
Beast Driven System

The modern age of human society had undergone an evolution that changed it forever. Mana had arrived on Earth, and with it, came a meteor shower that threatened to reduce humanity to nothing but rubble and debris. Earth's governments were thrown into chaos because of this, and many military units were deployed to protect the masses from what they could only assume to be the end of the world. Using the most advanced arsenal possessed by the various world military governments, the adverse effects of the meteor shower had been controlled to an incredible degree, protecting most of Earth's inhabitants from utter annihilation. There were countries that were destroyed, leaderships and citizens wiped from the face of the Earth. Reconstruction had to be done to bring the demolished landscapes back to their former glory. It seemed like everything had gone back to normal, however, that was far from the case. Months after the meteor shower incident, world renouned scientists dedicated their time to studying these strange crystalline meteorites. Years later, and something ground breaking had been discovered-abilities. These meteorites, they weren't actually meteorites, but crystals. Where they had come from was unknown and still being researched up till today. From the crystals came abilities that changed humanity forever. Those who could afford the crystals were fortuate enough to obtain strange powers from within. Fire, boulder, serpent, and many others. Many more years passed by, and more and more was being discovered about abilities and the crystals they came from. Everything seemed to be heading up after the phenomenon that nearly destroyed the Earth, but not everything was for the benefit of everyone. For many years, most were oblivious to the presence of abilities on Earth. It wasn't until an alien invasion occoured, that the information on abilities was made public. Strong ability users were needed to defend Earth against the Shales. The government, private and public corporations, and many others, they were all monetizing whatever crystals they could get their hands on, using it as a means of earning revenye from the populace. Those who were rich enough to purchase ability crystals could become ability users, while those who couldn't would simply remain as regular humans. Many rich families in the new world were able to obtain strong abilities for themselves and their children; the ones who would continue their lineage and glory once their parents are no more. In order to learn how to defend humanity from the invasion of the aliens, people from the ages of 16 were ordered to attend a military academy by the decree of the federal government of their respective countries. Failure to abide by this law was punishable by jail time. Kayden, a sixteen-year-old from a city known as Black Saber city. Having lost his parents at a very yoing age, he had to live with his single uncle and his cousin. Like many other teenagers his age, he desired to attend military school to learn how to fight against the Shales. However, being unable to afford an ability, his dreams of becoming powerful seemed like they would be crushed, but that all changed the day he had been given a system that allows him to unlock monsters by completing quests. On his path to evolve, he must face multiple challenges, complete quests and go on missions just to grow in strength. For in the current world, only the strong are regarded, while the weak are cast aside and forgotten. That was the general rule, the rule that governed everything that happened. From a crystal, came a power that changed his life. Now, he must do whatever it takes to save the people he loves and cares about. He must make sure that he doesn't loose the people he cares about once more.

Darkvirus_18 · แฟนตาซี
116 Chs

Some Help

The first beast-like monkey was now close enough for her to whacknut away with her fists. Covering both of them in her flames, she was ready to throw hands against these beasts. As the first one got close to her, she swung her fist out, hitting it right at the head, sending its body flying and hitting one of the other trees not too far away.

The next one had gotten too close, only to suffer the same fate as the first one. There were at least fifty monkey beasts attacking her from the trees, but with her power, she was able to defend herself fairly well against them. Not a single one of them had been able to attack her, and now, there were no more monkey beasts trying to attack her.

'These aren't the only things I have to worry about,' she thought, her gaze shifting towards the other trees in the forests. There were other kinds of creatures inhabiting them as well. There were large snakes, bat-like creatures, and even birds that looked at least bigger than the eagles from Earth.

These were the creatures she would have to face if she wished to at least make it out of this strange forest.

This time, instead of waiting for them to come to her, she pushed against her feet, jumping high into the air, landing safely onto one of the branches big enough to support her weight and more. On that single large branch, there were five large bird-like creatures which looked ready to rip her to shreds.

Without hesitation, she ran forward and swung her fists, hitting off one beast after another, ensuring that she applied enough force to Pierce through their skin, hitting their internal organs and drawing out blood. As the beasts hit the ground, they simply laid there, unmoving with no signs of getting back up anytime soon.

With the goal of killing every creature in sight, she eventually cleared the tree of any monsters, and instead if a moment of rest, the other beasts from other trees took notice of her presence, and they all rushed towards her at the same time, wanting to finish her off before she could kill anymore of them.

At least, they wanted to put up a fight for their survival, even if it would mean their inconsequential death as well.

It was a massacre as she killed every single one of them. And although it had taken quite a well, the air now reeked of blood, black blood, and the ground below was covered with a multitude of dead bodies, all having a single point on their bodies where they had been hit by her attacks, killing them in one blow.

