

"So, you're telling me that you were a human evolver before becoming a dungeon boss?" Alicia wasn't making a good face right now. Not cute at all.

"Yes…. that's the third time you have asked now. I will say no more. You may be a guardian for the dungeon, but your strength is nothing to back it."

Alicia lowered her head; her pearly white skin had a shade of red from embarrassment.

"Choose a weapon; we have daggers, swords, and a bow and arrow too."

"I will use the bow for the time being," Alicia said while picking up the complete archery kit.

The archer of their group had come too prepared. He had about a hundred arrows with a stone tip, some in the bag while others in the quiver.

"Go to the 1st floor; I will mechanize the skeleton in such a way that they won't attack you. Kill them and bring them back again till you level up your archery skill. I will give you the authority to renew the skeletons after their death."

Kyl said while fiddling with his system. Alicia got the notification of the newfound authority and went downstairs with a big smile.

Kyle looked at her leaving with some concern.

'Can I even trust her? What if she kills me when I am not at my full strength? Gotta keep my distance for some time.'

Kyle was not a paranoid person, but now the situations were different; he was not human now and didn't know how Alicia was thinking of the situation inwardly.

The only thing left to grow was his hand; the whole arm was back. Kyle could even use the arm for attacking now.

With all the skeletons fighting each other, Kyle sat on the big chair of the boss room and used surveillance.

Alicia was not at all faring well; each of her arrows was hitting the wall or not going anywhere. Kyle had a good laugh for a while, seeing her clumsiness, but it turned boring after a while.

Level 2 Dungeon

Type- Skeleton Dungeon(can be changed after leveling the dungeon)

Dungeon Points- 98

Dungeons Raided- 1

Guardian- Alicia

+70 Mana





He clicked on the ranking button, making a new tab open.

'What the fuck?'

Kyle saw a list of dungeons with a number written on them; it was the ranking of the dungeon! He saw many names that he didn't know about.

He clicked on the 1st ranker, and the blue flames in his socket hole flickered violently.

There was no race or information written about the identity of the dungeon, but the dumbfounding thing was that it had 15 million creatures residing in it! With the dungeon level unknown. The only thing else written on the top was the owner's name, Erfolg.

Kyle saw at last that his dungeon's rank was in millions back right now.

'Well, what I know is that I am too damn weak.' He thought while looking at the level 2 skeletons fighting; the fights were now much more interesting since their experience was good.

Alicia came back after a few hours saying she needs food and water. Kyle had totally forgotten about it.

He bought some water for 2 DP and a chicken leg big enough for her to satiate her hunger.

1 Day Later…


Kyle shouted while wiggling the fingers of his left hand. Alicia laughed while looking at him because Kyle was jumping in happiness.

"Get ready! We will go raid a dungeon!" Kyle shouted in enthusiasm. The whole floor was silent with only Alicia clapping her hands in approval.



-Zombie Lair

Type- Easy

-Orcs lair

Type- Hard

-Necromancer's lair

Type- Extremely hard

-Lesser Demon's lair

Type- Extremely hard


He clicked on the dungeon of Zombies quickly opening a portal again. Alicia looked at it with wide eyes. A dungeon portal inside a dungeon?

"Giant 1, you will stay here and protect the dungeon."

"Everyone else, follow me!"

He dashed towards the portal in excitement, his life had become too damn boring. The other skeletons sprinted and vanished inside the portal.

Alicia took a deep breath and went inside while loading her bow.

Kyle after entering saw that he was on a narrow pavement, it seemed the dungeon was still the same. The only difference was that the walls had green patches on them with dried blood marks on the floor. kyle couldn't sense anything else but got to know one more thing.

"Ugh....it stinks!" Alicia exclaimed.

Kyle was envious, he didn't want to smell filth but there should be a choice, right?

He snorted and started moving straight, the skeletons followed closely with indifference.

It was not much time before they reached the first floor's fight.

Around 30 different skin-toned humanoid creatures were wandering mindlessly. These zombies were not at all same as each other. Some were tall while some were extremely short, some were bloated, and some were skinnier than a stick. Their skin looked rotten with chips of flesh coming out from everywhere.

"They are disgusting but what will they do to me? Ha! Eat my flesh! whatever, Alicia, show me your shooting skills."

Alicia came from the back to the front with her bow loaded already and the string stretched. She aimed toward the zombie hoard. It was really tough to miss when there were so many targets together in a place.


The arrow shot with good speed hitting a zombie in the gut. It looked at it for a while and then from where it came from. Suddenly, its eyes changed to that of hunger.

"RAAAAWRRRGG" It shouted and dashed towards Alicia seeing the only flesh in the surroundings.

"Shoot it," Kyle said with seriousness. He knew that people learned better in these kinds of situations.

Alicia had learned the skill book of lesser healing because she was scared of fighting head-on. But the situation changed when she got a chance. When her first shot hit the zombie, satisfaction on another level bloomed in her. She aimed again at the approaching zombie to kill it in one shot this time. The string stretched from her fingers and the arrow was facing the zombie's direction like a hungry predator.

Alicia didn't wait more and went for the kill.

