
Becoming The Strongest Original

Firefighter asked to be reincarnated in the originals and eventually becomes the strongest that even god fears him(It ain't Accurate) I'm chillin having fun

NyxPrimordium · ภาพยนตร์
9 Chs

Journey To Conquest

After today's training a messenger walked up to Eden and spoke " sir Nyx his highness has summoned you" I follow the messenger towards the castle we enter an the messenger is ordered to leave. " You summoned me my king" Eden says while kneeling I want to test you and your men I will send you to a village up north occupied by King Orc conquer this place in the name of Ares" "Yes your highness we will leave in two days. Eden walks out returning to his men.

"Attention! We have been entrusted by the king with a mission we will be leaving in two days, now my orders go prepare say your goodbyes to your wife and child and my last order Don't embarrass your brothers or me if you do I will kill you myself.

The men were excited "we finally got our first mission one ordered by the king himself" "Lets follow the commands orders an not embarrass ourselves" Yes lieutenant Gray the men say with a serious face.

That night the men prepared a month's worth of rations and before the men went to sleep that night they made love to there wives they were so loud you could hear moans from every corner of Sparta

The next day they set off on their journey they traversed thorough swampy terrain marched thorough rocks and slept on stone hunted wild beast and drank there blood for hydration we made it to the village while it was still day.

"Men light the arrows and aim for the houses" "yes sir" one of the bowman said the arrows release setting a house on fire screams come from the village thats "the signal men kill every one except the children no mercy"

We won by a landslide with no death and when we turned to Sparta I was promoted to general my once fifty men turned into one hundred Now "I got your next mission in a month that will give you time to train.

Meanwhile "Yo newbies don't miss up training or you well wish you were dead" can't be that bad" the newbie said back.

"that guy over there kai was fat so the general made him run for a whole week straight he was only aloud to stop once for 10 minutes to eat and drink he wanted to shit but his 10 minutes were up the general told him to shit himself now his nickname is stains That why the general is nicknamed the devil with a pretty face."

Thanks everyone sorry for bad spelling

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