
Before Our Spring

One Shots about EXO's ff

NakedTato12 · ดนตรีและวงดนตรี
4 Chs

Ending Scene

Jun stared at the sky, an orange sky that gave warning of the end of the day, he was in a lodging located in a luxurious area in Hanói.

The handsome man was on a business trip there, he owned an art gallery in South Korea but usually traveled to buy new paintings by artists in Asia, he took care of business forgetting the works that were in his gallery; the art had been of no use to him since he was gone, Jun decided.

So he took a long sip of his Chilean wine and adjusted his suit, left the room and met the manager of several rappers from a certain very famous company in Vietnam, the manager was a robust man, with small eyes and great stature, with a bald head and several tattoos on his arms and neck. They sat at the table in the bar a few blocks from the lodge, talked for a while about Jun's stay in Hanói, and then went on to talk about the artist who would be performing.

"I want Chris to show up," said the manager and Jun felt his heart race and press against his rib cage.

"I see," was the only thing the young man could say, he took his glass of tequila and took a long drink, because his heart was really affected. "Does he know?"

"He himself asked me to appear at your event," the manager clarified and Jun began to feel uncomfortable. "Do you want another artist?" The manager asked when he saw Jun's reaction.

Jun really wanted to say that he wanted another rapper at Sunday's event but something in his heart was screaming at him not to, and the heart often wins. "No, leave it at that," Jun said while showing a smile that felt a bit forced.

"Do you want to meet Chris on Sunday morning?" The manager questioned and Jun nodded before even thinking about it. "Well, it's perfect."

The two men said goodbye and Jun went to his room in the lodging, he got very bored by loneliness and sat in the lodging room, there he was with the other guests, a couple of boys who seemed to be very sweet to each other , the highest called Ben and the lowest David. The other boy was called John, he was there for a work trip, apparently this was a very famous soft music singer in Korea since Jun was a big fan of him, John always made video calls to his wife and daughter at this time already Jun loved seeing the scene of that family.

"I got tickets to your event," David had said as he showed the tickets, he had three. "I think it's exciting."

"Owwww," says John looking at the amount after putting his cell phone in his jeans, he had talked to his family. "You bought one for me, right?"

"It came in the promotion," David excused himself as his cheeks flushed.

"Really?" Jun questioned with amusement, since he knew this was a lie. "I need to talk about this with my sales staff."

"Can you shut your mouth?" David asked as Ben started laughing at his boyfriend.

The young men talked for a long time on trivial topics, Ben told his romance story with David while the shorter one blushed countless times. John spoke proudly about his daughter and his lovely wife, who was a very important graphic designer in Seoul.


It was already Sunday morning, Jun was getting ready in a black suit and fixing his hair, he put his Rolex on his wrist and his Italian leather shoes sparkled with elegance, he left the expensive lodging and went by taxi to the restaurant where he was staying. meet with Chris.

Jun and Chris met in their university years, Chris was an exchange student with a pretty good Korean and excellent grades, Jun had been her assistant in the young man's early days so that he could be of help for the young man of Vietnamese ascent to mate in Korea. None of these young people counted on each one's feelings to grow in this way and on one spring night the never expected happened.

Jun had invited Chris to have drinks with some friends and between drinks, both boys got drunk, being vulnerable to not controlling their feelings for the other; Jun took Chris to his apartment since he didn't see it very convenient to take him to the university rooms, they both sat on the sofa and with their hearts beating and feelings on the surface, Jun approached Chris just a little because he wanted to.

Both men stared at each other, the tension grew with each heavy sigh and finally what they both yearned for happened, Chris brushed Jun's lips and this activated the need for more touch between the two, leading them to kiss that began gently but that then it was as strong as the blow of a hurricane.

After that night there were more kisses, caresses and sweet moments, but not everything lasts and in things of love, everything hurts; Chris returned to Vietnam and Jun was left with his broken heart, from this moment art became just a business for the young man.

Returning to this moment, Jun arrived at his destination, he entered the restaurant gracefully even though his heart was racing as he approached the table where Chris was.

Chris wore tight ripped jeans, a flowered shirt and his hair was dyed dark green, his skin was more tanned than when he lived in Korea and he looked more adult.

"Good morning, Mr. Christopher" Jun greeted with elegance, he extended his hand to Chris and he accepted it with a dazzling smile.

"Good morning, Jun" Chris greeted, then pointed to the chair in front of him and Jun sat on it.

"I would like to be brief regarding the event," Jun spoke, ignoring his annoyed heart. "The artists I represent want a lively atmosphere, they don't want guests to fall asleep in their stalls, they want an atmosphere of relaxation."

