
Chapter 17 Unsealed Truth

What? Owen's father shouted

You said Ceciclia is still alive? How can a dead person be alive? That's not possible and you know that.

Ah, no, that can't be true, you can't use my brain this time. She is dead, and gone. That was even years back.

I've not yet woken up from the shock that my son has been sleeping with my wife, his mother, and now Ceciclia is still alive.

What have I done to deserve all this?

So you sleep with my wife, Owen? So you and your mum has been taking me as a fool, after everything I did for you, yet you decided to frustrate me, Lydia, Owen's father said pointing at his wife.

You're not even ashamed of yourself to open your legs for your own son, what an abominable act.

Dad stop all these things you are saying, you are just doing as if we're the first people to have this kind of enjoyment.

Let me ask you dad, it is bad to follow you and enjoy what you've been enjoying for years? Even before I was born, you have been enjoying it, so I can't be left alone, Owen said scratching his head.

You don't even have respect anymore, you now talk to me anyhow.

No fear again, why am I talking about you being fearful when you've eaten what was not meant for you, his father said.

How sure am I that even Owen is my biological son? Who knows, I could be childless all this years, maybe when the rightful time come, his biological father would also come for him.

I've actually been wasting my time all this years, I should have listened to my family not to marry Lydia and get married to another woman, my life wouldn't have been like this, he said raising his two hands up, and bringing them down, then shooking his head.

So Ceciclia is alive and my wife told me she is dead .

My daughter is dead, and that happened long time ago, mrs Lydia said.

Mrs Lydia, is high time you stopped telling lies and tell your family the real truth.

What would you gain in telling lies?

Even when you've seen everything has been exposed, yet you're still lying.

If I say you wouldn't make heaven, it would be like I really hate you and wants you to end up in hell fire, Caleb said in a low voice.

Ceciclia is alive, her father the soldier man took his daughter with him, you might ask where I'm getting all these informations from?

I got them from direct source, I have been on research for all these right from when Owen started misbehaving towards Lara, so I really wanted to find out the secrets guiding her marriage, I also told Lara that I would help her find out the underlying problem of her marriage. All these things happened after the soldier man noticed that Mrs Lydia Chris opens her legs for any man that crosses her part, the soldier man doesn't want his daughter to be corrupted by her mother and he also needed to be close to his daughter, so that was while he came and took his daughter with him, Caleb explained.

Then who was dead and crushed on during the accident? Owen's father asked his wife.

That's a very good question from you, Mr Anthony Chris, Owen said, but you should ask your wife, I think she should be in a better position to tell us which Ceciclia was crushed to death during the accident.

I'm really sorry for causing you guys pains, everything Caleb said was true, I have been a bad and evil woman, please forgive me.

Not just to forgive you, you should let us know what happened to Ceciclia during the fatal accident, Caleb said.

Caleb has been attacking them here and there, he doesn't wanna give them a chance to hid any secrets, he wants everything to be exposed. Caleb has been a good man, not minding that he is my boss, he does everything in his power to help me out, and still loved me, sooner, I'm going to return his love very well, I thought to myself.

The truth is that Ceciclia is not dead, she is still alive.

Her father came for her, he took her with him, Owen's mother said.

But you told me our daughter was dead, that she happened to be among the accident that took place years back.

You told me that on your way bringing her back from school, she requested for some chocolate crunchy, then you parked your car at the usual junction, which she normally buys the chocolate crunchy from, you gave her money to cross over to the other road side to buy to the chocolate crunchy, you waited for her to come back and join you in the car, so you could get going, but unfortunately, a car fell brake and caused a fatal accident, which took alot of lives.

You told me that the man that caused the accident was also injured and was taken to hospital with the other driver that collided with him.

You said our daughter was crushed to death, I didn't even see her dead body.

You said that you cannot forgive the man that caused the accident, I thought as much too, so we went to the hospital, I saw the man, and he was no other person than Lara's father.

I also went to see the other vehicle driver, but he refused to see us.

We agreed that we can't just loose our daughter like that, we said we must ask Lara's father to pay for causing the death of our beautiful and only daughter.

We brought up the decision that since Lara's father caused the death of our daughter, that he is going to hand over his daughter Lara to us, that we cannot stay daughterless.

We visited him in the hospital again, that was when we met his little daughter and his wife, she was their only child, and I felt pity for them.

We told him to sign a document with us, for causing our daughter's death, that he was going to hand over his daughter to us as our own.

But Lara's father insisted that we should let her grow up with her parents before taking her away from her family.

After listening to Mr and Mrs Wilson, I couldn't help it but to change my mind about the issue, but you my wife insisted that you cannot be daughterless while they would happy living with their own daughter.

I thought hard about it this time, and decided that if we take away his only child from him on his sick bed, that he might not be able to survive the shock of loosing his job, having accident and also loosing his daughter and only child.

And I told you that it was useless causing him more harm than good.

I marked that we should wait for Lara to grow up, then we can plan to get her married to our son, we wouldn't let her get married to another man. That way, we still have Lara Wilson as our own daughter.

Because she would definitely change her surname name to ours.

But we are going to follow her up.

That was how we monitored her, till she grew up, when we saw that she would soon start having intimate relationship with male friends, we planned with Lara's parents to change her in the same school with Owen, from there we can help them fall in love.

Then we can actually rush their marriage.

And the two families planned that Lara will never know about this, Owen's father said.

So how comes you're telling me that Ceciclla is still alive, and with the soldier man?

I'm sorry I lied to you, she is not dead, her biological father came to take her with him, so I didn't know how to relate the issue to you, then I hire a truck driver and paid him to caused an accident on that particular spot which she loves to buy her chocolate crunchy, I could tell you that I lost her in an fatal accident.

On that day, I waited for her biological father to pick her up, I shopped new clothes for her, while I left the old ones at home so that you wouldn't suspect anything.

After the soldier man took her with him and left, I called the truck man on phone and alerted him immediately, while I waited one side to make sure everything works out perfectly okay. The truck driver refused to let us see him in the hospital, it was all part of me and his plans.

I never knew Lara's father lost his job and was highly devastated, I never knew it was going to be like that, I was doing everything to cover up for Ceciclia's disappearance. I'm really sorry please forgive me, she said.

How can you do this to me and my family? My father shouted furiously.

So you used me and my family to get what you really wanted, huh?

I remembered saying I was going to yell at the truck driver for not going to driving school, before the accident occurred, and I couldn't yell at him anymore, my father said sadly.

I was about telling you guys that the accident made me to sign a document and married my daughter Lara to Owen.

This is actually a wicked act, I can't take it anymore, my mother said out of anger.

Imagine making me turn my back on my daughter and making her suffer in her marriage, this marriage will not continue, not anymore, my mother said.

Thanks heavens the truth has been unsealed, the actual reason I came down here, Mr Noble Stanley said.