
Begin Again In Marvel

Authors Preamble: This is my first novel so if you see anything wrong leave a comment so I can try to improve and/or fix it. My plans for updating this novel is hopefully everyday but I cannot guarantee that as I have a job and a life outside of this. I will try to have at least 1500-2000 words per chapter but I will focus on ending points so I don't just go on with a chapter for no reason. --------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a Rio who dies when he wasn't supposed to. The gods decide to give him 2 choices, Rio chooses the second which come with 5 wishes. This sends him outside his home Omniverse into somewhere. First stop will be a sort of tutorial world/Universe and then the main world/Universe which is the MCU with some differences. Rio will have the force, a modified gamer system, a Riolu egg and DNA lock. I will not be writing any explicit scenes but they will be implied by fade to black when the time comes for such a situation. I have not decided on if it will be harem or not, most likely not unless readers really want it. Though there will likely be 2 females in the relationship at least but I don't really see that as a harem. If you have any suggestions leave a comment.

DJMLucarionite · ภาพยนตร์
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194 Chs

Lunar Eclipse Part 1


It was almost 2 weeks after Tony had been kidnapped and I was sitting at home. Suddenly I felt something.

'Hmm, the Force is calling me.'

I was in a field and I saw a Lunar Eclipse. The area was cold an unnatural cold. I could feel my blood reacting to the moon as if it was scared. My hooves were shaking as if my body knew what this meant but my mind wasn't sure. I was confused and scared. Then I heard a voice that sounded familiar but distant. I couldn't tell who it was. It felt like I knew this voice from long ago. So very long ago.

???: "Rio, she is coming. You must not fail."

Rio: "Who? Who is she?"

???: "A Nightmare."

As the voice said that I felt my body being seized by a powerful magic. I was being pulled towards the moon. No matter how hard I tried to fly away nothing worked. As I approached the moon it transformed into an eye. I felt it look deeply at me and I was ejected from the vision. When I awoke I could see I was drenched in sweat and I was shaking as if I was suffering from Hypothermia.

'I am not sure who was warning me but I need to prepare for something. It will happen during a Total Lunar Eclipse. When is the next one?'

I quickly checked and saw it was in 2 days.


I called an emergency meeting. To start it, I teleported to Aura's Revenge. After everyone arrived, I explained my vision.

Qui Gon: "Visions can be misleading but I feel we can definitely see that something will happen during a Lunar Eclipse. We can't be certain when."

Ti: "As Master Qui-Gon has said we must be cautious with this vision. That being said something dangerous is coming and we must prepare for battle at once."

Tex: "But we cannot bring most of our forces to bear on Earth or else it will reveal ourselves."

Rio: "Then we need to take the possible battle elsewhere. We have to hope that the creature is focused on me. If they are then I might be able to draw them away from Earth and to another planet. I think Mars might be our best chance."

Sendak: "Ah, because that is built near Earth."

I nod.

Rio: "If we can lead them to Mars then we can use one of two plans. If they are too strong then we use plan A. Which will see fewer combatants but the combatants will be our strongest. I hate to trouble our mages but we will need you to make a fake dimensional attack on the barriers of Earth. Kamar Taj can't be trusted and I don't want them getting involved."

The mages nod.

Rio: "If they are not too strong then we will use Plan B which we see us drown them with legions of droids until they exhaust themselves. If that isn't enough then we move in to wear them down until we can either kill them or seal them if they can't be killed. If we are really desperate we will use Plan C. We stall them as long as we can while I think of a plan to stop them."

Everyone grimaces at that plan but they don't argue as they know it is the most likely chance of success based on the little info we have.

Orochimaru: "I hate to suggest this but if we are pushed are we willing to abandon Earth?"

I think hard and eventually come to a conclusion.

Rio: "Sigh. Yes if it truly becomes apparent we can't win we will retreat to Sanctuary where we should be completely safe. Worst-case scenario we can wish everyone back to life if the enemy just kills everyone on Earth."

Orochimaru: "And if they threaten Earth to get you to surrender to them?"

Rio: "I will try to think of a way out of the situation but if there is no recourse then I will not give in to their demands."

Orochimaru: "Very well."

Tex: "Then we should start preparing our defenses."

After that, we start discussing possible traps and ways to keep the enemy engaged.

2 Days Later...

(AN: Play Overlord - Ari...enai on YouTube for ambiance.)

I was standing in a field much like in my vision and I was looking up at the moon as the Lunar Eclipse began. I felt my blood chill. I felt magic stir and I could feel something was coming but I wasn't sure what. Streams of black and red energy beamed from the moon and started coalescing into a ball of orange fire that turned black. After it turned black it started swirling into a blue shimmering mist that reminded me of.

'Stars. Oh no, I think I know who this is and I have no idea how they got here.'

