
Becoming Batman

Duke, a transmigrator is born in a different world quite similar to Earth. A world with superpowers. He gets dealt a bad hand with the powers he awakens which becomes a blessing in disguise as an AI chooses him as its host and promises that he would be the next dark knight. Will it really be that easy for Duke to become the new world's, Dark Knight?

SNaladi14 · สมัยใหม่
24 Chs

Crescent Wood Mansion

The days leading up to my arrival in Astro City were a whirlwind of preparations and finishing touches on my suit and gadgets. I had chosen the classic Arkham-inspired design for my cape and cowl, with subtle black and grey tones. The cape was not only for the classic look, but it also had additional features for protection and functionality.

Alfred had set up a network of underground spots throughout the city for quick and stealthy movement. These spots were carefully placed at crime hotspots, allowing me to travel without being detected.

As I made my way to Astro City, Alfred reminded me, "Are you sure you want to install echolocation in your cowl, Master Duke?"

"Yes, I believe it will be useful to have a sense of the environment when I'm on my rounds," I replied confidently.

"But I can also serve as your lookout," Alfred insisted.

"Your help will be invaluable, Alfred, but I need to be self-reliant as Batman," I explained.

As we arrived at Crescent Wood Mansion, I marveled at how the bustling and prosperous city hid its darker secrets at night. Alfred's reminder brought me back to reality, and I stepped out of the car to find a well-maintained mansion with the new name I had chosen.

Valerie Traversa, my new PA, greeted me professionally. I instantly liked her and asked her to call me Duke. She introduced me to the house staff, and I noticed Gawain Markey, the head butler, had a military background. After a brief chat, I assigned him the additional responsibility of overseeing the security team.

Once we were inside, I expressed my satisfaction with the mansion's appearance and had a brief chat with the staff. I then had a conversation with Ms. Traversa, discussing the office and my plans for the entertainment industry.

"I'm surprised you didn't want to visit the office before buying it, sir," she said, frowning slightly.

"I trust your judgment, Ms. Traversa. As my PA, I have to rely on your instincts," I replied.

The next day, we were going to discuss my business plan. I sensed some hesitation from her, and I reminded her that I needed her trust just as she needed mine.

As she left for her plans, Alfred informed me of an anomaly regarding Ms. Traversa's background. I decided not to jump to conclusions, as she might have her reasons.

The day finally arrived, and I felt a mix of excitement and fear. As I sat down for dinner, I contemplated the journey that lay ahead of me. Alfred, always the reassuring presence, asked me how I was feeling.

"Terrified, Alfred, absolutely terrified," I admitted.

"You have the skills and the determination, Master Duke. Trust in yourself, and you will succeed," Alfred assured me.

As the night fell over Astro City, I knew that I was about to embark on a journey that would define my purpose in this world. Crescent Wood Mansion, my new base, awaited the emergence of the Caped Crusader. The city's fate rested in my hands, and I was ready to become the hero it needed.

Hello again guys, Thanks for being patient. I have been having some struggle in putting this wholestory together in a way I envisioned in my mind. So please bare with me while i try to put out the best version of the story I can think of.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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