
Begin Again In Marvel

Authors Preamble: This is my first novel so if you see anything wrong leave a comment so I can try to improve and/or fix it. My plans for updating this novel is hopefully everyday but I cannot guarantee that as I have a job and a life outside of this. I will try to have at least 1500-2000 words per chapter but I will focus on ending points so I don't just go on with a chapter for no reason. --------------------------------------------------------- This is a story about a Rio who dies when he wasn't supposed to. The gods decide to give him 2 choices, Rio chooses the second which come with 5 wishes. This sends him outside his home Omniverse into somewhere. First stop will be a sort of tutorial world/Universe and then the main world/Universe which is the MCU with some differences. Rio will have the force, a modified gamer system, a Riolu egg and DNA lock. I will not be writing any explicit scenes but they will be implied by fade to black when the time comes for such a situation. I have not decided on if it will be harem or not, most likely not unless readers really want it. Though there will likely be 2 females in the relationship at least but I don't really see that as a harem. If you have any suggestions leave a comment.

DJMLucarionite · ภาพยนตร์
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195 Chs

Heaven's New Path

After a few hours, Serana and her mother join me in the main hall.

Rio: "Did you two catch up already?"

Serana: "For the most part, we didn't have much to say, as for both of us, very little time has passed since we saw each other."

Rio: "I see, now have you decided what you are going to do now?"

Serana: "I figured I should join you. I have nowhere better to go and this pocket dimension won't last for much longer."

Rio: "Sure I don't mind you joining me. Is your mother joining as well?"

Valerica: "Yes, I will join you as well. I would like to know what we will be doing."

Rio: "Well I have a couple of options for you. I can cure you of your Vampirism and then give you immortality or you can stay Vampires but you will be placed under the command of a Vampire of higher power than you."

Valerica: "You can make us immortal?"

Rio: "Yeah, I have a few ways to do that."

Serana: "I think I would like to be cured. If I still live forever then I would gladly sever my connection with Molag."

Valerica: "I would usually never consider it but I think being connected to Molag Bal is not a good thing when Oblivion is so separated from this realm. So I am willing to be cured."

Rio: "Perfect then follow me to your lab and I will cure you then give you immortality."

We walk into the lab and I cast a spell to weaken the Vampirism then use the Song of Storms and Lugia's Song to dispel the Vampirism Curse. Once that was done I had them drink to potion made from the Philosopher's Stone.

Serana: "Woah, this is what it feels like to be normal? I had forgotten how it feels not to have that constant hunger or the deadened emotions. Everything feels so real again."

Valerica: "I agree, I now see what I had been missing. I no longer feel that constant presence of Molags touch. I feel free and clean since before I can even remember. Thank you, Rio. I can't thank you enough for not only killing my ex-husband but also for curing us."

Rio: "You are both welcome. Now I suggest you take everything you want from this castle as it will be destroyed and scrapped soon. I will leave my clone here to take you to your new homes. We will get you 2 new identities and some jobs. I have to go talk to the Angels as they will want to know what happened."

I leave and enter the Heavenly Realm to meet with Celeste. Once I get inside I feel less than 20 Angels are left in this Realm. I get to Celeste's office and knock.

Celeste: "Come in."

Rio: "I have come to talk as we successfully killed the Vampires."

Celeste: "That is great news but I know that none of the Angels survived. Uriel's soul has returned here to hopefully reincarnate again. I assume you can already tell there are very few Angels left."

Rio: "Yes, I noticed. I am curious what will be Heaven's next goal. Hell is gone, Vampires are gone, Dark Mages are very rare these days, and the dark creatures are basically extinct."

Celeste: "First we will replenish our numbers. That will likely take many years as only high karma people can be reincarnated as Angels and not all of them agree to be reincarnated. After that, we will likely target a new dimension to attack Most likely the Dark Dimension, and if not that then maybe the Chaos Dimension."

Rio: "I see. Are you not going to team up with Kamar-Taj to fight the Dark Dimension?"

Celeste scoffs.

Celeste: "Please like we would help the current Sorcerer Supreme. She is lucky we haven't gone to purge her. She would never help us as she has become tainted by the Dark Dimension. If it wasn't for Uriel I would have ordered an attack on her so a new Sorcerer Supreme could take over. She should be ashamed of herself for tainting her predecessor's legacy."

