
Flying And Spying

Bailey flew up to a nearby balcony where she could enter easy-peasy she thought. But just as she was about to open the door when she saw a guard walking by. He barley saw Bailey outside but turned a blind eye. Bailey sighed in relief as she griped the door and pulled it only to be locked. "What the earth bread. Who locks a balcony door", Bailey said as she tried to open the door, she was making some noise. Enough noise to attract some unexpected visitors. More and more guards heard the sound coming from the third floor balcony and headed there in a instant. They unlocked the door and opened it to find no one in sight. They closed the door and went back to what they were doing before. The guards had done everything right . . . but they forgot one thing. They didn't lock one door in the building and that door was on a third floor balcony where Bailey was. She opened the door and sneaked into the room and tipped toed around. She then made it into Liv's office to find that Cyrus and Casey were there. "How did you guys get here so fast", said Bailey. "The guards here are terrible at there job", said Casey. Just then Cody and Luke Caught up with the rest of the gang. "Main the guards here put up a fight", said Cody. "They did", said Cyrus. "But now we need to find a way into Liv's office", Bailey said. "Why don't we open the door", said Casey. "That never works", said Cyrus. "Agreed", said Luke. Casey then pushed the door a little to find that it was unlocked. "I get points for that", said Casey. "Shut up and lets head in", said Cyrus.