
Chapter 16 Ceciclia is still alive

So I trained another man's daughter?

This is unbelievable!

How can you do this to me? Owen's father asked amidst tears.

Why did you decide to punish me Lydia?

And now Ceciclia is dead.

Hmm! Wonderful, so you cheated on your husband? And you still pretended to be innocent all these years? My mom asked.

How can you be so mean? My dad asked her. Even when I travelled for several years, my wife maintained her dignity, she never for one day cheated on me.

Well I'm surprised, I never knew she could do such, Gerald mumbled.

Even after Ceciclia's death, why didn't you tell your husband about it?

But how sure are you that she is not your husband's biological daughter? Did you do any DNA test? I asked.

No DNA test was conducted , but I'm sure she is not my husband's daughter, because I was one month gone already before my husband came back.

Do you have anything to say? I asked Owen.

I know you're doing all this to mock my mom and I, but I wouldn't let that happen.

I believe all this that has been said are all lies against my mom.

Mrs Lydia Chris, please I'm still waiting for my payment, and you know I can't leave here without my money the stranger said.

Now that you have made everyone know about our hidden secrets, do you still want me to pay you on something that is now opened? She asked the stranger.

I don't care, all I know is that you going to give me my complete payment before I leave here.

Please pay him, so he could leave us, Dena said to Owen's mother.

He makes increment for me every month, and the money is too much, so I cannot pay it anymore.

Mom, what do you mean you can't pay him his money anymore? Owen asked his mother in angry tone, you have the money please just settle him let him go.

Your father restricted me from having access to the money in our main account, and I don't have any reasonable money in my personal account, Lydia said to her son.

Dad why did you restrict mom from having access to the account.

Because she has been doing unnecessary spending and I want to monitor and control the flow of money in our account, because we are loosing alot.

But to be sincere, the soldier man and Owen's father should have gone to hospital with Ceciclia and conduct test before...

Owen's mother bursted in not letting Dena finish what she was trying to say.

Please no need for the test because Ceciclia is dead, Owen's mother said.

How sure are you that Ceciclia is dead? Caleb asked, peering directly to Mrs Lydia Chris.

Yes, she is dead, and I miss her so much, Owen's mother said, as she avoided having eye contact with Caleb

Maybe we should go and visit the soldier, so we could know why he slept with your wife and also got her pregnant, I commented.

No no, why should we visit him again? Do you want to bring up dead matters again? Owen's mother asked.

Since Mrs Lydia don't want to pay my money, I think I should say the other secret, before leaving her with the money, the stranger said.

Okay, just hold on, how much is your balance? Mrs Lydia asked the stranger.

For delay and everything you made me pass through, you're going to pay me for nine months, the stranger said.

Nine months? That's not possible, how can I pay you for nine months, while I'm just owing you for just five months.

Is never done, I mean who does that? She said with an angry tone.

Ohh, you still have time to bargain how much you're going to pay me, huh?

I want you to complete the money for nine months, reasons is because you cheated on your husband and carried the baby for nine months, before giving birth to her, and I kept quiet throughout the nine months, but I can't keep quiet anymore because my mouth has been scratching me since you refused to pay me.

Please I don't have that kind of money anymore, Mrs Lydia said, making an ugly face.

Then borrow from your son or husband, later on you can pay them, the stranger said.

What are you people even doing here? Caleb asked.

Mr stranger or whatever you called yourself, we are not paying you anything, just tell us the truth.

The stranger cleared his throat and began, I wasn't going to say this, but since it has gotten this way, and I'm not going to get paid, so I'm going to tell everything.

After Mrs Lydia gave birth to Ceciclia, she decided to still keep it from her husband, although I warned her to tell her husband about it at the early time in case the soldier man comes to take his child with him, so it wouldn't bring shock and troubles to her husband. She said no, that her husband would kick her out of the house.

So when Ceciclia grew up, the soldier would always visit Lydia and her daughter, but not at her husband's house.

She would always tell her husband that she is going on holiday to see her friends and to spend time with them.

Mr Chris never knew that all her holidays was at the soldier's house, she would go to his house, and spend some days,and even sleep with him till the holiday is over.

Ah, so all your travels to see your friends and family, were not true?

So you have been feeding me with lies, Lydia? I have been a big fool for believing everything that comes out from your mouth, her husband lamented with eyes filled with tears.

Dad, stop all these things you are saying, just know that mom cannot do such things, how can you allow this people to accuse mom?

Just shut up your mouth Owen, his father yelled at him. Ain't you ashamed to hear all the evil acts of your mother? His father said shouting. Ohh, are you also involved with your mom? Because you're taking side with her.

Whatever dad, whether I'm involved or not, it still doesn't change anything, she my mom, and all of you are just lying against her.

I think I'm going to call the police on you all for lying against my mom with no evidence, Owen said with a harsh voice.

What makes you think that we don't have evidence? Caleb asked.

Caleb just keep your mouth shut okay? You are not allowed to talk when families are discussing important issues, you don't have to put your dirty mouth into what does not concern you, because you ain't part of the family, moreover you don't know anything about marriage because you are not married yet, Owen said staring at Caleb.

Really? Don't you think I'm far more better than you are?

You are married, but you can't handle your marriage like a matured man would have done, you go around sleeping with girls here and there, then you come back home, become a beast and hit your wife.

Not just hitting her, you also rape your wife on your matrimonial bed each time she denies you of sex.

Tell me which man in his normal sense would do all these evil things and still call himself a real man?

Not just that, you joined your foolish mom to execute your evil plans.

What a shame!

Evil and cursed family!

Like mother like son!

How dare you talk to my son and wife like that?

Don't you have any fear? No respect for your elders, huh? Owen's father said standing up from the couch angrily.

Will you just sit down, you old fool. You are not ashamed of yourself to have this things as a wife and son, Caleb said pointing at Owen and his mother.

Don't you know that your wife is a public toilet?

Do you know how many men she has been sleeping with during your absence? Not just your absence, even in your presence.

Not just the soldier, even the stranger who claims to tell us the truth has been sleeping with your wife, your so called stupid son Owen or whatever you call him is also having affair with his own mother.

What an abomination, Gerald said with a shocked face.

He would always come back home pretending to visit his parents, and he would end up going to his mother's room and taking her out for shopping, then lodging in a hotel and coming back later, and sometimes even sleep with his mom under the same roof, and you just take it as a mother and son's cordial relationship. Well I have all the evidence it needs and takes to get them arrested.

Okay, let me help the stranger and complete his story because I just exposed his sins right now, and I guess he is also speechless.

Your wife had a female child for the soldier, while she also had a male child for this stranger, added with the various abortions she had for your son, Owen.

Ohh you don't know that all these evil things are going on behind you?

Okay, if I'm lying let them say it so that everyone here would know that I'm lying.

The next is that Ceciclia is still alive, she isn't dead, Caleb said, nodding his head and peering at Mrs Lydia directly to the eyes.