Rio: "A fair point. I agree what she is doing is foolish and she should have just selected a successor but I suppose a good candidate hasn't been found yet."

Celeste: "Sigh. That is the main reason we haven't done anything as we know that the Sorcerer Supreme position can't just go to anyone. Uriel has spoken at length with the Ancient One and she has sworn that as soon as she can get a successor she will give up her position. That and we would suffer too many casualties trying to kill her as she has the Time Stone."

Rio: "Is Heaven not going to use any of the Infinity Stones?"

Celeste: "Uriel is the only one who could use one and since we are from another Realm or Dimension depending on your perspective the stones are most of the time useless. As they only work in the Universe they were created in and Dimensions count as outside. Otherwise, the Hell Lords would have taken the Stones eons ago."

Rio: "That was all I needed to know. I also just want to thank you and Heaven as a whole for your assistance in purging the Vampire threat."

Celeste: "Thank you for giving us the chance to do so. That and without you, we wouldn't have known the seal was going to break and further, we wouldn't have been able to kill Harkon. At least not without a very high cost."

I shook Celeste's hand and I left Heaven. I went home to check on the progress of scrapping and if I needed to be made aware of anything. As soon as I get back I check on Chrysalis. I see she was playing a game with Team RWBY who I hired to be her babysitter.

Ruby: "Hahaha, I am the queen of the castle!"

Chrysalis: "My knight defeat the usurper!"

Blake: "Yes, Your Highness."

Blake jumps at Ruby but is blocked by Yang.

Yang: "Not so fast kitty! I will protect my sister from you!"

Chrysalis: "Lady Schnee, I call upon you to defend the crown."

Weiss: "Do I really have to wear this? It's embarrassing!"

I look and see Weiss in a white cat costume. I pinch the bridge of my nose as I know for a fact Yang convinced Chrysalis to make Weiss wear that. She seems to make at least not lewd and instead makes Weiss look like Blake if Blake had white hair.

Chrysalis: "You have to wear it. It makes you match Knight Blake. My kingdom must look pretty or else I would be ashamed to show myself to the other royals."

Chrysalis points to a corner where I see a pile of rocks, a bucket of yams, a dust bunny, and a bag of flour.

'Are those who I think they are? I am kind of scared to know how she came up with that very specific group of objects.'

Yang: "Yeah Lady Schnee, you can't look unprofessional in front of the royals."

Weiss: "I will get you back for this Yang! Blake leave Yang to me, you defeat that false monarch."

Ruby: "Hey! Who u calling a false Monarch!"

Blake uses her Semblance to avoid Yang while Weiss uses hers to rocket towards Yang. Yang tries to dodge but fails and is launched around like a pinball. I see Blake try to grab Ruby but Ruby uses her Semblance to run away and come back with a spray bottle. Blake hisses and jumps away from Ruby as she starts spraying her.

Ruby: "MUHAHAHAHAHA! I am unstoppable!"

I decide to sneak up behind Ruby and hit her in the head with a newspaper.

Rio: "Bad, Bad Ruby. No soup for you!"

Ruby: "AHHH! How did you sneak up behind me?"

Rio: "It matters not. You should join Chrysalis's side we have cookies."

Ruby: "I will never fall to your evil cookies. I am a huntress like my mother before me. I am not scared of you."

Ruby pulls out a broom from somewhere and gets into a fighting stance.

Rio: "Then you will die braver than most."

We begin dueling. I have a newspaper I am fortifying with Aura and she is using a broom. Everyone stops their fighting to see our duel. I eventually disarm Ruby and she falls over.

Ruby: "Noooo! I have been defeated. Belgh, I am dying."

Yang: "Noooo! Don't die on me, Ruby. You have so much to live for."


Chrysalis: "Oh the cookies are done."

Before Chrysalis finishes her sentence Ruby has vanished and left behind many rose petals leading to the kitchen. We all start laughing.

Rio: "Hahaha, I guess the cookies revived her from the brink of death. Now let's go have some cookies."

I pick up Chrysalis and walk to the kitchen.

Rio: "Oh and all of you are going to clean up the mess you made before leaving today."


Authors Note:

A shorter chapter today. The next chapter will be a Halloween Party. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and until next time Ciao.