technology and craftsmanship on this pistol is no exaggeration to say it is the best in the world.

Does that guy dare to be so arrogant? His confidence is definitely this pistol!

Robin walked up to Ron, looked at the pistol, was silent for a moment, seemed to be thinking about something, and then said: ".々I really want to be familiar with the patterns on this pistol!"

"Eh? Sister Robin, do you know the origin of this pistol?" Kaya asked curiously.

"Captain Ron is a swordsman. He should know that in this world, the grades of famous swords are strictly divided!" Robin said: "Although the classification of firearms is not so strict, there are still some famous firearms circulating in the world!"

"The pistol in Captain Ron's hand, judging from the pattern, seems to be produced by a very famous firearms factory owned by Celestial Dragons, and it is also a top-notch pistol produced in limited quantities. When you look at the pattern on the gun body, it has In the shape of a dragon, this represents (awesomely) a firearm that can only be worn by the Celestial Dragons, the nobles of the world, and it is very powerful." Robin pointed at the barrel of the golden pistol in Ron's hand and said.

Ron looked down and saw a dragon-shaped pattern. He couldn't help but smile: "It turns out to be the pistol worn by the Celestial Dragons. Those useless people have no combat effectiveness. They can only use this pistol to increase their attack power. However, it seems that they always have it around them." Protected by experts, right?"

"The Celestial Dragons carry pistols, not for safety!" Robin said silently: "The pistols they carry are basically used to execute slaves! As Captain Ron said, there is no need to worry about their safety at all, World government and Marine experts They are always protected. If anyone dares to attack the Celestial Dragons, they will be attacked by experts from the World Government and Marine Admiral at any time. In fact, every Celestial Dragons is surrounded by the most powerful secret department of the World Government. :cp0's protection account!"

"Haha..." Ron smiled lightly: "They are just some trash. Let's not mention them for now. Don't disturb our shopping fun. I hope no Celestial Dragons will bother me in the future, otherwise... I don't care what cp0 is. ,What the hell, San Admiral!"