Still standing on top of the tree branch, huffing and panting, once she had realized that each and everyone of the beasts in the area of the forest she was in had been killed, she deactivated her ability, before finding her way down the tree, landing safely on the ground.

Still following the clear path running through the forest, sheade it to a different area entirely. This time, there weren't many trees surrounding her, instead, they were now few and far between. But not just that, there were different beasts in this area, as well.

Somewhere in this new area, a river could be seen running from one part of the land to another. And even around the river, dozens of reptile-like beasts surrounded the running water, some drinking from it, while others simply just laid next to it, basking in the afternoon sun.

In the air, she noticed that the same bird-like creatures from the place she had just come from could be seen, circling the area around the river, in hopes of finding prey weak enough for them to pick up and devour from the beasts wandering below.

A path could still be seen leading further through this new terrain. After steeling her resolve, she walked into the more open land, and immediately, one if the crocodile kind of beasts rushed towards her, barring its sharp teeth at her as its mouth opened and shut repeatedly, creating a loud noise each and every time.

'I'm running low on Mana, but this shouldn't be a problem, right?' she asked herself, as the next moment, both her hands were covered with her flames. As the beast got closer, she swung out her fist, hitting it at the top of its snout, causing its body to halt in place.

However, after shrugging off the initial attack, the beast snapped its jaws, nealy getting Kayla in that attack if she hadn't moved out of the way.

'This might be troublesome,' she thought, landing on her feet as she readied for another attack.


Back in the academy, Kayden was thinking of how he would find his way out of the current situation. He knew very well that he had no shot at winning a fight against a second year student, at least not with the way he currently was. His best bet was to somehow find a way to outsmart the second year and think of a way out of this mess.

Delivering blow after blow, blood began to spew out of Kayden's mouth as the collective pain and force of the punches were making it hard for him to even concentrate at this point. He was being knocked back into the wall, where he would have no way of getting out.

"This is for embarrassing me!" Henry yelled, coating his fist in his flames, ready to deliver one final attack.

Instead of hitting Kayden, the attack had hit someone else. Opening his eyes, Kayden could see blonde hair covering his vision. And after the student opened his mouth to speak, his eyes went wide open in shock after finding out who this student was.

"What the heck are you doing here?" Paul asked, before deciding a punch of his own, despite knowing that it wouldn't do much against the second year student.

'Paul?' Kayden wondered, as he pushed off against the wall, now standing side by side with the student. 'But how?' he turned his head to look at the student. He wanted to say that he was just seeing things, but he was still certain that this was in fact Paul standing beside him.

Somehow, he had managed to come out of the coma he was in, and had come to help Kayden, now of all times.

"Hey! Why are Kayden and Paul fighting the teacher? Have they lost their minds?!"

"Maybe. Don't they know that they would get in trouble for disrespecting the teacher?!"

"Maybe they just don't care. It's kinda badass, if you ask me."

Still, despite the fact that there were now two students fighting against Henry Ven, Kayden still had a bad feeling that the both of them wouldn't be enough to take him out, remembering how the fight between him, Shawn, and Kayla had played out.

'I need to somehow get to the bottom of this if I want to complete this question!' Kayden reminded himself, as his eyes shifted towards the other students seated in the classroom. Looking at each and everyone of them, he quickly realized that Marcus Vonx wasn't in the classroom with the other students.

'Makes sense. He must be somewhere where people like me can't get to him. I have to get out of this class if I want to have any chance of finding him,' he thought, turning his head to look at Paul.

'Let me try something,' thinking this, he proceeded to channel some more of his Mana towards his vocal track, with the hope that it would allow him to speak clearly in his werewolf form. After feeling the energy around his neck rise, he opened his mouth to speak, and to his surprise, his voice came out clear and normal, as if he was in his human form.

"Paul, attack him!" Kayden yelled, pointing his finger out at the second year student.

Nodding his head in response, he ran towards Henry, not caring whether Kayden had a plan or not, and started throwing fists against the second year student.

Meanwhile, Kayden's eyes shifted towards the door, as he bolted out of the room, while Henry's back was turned, ensuring that the second year wouldn't see him exiting the room.

Now in the hallway, Kayden was thinking about what he might do next to help him complete this quest.

[Mark: Mark is a skill that allows you to place a target on a person. Depending on your feelings towards that person, the target can either be green, yellow, or red. The mark allows you to easily trace and hunt down your target, wherever they may be]

'This might be the only thing that can help me find him,' Kayden thought, as he began to wonder just how on Earth he would activate this skill of his.

[You have a strong desire to find and hunt down Marcus Vonx]

[A yellow Mark has been placed on him. Follow the mark placed to locate your target]

While reading the messages, a trail of yellow mist had appeared in the air, its trail leading to somewhere in the building.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

See you all in the next chapter.