"They want a party," Chris clarifies and Jun nods his head, in all this time he has avoided each other's eyes because he knows that the less contact he has, it will be easier to cope, he doesn't want it to hurt again. "I can give that."

"Perfect," says Jun, the waitress arrives with some cups of coffee and reads the menu to them, but Jun refuses and stands up. "It was a pleasure meeting you."

As he leaves the restaurant, Chris follows him on his heels.

Chris feels annoyed by Jun's mechanical attitude, he had missed him for a long time and the moment he looked at him again, he knew that no matter how long it was, only he would be in his heart.

Chris and Jun knew that time did not heal everything, they had not yet been able to heal the wounds of separation and no matter how hard they tried with new loves, they had always known that they were each other's home.

"Can we talk?" Chris asked behind the man in a suit, who was waiting for his Uber to pick him up.

"Do you have any questions about today's event, Mister Christopher?" The question was heard pedantic, on top of which Jun hadn't had the decency to turn to look at Chris, but his emotions were now on the surface so being rude was better Jun decided "You can get the information from your manager."

"You are so ..." the words suspended in the wind, because Chris touched the bridge of his nose and then headed back to the restaurant.

Jun spent the whole day taking care of the event, he needed it since he was too anxious about meeting Chris in the morning, his heart was beating fast and his mind could only transport him to memories with Chris.

"An empty mind is the devil's office" Jun thought, realizing that if he paused for a moment, he would find himself thinking about Chris.

Maybe it was the tension of these days or the longing of his heart to see him again, but Jun irretrievably knew that he loved Chris, he loved him despite all the pain suffered when he left, so Jun was scared that he would return to him. hurt, that's why it had been this way, because he needed to protect himself.

"You're not a teenager anymore" the handsome man mentally scolded while frowning "You need to meet a pretty girl" Jun decided.

The night had covered the Hanói sky, Jun's event was running successfully, people were entertained, and Chris was doing an excellent job, when Chris's performance ended, the man began to socialize with the elite guests. while secretly observing Jun.

Chris thought that seeing Jun would do him good, because he needed to close this stage of his life, he was about to marry a beautiful model and move to the United States; that was his plan and he thought this was the healthiest thing to do.

He approached Jun when he saw him alone, staring at a painting.

"I'm getting married," Chris announced.

Jun's heart began to crumble as well as his emotional control, when he felt his eyes prick up and down and he counted to ten as he took in the sad news.

"Congratulations." Jun congratulated as he turned and gave Chris a light tap on the shoulder with a big smile. "I'm happy for you."

Chris looked at Jun for a while and then kissed his forehead, turned and left the event with his bodyguard and manager.

Jun seeing that everything was going well, decided to leave the event and go drink in a nearby bar.

Liquor was not the smartest solution to this pain, but it was the most effective at the moment, Jun was accompanied by John, who also drank with him, to the point where both men decided to go to the lodge to be able to drink more calmly.

Jun in the boarding room decided to undo the tie knot he had on his neck, dressed in an inelegant way and cried. The pain he felt was similar to the one he felt when his childhood puppy was lost and he could do nothing to get it back; now she had lost the love of his life and couldn't do anything to get him back and he understood why Chris did this, he introduced himself and tried to be close to him to give closure to this relationship without a future.

Jun felt that with each passing second, the pain increased a little more and that made his heart break more.

"You can get it back" spoke a drunk John "I also separated from the mother my daughter and now we are super good."

"He's getting married," Jun snorted, shaking his head, he felt like he was going to cry again just remembering it. "This sucks."

"I can't say much" John thinks, because he is aware that this situation is too complicated for advice like: Everything improves or Time heals everything " But at some point it will stop hurting, trust me."

Jun knew it would stop hurting eventually, but that didn't make it stop hurting now. Because he had lost him now and he was feeling so sad, so much so that he could make him beg but. What good is it to beg? Chris had already made a decision and Jun also made a decision, life was not fair but he knew that he gave what each person could bear.

A broken heart would eventually just be that, because anyway he would not be with Chris again even if he was not engaged, Jun knew that he would return to South Korea and that's it, but it hurt him to think of Chris with someone else.

Yes, it had been years but those are only numbers in the mind of a heart in love so he had the right to hurt him and that was fine, pain is something that would always be present.

So Chris ended with the little hope that there was and it was time for Jun too, because tomorrow when he returns to Korea, everything will be the same again and that was fine, he was used to losing and not winning.

So Jun decided that these would be the last tears for Chris, he would bury that love and hide the scar on his bruised heart. In the end, that's always what we do when our hearts are broken.