
Beginning: One Hundred Billions Skill Poins

Marioher6872 · อื่นๆ
210 Chs

Chapter 120 Gaya Island And Sky Island! Girls In Danger? The Pirate Group Is Looking For Death!

On Gaya Island, in a restaurant, Ron and a large group of girls were sitting around the table in front of a large table. While serving the food, the waiter watched in horror as Ron ate and drank.

Sharing her expression was Nami.

Nami watched Ron eating and drinking like crazy, took a deep breath and said, "Ron, my dear captain, did you promise me to eat less on the ship just now?"

Ron looked at Nami speechlessly: "Dear Nami-chan, you can't really want to see me hungry, right?"

"The key is, can your stomach be full?" Nami asked with a twitch in the corner of her mouth.

"Well, it seems like it really can't be done!" Ron thought about it seriously and said.

"Then you still say that!" Nami yelled angrily, her angry look frightened a group of people including Ron.

"Oh, Sister Nami, just let Brother Ron eat as much as you want!" Kaya quickly persuaded.

"Brother Ron, I'll give this to you too!" Abis very obediently gave Ron a large piece of meat, "Six, seven, seven," in exchange for a compliment from Ron.

After a while, everyone finished their dinner and found a place to rest. The day was over.

The next day, the girls went shopping in groups, leaving Ron alone.

"Now, are they all gone?" Ron looked at the girls' backs and couldn't help but feel a little lonely.

But when I think about it more carefully, there is a reason why I was left behind!

Thinking about the time when he went shopping with them before, it was more tiring than fighting Hawkeye. So when he heard that the girls were going shopping early in the morning, Ron immediately shook his head and said that he had a disease. He was seriously ill and would die if he left home, so he refused the invitations of the girls and hid in the hotel.

But now, the girls have left, and Ron, who has nothing to do, has also walked out of the hotel. He wants to look around and find out how to get to Sky Island.

Sky Island is located just above Gaya Island. In the original plot, Luffy and others rode a stream of water rising from the sea to the Sky Island. He now has no flying ability. "If you want to go to Sky Island, you can only use This method.

The key is that he doesn't know the location of the soaring water now!

Ron walked for a long time before he came to the edge of the island. Based on the shape of the island, he calculated in his mind the approximate location of Sky Island and the approximate direction of the Sky Island holy land, so as to determine where the water flow on the seabed was. approximate location.

Walking all the way to the beach, looking at the ocean in the distance, he touched his chin and thought for a moment. If he guessed correctly, the underwater rapids that could carry the ship to the sky should be at the location of the ocean ahead.

After Ron calculated the right place, he was ready to turn around and leave.

At this moment, a man walked up not far away, a strong man with a weird onion-like hairstyle on his head.

Seeing this person, Ron couldn't help but think of the person Luffy met in the original plot. He should be this guy. This guy's ancestor was a person who set foot on the island where the Sky Island Holy Land was before he went to heaven. He was later killed by the king. He ordered people to be brought there, but the island was not found, so he was beheaded by the king. His own experience was even made into a fairy tale and passed down, and everyone regarded him as a typical liar to teach children.

However, Ron didn't want to have anything to do with this person, so he turned around and left.

The strong man watched Ron leave, scratched his head curiously, and said nothing.

Ron walked back to the hotel leisurely, but the girls hadn't come back yet.

"I don't know how much time these women spend shopping. One or two of them will spend that much time. If a large group of them went out today, they won't be able to come back before noon!" Ron thought boredly.

At this moment, Abis's voice suddenly sounded in his mind: "Brother Ron, come and save us, someone here wants to bully us!"

"Huh? Abis!" Ron's expression changed, knowing that this was Abis's ability after reaching the maximum level of Whispering Fruit, an ability to communicate with the mind: "What happened to you?"

Ron was not too worried, because among the girls were Tashigi and Vivi. He had upgraded the two skills of these two girls to the full level. Their combat power was definitely something that should not be underestimated. They could defeat them both. At the very least, they have to learn to exist at the Vice Admiral level of Marine Six Styles, or to attack at the Shichibukai level. Generally, unless the number of pirates reaches hundreds or thousands, they are no match for them.

"We, we met a group of pirates. When they saw the beautiful sisters, they came up to talk. One of them was kicked by Nami sister, and he was kicked to that place..." Abis said shyly: "Then A large group of them surrounded us!"

"Um... Ron wiped his sweat and held a second of silence for the person who was kicked in the balls by Nami: "Then what? Vivi and Tashigi are over there, they shouldn't be your opponents, right?"

"Sister Vivi and Sister Tashigi are very powerful. They are indeed no match, but some of them captured Miss Golden Week and Sister Kaya!" Abis said eagerly: "Sister Tashigi and Sister Vivi did not dare to act rashly. I'm afraid they'll hurt Miss Golden Week and Sister Kaya!"

"Oh? Don't worry, I'll come now. You can show me the direction now!" Ron raised his eyebrows and immediately sentenced this pirate group to death in his heart. He simply didn't want to live anymore if he dared to attack his own woman!

With Abis's navigation guidance, Ron shuttled through the streets like lightning, and soon came to a very busy commercial street. He also saw two people confronting each other in the center of the street, and there were people far away around him. People watching the battle...

The people also knew about the notorious pirate group on one side, and they didn't dare to get too close, so they could only watch from a distance.

In the center of the street, a large group of strong men armed with various weapons surrounded a group of beautiful young girls, laughing.

Behind the strong men, there were two men holding big knives. They put the knives against the necks of Miss Golden Week and Kaya, and said viciously to Vivi and Tashigi who were standing in front of the girls: "Stop it immediately, otherwise I will kill you now." Kill these two girls, don't think I dare not do it. If you don't believe me, go ask around and ask about the name of our Sea Ghost Pirates, hehe

"You bitch!" One of the thin young men who was protected by the strong men stared at Nami fiercely, with a trace of lust in his eyes that couldn't be concealed: "You dare to kick me in the balls, let's see if I don't beat you to death! "

"Bad guy!" Abis shouted at this time: "You wait, Brother Ron is here, he wants you to look good!"

"Abis, is Ron here?" Upon hearing this, Makino looked at Abis with joy in his eyes and asked.

"Well, brother Ron will be here soon!" Abis nodded and said, "I'll make them look good later, huh, how dare you bully us and even dare to scare Aunt Kaya and Mi57ss Golden Week with a knife!"

"It'll be great if that guy comes!"

Nami also breathed a sigh of relief. She was also very worried about Kaya and Miss Golden Week. Miss Golden Week was okay. Although she was holding a knife on her neck, she still had no big problem in escaping with her ability. But Kaya No, Kaya is the doctor on the ship and has almost no fighting ability, so she directly told Miss through Abis's spiritual channel not to act rashly during Golden Week for the time being, and told Tashigi and Vivi not to act, to stabilize each other first, and wait for Ron to come , then everything is no longer a problem!

Well, when the problem comes, it will be the other party!

Nami looked at the group of strong men opposite, with a strange look in his eyes. Ron seemed to have said before that if he had no money, he would hire a notorious pirate group to rob him. No, these guys in front of him didn't just come to his door. Are you coming?