The starry blue sphere broke apart, and inside was an equine much larger than myself. When it manifested fully, the being started to laugh, and I knew I was dragged.

???: "Hahahahaha, Ah it is so good to be back in the flesh again."

'Think Rio think. How the heck do I deal with this.'

I used Observe.

[Name: Nightmare Moon

Race: Alicorn

Level: ?????

SP: ???/???

MP: ???/???

Nightmare Moon is an Alicorn that was once called Luna. She was removed from Luna by the Elements of Harmony but managed to survive. She has been gathering power to return to the physical realm. Her main goal is to bring about Eternal Night and that all lesser beings worship her. Her current feelings about you is interested. The chance of killing her is 0%. Suggestion: Run! ]


[Quest Issued Survive]

I realize I am royally skrelped and had to make a new plan quickly.

NM: "I have watched you for some time young one. I must admit when I first saw you I believed I was hallucinating. A male Alicorn! I thought it was impossible. I watched you fight the nightmares of the lesser creatures. I saw how you grew. Now you don't need to worry. You aren't alone anymore. I have much to teach you."

Rio: "It's nice to meet you. My name is Rio Magus Crepusculum. I have heard much of the great Nightmare Moon. May I ask why you have come here?"

NM: "It's obvious. I am here for you. As an Alicorn, you are meant for greater things. Not playing games with these hairless monkeys and their flawed society. I have seen what they think and dream. They are disgusting creatures that will only bring you down and waste your infinite time. That being said they can taught how to behave with their betters."

'That doesn't sound good.'

Rio: "I see. May I ask what you intend on doing?"

NM: "I will conquer this world and bring order to these beings. They will learn to worship us and then we will expand our reach to the greater universe. Of course, you will serve as my prince as fate clearly allowed us to cross paths. After all, we can't debase ourselves by intermingling with those creatures. Thank goodness I got here so soon as I have seen some inferior insects have had thoughts of lust towards you and that cannot be allowed. They may worship us but vulgar thoughts are unacceptable. If what I have seen they have dared to touch you. I understand you were raised on this savage planet, but the lesser creatures must not touch you. But I am here to teach everything you need to know."

'The more she talks the worse this gets. Okay, maybe I can still try to talk with her.'

Rio: "Those lesser creatures are my friends. They are very nice I am sure if you take time to get to know them..."

NM: "Nonsense, it seems they have already poisoned your mind with their talks of friendship. We are eternal. We will live forever they are mere distractions from our duties. Even if you know them all it will hurt you when they pass. Why hurt yourself when you can keep them where they belong? Below us."

Rio: "Well I actually have a way to extend their lives indefinitely."

As I said that I felt my body freeze. As I felt an anger from her that made me realize I was talking with a very dangerous being.

NM: "Don't make me discipline you. You are young, not even a quarter-century old. I know best. Now come with me so we can start."

Rio: "Start what?"

NM: "Taking over the world obviously."

Rio: "Yeah, I don't think that is a good idea."

Nightmare Moon scowled at me and I was about ready to flee.

NM: "Go on, but be warned if I don't like what I hear I will be most displeased."

Rio: "Well you see, if we conquer the world in such a violent manner it will only breed discontent. They will constantly rise up against us. I am not saying not to conquer the world as I am already working towards that but doing so in that way will also attract attention from powerful beings. Some of which could possibly be too strong for us."

NM: "We are Alicorns if they wish to revolt we will exterminate them. Nothing these hairless monkeys have can possibly harm us and if they somehow killed us we would simply re-manifest later. As for the powerful beings you refer to they are no threat to me. I will protect you from them. Any who stand in our way will be slaughtered. If this is because of your feelings for the mortals then give up. You can only protect them by joining me."

I was going to regret asking this question but I had to ask it.

Rio: "And if I oppose you?"

NM: "Then you would be a fool and I would punish you. A few millennia as a slave should fix any ideas of not serving your race as you should."

Rio: "I see. Sigh. I don't want to fight you but I can't let you do what you plan on doing."

NM: "I do not wish to fight you either. But if you stand in my way I assure you I will have to hurt you until you stop fighting."

I put the Omnitrix on my arm and prepared for a fight.

Rio: "I see."

I put my hooves to my forehead.



NM: "ARGGGGHH! You will regret that!"

I teleport to Mars and create 2 Wood Clones. They nod and leave while I prepare to fight and stall for as long as I can.

'Akatosh, Harmony, Anubis, divines please guard me. I just have to hold on for some time.'


Authors Note:

This has been what I have building up to since Chapter 5 or so. Mind you this is not all of it but just a piece of it. I will be blunt Rio stands no chance against Nightmare Moon. Like in any category other than versatility. But don't worry Rio has a plan. Probably. Maybe. Tough to say it will work. Until next time Ciao.