

Theresa is a teenage girl who has been through a lot but things will change after she meet Katelyn

Oribhabor_Ese · Teen
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12 Chs

Chapter 2

Katelyn pulls the brake of her car "here we are"

I get out of the car slowly and the place, it's beautiful. It's a beautiful garden with a lake.

"I've been living in this town for years and I've never been to this place" I say as I walk down to the lake and sit in front of it. Kate follows me and sits by my side

"I come to this place anytime I feel sad, you know..I'm not perfect either" Katelyn moves closer to me and holds my hand "Talking to someone at least would help. You can talk to me"

She's literally the most beautiful girl I've ever seen

"Talk to me Theresa" Katelyn says with a very calming voice

"Okay uhm... In school, everything is just messed up. Guys use me for my money and dump me when it's convenient for them and it makes me feel like I'm worthless. A girl I called my best friend spread rumors about me sleeping with her boyfriend because I said no when she asked to come on a family vacation with me because apparently I 'ruined' her reputation because she had already told all her followers she was going on a vacation. Everyone started calling me a slut. Guys touch my breasts and ass in the crowded hallways. And I feel sad 90% of the times. Like no one is there for me" I cry out to Katelyn

"What about your family?" Katelyn wonders

"Well, my family... it's just me, my parents and my older sister Sophia. Sophia is sweet but we're not all that close and she's 6 years and I feel like my parents don't care about me. They just throw money at everything not realizing money is not what I want, I want their love and affection and I get consistent mood swings and feel sad for nothing" I say

"Oh my...Theresa I'm really sorry about school and your parents" Katelyn says, squeezing my arms. I smile at her

"Okay c'mon, no more crying, let's go for a swim and wash away our sorrows" Katelyn laughs

I wipe my tears "Yeah let's swim!!!" I take off my clothes as Katelyn take hers off.

We jumped into the lake.

Katelyn laughs out loud, "fuck high school,fuck your patents"

"Yes! Fuck everything" I scream and give Katelyn a hug




It's 4pm already, how did time go so fast.

"Wanna grab some food?" Katelyn asks as she puts on her clothes

"Yes sure"

"After a drive, we arrived at the most famous local restaurant in town

I put the most delicious food I've ever tasted in my mouth, "mhmmm the food tastes great"

"I can cook better" Katelyn contradicts

I raise an eyebrow, "oh really?"

"Yes really, you should come by my house some times this week" Katelyn says

"Okay what about Thursday?" I ask

"No, I have a full shift on Thursday.. what about Saturday? Or you should come over for the weekend...please" Katelyn pleads

"I'll try"

"Thankss!!" Katelyn gives me a hug

I then tell her I have to go home.

She dropped me off at home and I headed upstairs - ignoring Sophia calling out to me - and laid in bed, thinking about my day.

After a lot of thinking, I fell asleep

How's tomorrow going to be like?






"Wake up!!!" Sophia shouts holding a tray of food in front of my bed

"What are you doing in my room this early?" I ask

"I thought I'd surprise you with breakfast in bed with your favorite—" I look into the tray and see it's pancakes

"Oh my...pancakes!!!!" I jump out of bed immediately, taking the tray out of Sophia's hands, "thank you"

"Anything or my little sis. Theresa you know you can talk to me about anything?" Sophia asks with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, everything is fine"

"You sure?" Sophia asks

"Yes thanks"

She leaves the room, leaving me with my tray of food

After I finish eating, I take off my clothes, leaving my body naked. I stand in front of the mirror, looking at my body and all my scars, I hate what I see. I enter the bathroom and turn in the tap to fill the bathtub as I brush my teeth. After brushing, I put my left leg into the tub of cold water and I could feeling the cold passing through my insides like electricity. I put in my second leg and lay in the bathtub then I turn on the heater and the shower, letting the hot water pour against my skin as I'm in the cold tub.

After the basically 'cold and hot' bath, I dress myself I. A Jean short and tank top and wore my house slippers. I walk downstairs to check on Sophia. My parents are barely home.

"Hey Sophia" I say walking towards her.

"Yes kiddo?" She says, winking at me. She knows I hate it when she calls me kiddo but I just ignore her. Sophia and I are not really close.

"Was just checking on you. In fact, I think I want to watch a little tv" I sit down and turn the tv in and start switching channels. All these shows are new to me. I can't recall the last time I sat in the couch with a blanket over me and some popcorn to watch a tv show.

"Theresa do you want to talk about the other day" Sophia asks

"What day?" I ask, showing no interest in what she's saying

"the day you stormed out of the house saying all those things you said"

I look at her confused, thinking of the day that happened because I have literally had many bad days.

"Oh that day, no I'm fine. I was just overreacting to some shi—"

Sophia cute me off, "You know the rules about swearing in this house"

"Okay whatever. I met someone" I say

"Oh my. Tell me about him" Sophia says

"Her" I correct Sophia

"Okay tel me about HER"

" She's beautiful, she has long brunette hair. Hey eyes reminds me of the ocean. Her skin glows like the sun and is very soft. Her voice is like that of a princess from a Disney fairytale and the sound of her laughter lights up the whole room, with her perfect dentition. She's the most amazing person I've ever met....I guess, I don't know her really well yet" I say to Sophia while looking up at the ceiling. Picturing her as I describe her.

"Awwwn I just wish i have someone that'd describe me to someone the way you just did" Sophia says

"You have a boyfriend and I'm sure he described you to his best friends better than I just described her" I say and let out a chuckle

"Okay ma'am. She must be really amazing though. I hope she doesn't leave you like your other friends. Just be careful okay?" Sophia says with a caring voice.

"She won't and she invited me over to her house for the weekend. I don't know how to ask mom and dad if I can go over" I say to Sophia.

"Hmmm.. I gat you kiddo and beside, they'll be on a business trip this weekend and if they call I'd cover up for you" Sophia says with a smile.

Not like they'd even ask of me

"We should really spend more time talking like this" Sophia says

"Yeah we should" I say

After my conversation with Sophia ended, I called Katelyn and told her I'd be able make it