
Beast Evolution

[WPC #288 - Silver prize winner!] Ray was more of an average guy in almost everything, whether it was appearance, in sports, or in school except for strength. Ray lost his parents in a car accident when he was little so he grew up in an orphanage. He had no friends and was always bullied in school cause he was skinny so he was an easy target. Then one day when he was running away from bullying he ended up in front of a truck that crushed him and he died. But his life didn't end there as he reincarnated in a fantasy world but as a beast. But with his bad luck, he was reincarnated as a low level beast with low stats, but he has a trump card, An evolution system that helps him in this new world. How will he evolve and become the strongest of All. ..... Author's note Mind you this is not harem, but a few explicit scenes late in the book. This is my first time writing so the early chapters are a little sluggish but it gets better, my English is not the strongest but please bear with me, I'm improving everyday. The cover is not mine I just found it online, so if the owner wants me to take it down, contact me. Check out my new book: MMORPG: Strongest Assassin Online.

Mhizta_Ray · แฟนตาซี
291 Chs

Chapter 2 System information

Ray's eyes widened as he saw what looked like a dragon.

"is is th... at a a a dragon?" Ray stuttered as he spoke.

At the feet of the dragon, three cute little dragon cubs were waiting with a hungry look, and Ray immediately knew the situation he was in. He was food for the dragon.

Ray stood there dumbfounded and couldn't move as the dragon turned and looked at him. Then, the giant dragon approached him, and Ray immediately ran at full speed toward anywhere he could find a way out.

The dragon didn't waste any energy as it flew and grabbed him in his claws.

'So this is how I am going to die again, the second time in a row, but this time it is not a truck but a real ass dragon, maybe this is all one terrible nightmare' Ray thought.

Ray closed his eyes, expecting to be crunched by the massive teeth of the dragon, but instead, it kept him down on the ground for the newly hatched dragon to feed on.

"What! even if I wanted to be killed, I prefer a fast, painless death, not to be slowly eaten alive by baby dragons."

As soon as the dragons came close to Ray, he jolted up and ran for the second time, but this time he was lucky enough to find a small hole in the wall.

The dragon flew after Ray and stretched his claws to grab him. 

'Shit, this hole is too small am not going to fit in,' Ray thought, then he looked back only to find the dragon coming toward him with full speed.

"I don't want to die!" Ray shouted as he flung himself toward the hole and was surprised to find out that it fit him perfectly, but one problem was he was stuck.

The dragon claw hit the wall as Ray was already in the hole, and the wall vibrated, causing Ray, who was stuck, to shoot out like a missile from a rocket launcher.


Ray shouted as he reached the ground. Ray fell on his head. And held his furry head.

"Shit, I forgot I am not even human anymore, but what am I? A little cat? No! I am taller and bigger than a cat" Ray touched his face and discovered that he had whiskers.

"Am I really a cat?" Ray asked himself as he looked around and noticed his surrounding. He was in a grass field, but there was a big difference, mountains were hanging in the air, and many beasts flew around.

Ray found a place to hide before he would be picked up as food again. 

'First, I need information about this place, then I will decide what to do next.'

Just when Ray settled on what he wanted to do, a light blue screen appeared in front of him, startling him. He glanced over the information that the screen provided.

Name: Ray

Race: Beast

Level: 1(0/100)

Evolution crystal: (0/10)

Health: 10/10

Stamina: 5/5

Mana: 5/5






Free attribute point(s):[3]

Free skill(s) point(s);[0]

Skill(s): None

Spell(s): None

"This looks like a game, and I'm still called Ray here," he thought he would be called the cat. Ray laughed but stopped when he remembered his situation.

Next was his race. He wasn't surprised to see beast. At least he now knows a little of what he is.

Then he saw his level and evolution, currently at level 1. So that means 0/100 is my exp point, but what about evolution crystal. 

"hmm, I will think about that later," Ray said.

Quickly reading through his stats, he noticed that none of the numbers were double digits outside his health. So, he could already tell that monster he reincarnated as was a weak one.

He continued down the stats and stopped at skills. 

"Wow, so this creature doesn't have any special skill. How will I survive in this world?" Ray scratched his head, then he saw mana,

'Wow, does that means I can have magic' Ray thought.

Seeing that he currently has 3 free stats points, he thought hard about what to upgrade but did not make a decision.

"I'll just hold onto this for the time being," he concluded.

He swiped the information showing before his eyes, and it vanished. He looked around for any weapon of any kind but found nothing, 

"I guess beasts don't use weapons," Ray thought.

He looked up to make sure no flying beast could come and pick him up and walked forward as he continued to look around, 

"Wow! this is almost dream-like. I wonder if there are any humans here," Ray wondered internally.

Ray walked absent-minded and admired his surrounding until he bumped into something, 

"Why do I keep hitting things?" Ray questioned himself as his eyes widened at what he saw.

At his front was what looked like a green goblin, 

'Shit, I'm in trouble now,' Ray thought. The weird green goblin turned around and faced him, 

"Don't be angry. That was a mistake," Ray said to the goblin as he moved backward.

The goblin was medium-sized, almost equal to Ray's height. The goblin picked its sword on the ground, got into a fighting position, and was ready to battle Ray.

"Shit, I'm going to be killed for real this time. I don't know how to fight. Then Ray remembered his system, and hope returned to his face.

"But I don't have any special skill to fight," Ray remembered and started to get ready to run.

[Quest Received: Defeat ordinary goblin]

[Reward: 20 Exp and New Skill(s)(Random)]

"What...20 Exp and new skills?" He was happy with the reward, but the task was not good, "so the system wants me to defeat this goblin? Okay, I will try."

The goblin charged toward Ray with two swords in his hands.

"Haaaa!" Ray shouted as if ready to battle the goblin. Then with his speed, he turned back and ran.

Unimpressed, the goblin didn't stop chasing him.

"Shit, why can't I outrun this creature" Ray had always known he was a good runner. In fact, that was how most of the time, he outran Steve and his friends.

Steve, Ray remembered what he did to him and immediately looked around for a stone or rock. He spotted one far in front of him and ran toward it.

Ray stopped where he picked the stone and used his left hand to pick some sand, 

"No one says I'm not allowed to fight dirty" Ray smirked.