
Becoming Normal Part 2, Far From Rest

ChuckBoy39 · วัยรุ่น
15 Chs

Unlocking The Truth

"Wait. Your . . . your LIYNG. My father is a honest man and he would never do such a thing to my mother", Penny said. "But i am your mother by blood", said Liv. "This doesn't make sense. My father was Tom and i lived there my whole life. How on earth was i on that helicopter with Nick. It doesn't add up. Then why would you sent men to hurt him", Said Penny. "Because after a long night of working, I came home to see that man with Zeta and i broke up with him", said Liv. "Then . . . What about Jen", Said Penny. "I found out that i was pregnant a few days after that and never told him", said Liv. "But why would he cheat on you", said Penny. "Never cared to ask. Anyway, I gave birth a few months later to twins that i think you know about", said Liv. "Me and London", said Penny. "But . . . I have so many questions. How did i end up with the Anders, how did i get separated from you and how did i become part of this so called five and why didn't you notice me", Penny said. I can't answer that said Liv. "Why", said Penny as it then struck her. Liz wasn't telling the truth somehow. She could feel that something was up and she just couldn't put her finger on it but she knew this wasn't true. Just then there was a loud knock on the door and then it came crashing down to Cyrus, Casey, Bailey, Cody and Luke that were ready for a battle. "Because were about to wipe the floor with you", said Cody." You give me back my sister you Wicked P****Y", said Cyrus. "Well Well. "If it isn't the little squad saving there dear old princess back from the evil queen", said Liv. "Shut your mouth and free her", said Cyrus. "Not in a million years", said Liv. "Well sorry to say Ms. evil lady, but were cutting that million into one zero", Casey said. "Very well. If its a fight you want . . . ITS A FIGHT YOU'LL GET", Liz said as just then guards then came and surrounded the group with no way out. "Well . . . like the jump man once said, Lets a go", Bailey said.