

Theresa is a teenage girl who has been through a lot but things will change after she meet Katelyn

Oribhabor_Ese · วัยรุ่น
12 Chs

Chapter 3

It's finally Friday. I'll be going to Katelyn's house for the weekend. This is going to so much fun!

I pack up my cutest outfits, getting ready for the weekend of my life

"Sophia I'm done packing, Katelyn will be coming to pick me any moment from now" I say as I run down the stairs with my backpack.

"Okay kiddo. Make sure you have fun"

"That's the whole point of the weekend" I roll my eyes.

I heard a car in our driveway. I looked outside and saw it was Katelyn. I hugged Sophia goodbye and hoped into Katelyn's car and the she drove off.

"I'm going to your house for the first time, I feel so nervous" I say to Katelyn as she takes a turn into a very huge house. Katelyn drives through her gate and the compound looks so heavenly. There is a garden and a fountain, it's very beautiful and big. I walk into the house and the interior design is so perfect.

I walk into the living room and though I'm speechless i manage to utter a few words, "You live here alone??"

"Yes and I get lonely sometimes that was why I decided to get a job at the supermarket. My parents are only here like once in three months so I technically live alone" She says as she walks me to her room upstairs where we'll both stay. She helps me unpack my things.

"We need to take a shower" she says

"Why? We were in the car the whole time.. I'm so tired to shower" I jump on the bed and take of my shoes.

Katelyn pulls me up from the bed "That's the point. You're tired, we need to shower to become active again"

I roll my eyes and say, "arghhh whatever"

Her room is really big so she doesn't have to leave the room so I can undress. I take off my clothes and go into the bathroom and her bathroom looks like one of those in movies about billionaire Asians

I lay in the bath tub for a few minutes then Katelyn walk into the bathroom with a towel wrapped around her naked body

"Close your eyes" Katelyn commands

I look at her with a really confused expression, "why?"

"Because I want to take my towel off" Katelyn says as she cuts a flossing string from the roll

"Firstly, are you flossing mid-afternoon" I pause for a few seconds "secondly, you want to get in the bath tub with me?" I complete my question sentence

Katelyn walks closer to me, "firstly, yes and secondly.." she takes off her towel and enters the bath tub with me "yes"

I roll my eyes and we both burst into laughter.

"I feel different when I'm with you. You're like the one friend I never had" I say while looking into her beautiful eyes

"Awwwwwn" she hugs me

"Ewww get your naked body off me" I push her away and laugh

"I hate you!!" She screams

"I sure hate you too" I smile at her

We spent time in the bathroom talking then we left and watched a movie and when the day ended, we got some sleep.




It's Saturday morning, I wake up and see Katelyn is still sleeping. Being with her makes me feel good. I've only known her for 10 days and it feels like she's a big part of my life.

I do a quick morning stretch and walk to the bathroom to brush my teeth. "Good morning" I hear a voice behind me. I turn around and see it's Katelyn.

"Good morning" I say while brushing my teeth

She sits on the bathroom counter and gives me a creepy smile. I could tell from her expression that she wanted to say something.

"Soooooooo, I heard Saturdays are for partying" Katelyn says. Expected.

"Oh really?" I raise an eyebrow and turn around,walking out of the bathroom. She follows me, "yes really" she turns me around to face her.

"So you want us to go to a party today?" I ask

"Yes I do" she says

"I didn't bring a dress for partying" I say like I'm interested, though I don't want to go.

"Then we'll go shopping" Katelyn sound really persistent about going for this party

I do not want to go to a party, I hate parties. It's just filled with a lot of high school and college junkies but I'm here to have fun so I guess I can give it a try. "Yay! Shopping and partying today" I say with so much excitement.

We both head downstairs for breakfast

"What's your favorite meal of the day?" Katelyn asks

"Breakfast" I say

"Why breakfast?"

"I don't know. It's the only meal I get to actually eat wel with a smile on my face"

"Okay I'm confused, please explain" Katelyn says looking confused as she said.

"Okay you know when you wake up, eating breakfast is the next thing you do and it's right before anyone or your thoughts spoil your day" I say as I pour cereal into a bowl

"Okay right right.." Katelyn pauses for a second to pour her cereal into a bowl then continues "people always think the pretty and rich girl is always happy" Katelyn says

"Hey! I know you're not perfect either but we have each other and I'll always be here for you and you'll always be here for me" I move closer to her "so what do you say we skip breakfast and go shopping" I pull her up from her chair.

"Wait we haven't even showered yet" Katelyn says

"Well who cares" I say laughing while rubbing upstairs to put on my crocs. Katelyn runs after me and puts on her slippers. We slept in sweatpants and t shirt so it was okay to go to the mall like that. We weren't looking so off.

We got to the mall after a 10 minutes drive and Katelyn picked out dresses for me to try on.

"One I love this dress for you" Katelyn says as she turns around with a dress in her hand.

"You sure? It looks so—"

"Shhhhh. You need a break from sweatpants, t-shirts, hoodie, baggie shorts" Katelyn says, handing over the dress to me.

"Okay ma'am" I go into the change in room and Katelyn is standing outside waiting for me

"So who's throwing the party we're going to" I ask with a quite loud voice so she can hear me from outside.

"A friend of mine. He's a charmer" Katelyn said and she talked more and more about him and she also talked about her high school crush for what seemed like 5 minutes while I was struggling to put the dress on.

My phone rings, it's Sophia

"Hi Sophia"

"Hey how are you doing kiddo?"

"I'm alright

"Okay I was just calling to check on you"

"Okay I'm fine, everything's good. I'm going to a party tonight with Katelyn

"Okay kiddo have fun"

"Yeah thanks bye" I hang up

"So who was that?"katelyn asks.

"That was my sister, she was calling to check on me"

"Oh yeah cool"

"Why didn't you go to college" I ask

"No reason. I'm just gonna take over the family business when the time is right" Katelyn says

"Oh wow" I say

"Okay so since we're asking questions, I want to ask a few get-to-know-you better questions" Katelyn says

"Okay. You'll ask questions, I'll reply" I say

"Whats your favorite color?"


"What's your favoriting high school subject?"


"How old are you?" She asks and releases a chuckle

"I'm 16 dude you know that" I say

"Okay when is your birthday"

"In two weeks, the 24th of this month" I say

"Damn we're definitely going to celebrate it" Katelyn screams

"When is your birthday?" I ask

"I'm 17, turning 18 December" Katelyn says

"I thought you were 18 already!" I say sounding shocked

"Well now you know I'm not and girlll you've been in there for like 20 minutes aren't you done?" Katelyn says

"I'm done, was just enjoying our conversation" I laugh

I come out of the dressing room. "Damn! you look so friggin' beautiful" Katelyn says.

"So this is the one?" I ask looking at my self in a mirror

"Yasss!!!" She screams

We shopped for some other clothes, Katelyn paid for everything and we went back to her house.