
Beast Driven System

The modern age of human society had undergone an evolution that changed it forever. Mana had arrived on Earth, and with it, came a meteor shower that threatened to reduce humanity to nothing but rubble and debris. Earth's governments were thrown into chaos because of this, and many military units were deployed to protect the masses from what they could only assume to be the end of the world. Using the most advanced arsenal possessed by the various world military governments, the adverse effects of the meteor shower had been controlled to an incredible degree, protecting most of Earth's inhabitants from utter annihilation. There were countries that were destroyed, leaderships and citizens wiped from the face of the Earth. Reconstruction had to be done to bring the demolished landscapes back to their former glory. It seemed like everything had gone back to normal, however, that was far from the case. Months after the meteor shower incident, world renouned scientists dedicated their time to studying these strange crystalline meteorites. Years later, and something ground breaking had been discovered-abilities. These meteorites, they weren't actually meteorites, but crystals. Where they had come from was unknown and still being researched up till today. From the crystals came abilities that changed humanity forever. Those who could afford the crystals were fortuate enough to obtain strange powers from within. Fire, boulder, serpent, and many others. Many more years passed by, and more and more was being discovered about abilities and the crystals they came from. Everything seemed to be heading up after the phenomenon that nearly destroyed the Earth, but not everything was for the benefit of everyone. For many years, most were oblivious to the presence of abilities on Earth. It wasn't until an alien invasion occoured, that the information on abilities was made public. Strong ability users were needed to defend Earth against the Shales. The government, private and public corporations, and many others, they were all monetizing whatever crystals they could get their hands on, using it as a means of earning revenye from the populace. Those who were rich enough to purchase ability crystals could become ability users, while those who couldn't would simply remain as regular humans. Many rich families in the new world were able to obtain strong abilities for themselves and their children; the ones who would continue their lineage and glory once their parents are no more. In order to learn how to defend humanity from the invasion of the aliens, people from the ages of 16 were ordered to attend a military academy by the decree of the federal government of their respective countries. Failure to abide by this law was punishable by jail time. Kayden, a sixteen-year-old from a city known as Black Saber city. Having lost his parents at a very yoing age, he had to live with his single uncle and his cousin. Like many other teenagers his age, he desired to attend military school to learn how to fight against the Shales. However, being unable to afford an ability, his dreams of becoming powerful seemed like they would be crushed, but that all changed the day he had been given a system that allows him to unlock monsters by completing quests. On his path to evolve, he must face multiple challenges, complete quests and go on missions just to grow in strength. For in the current world, only the strong are regarded, while the weak are cast aside and forgotten. That was the general rule, the rule that governed everything that happened. From a crystal, came a power that changed his life. Now, he must do whatever it takes to save the people he loves and cares about. He must make sure that he doesn't loose the people he cares about once more.

Darkvirus_18 · แฟนตาซี
116 Chs

Securing A Win (Part 5)

"Hey, Stacy! Class will be starting soon! Hurry up!" A girl yelled, holding tightly a bunch of books in her hand as she hurried towards the classroom. Following closely behind her, Stacy was trying her best to keep up with the girl.

Ever since her brother had left for military school, the house hadn't been the same without him. The place seemed a lot more empty and quiet without him around since her father would spend most of his time at work. The only time the two of them would get to meet and catch up on things would be at night when he would come back home.

Despite that, they weren't able to talk about a lot of things, since he would usually be tired after a long day at work.

It was already after one in the afternoon, meaning that their second break for the day had ended, and they were supposed to be in class around this time. Yet, Maya, her friend, wanted to head to the a certain part of the school to catch up with her lover.

Stacy, wondering why they couldn't just meet up after school, decided to be a good friend and accompany her.

Once she was done, she and Stacy decided to head back to class soon after since the bell for the next class had already been rung.

Once they had made it back to class, they quickly took their seats, thankful that the teacher had yet to enter the classroom. As the girls talked about things, they soon realized that there was a certain topic that the other students wouldn't stop talking about.

"Hey, did you guys watch the news this morning?"

"C'mon, Darren, we all know what's been going on."

"Right! Apparently, there's a Shale in the city, and it's pretty much wrecked a large portion of it!"

"Thank goodness we're pretty much at the other end of the city. Imagine having to look at something so disgusting! Gross!"

"Is that really what's on your mind, Talia? Lots of people have been killed because of that thing! Think about that, at least!"

Listening in on what the other were talking about, even Stacy had to admit that what was going on was quite dangerous. Then, her thoughts shifted towards her brother.

'Kayden, I hope one day you'll be strong enough to protect dad and I. I don't want to ever have to fight against those disgusting creatures!' she screamed in her mind, her body reacting to just how she felt about those aliens.

Not long after, the teacher had stepped into the class, and the class began.


The final bell rang out, signaling the end of school for the day. The students were in a rush to get back home, and Stacy, along with her best friend, held each other's hand as they exited the school building.

"My dad! He was one of the people fighting against the Shale! He's dead! Dead!" A student yelled, continuously bashing his head against the side of a tree. As the students watched this bizarre scene unfold, a lot of them began pointing their fingers at the student, calling him all sorts of names.

Still, the student didn't care as he continued to bash his head against the side of the tree, and eventually, he had injured himself, blood dripping from his forehead and staining the stem of the tree. But, despite the bleeding and the pain, he wouldn't stop banging his head against the tree.

"Hey, everyone, look at me," a student said, rushing towards the same tree, standing directly opposite the other students."Aaahhh! My dad died! I don't know what to do!" The student repeated what the other student was saying, slightly tapping his head against the tree to mimic what the other student was doing.

Seeing this, the other students couldn't contain their laughter, some falling to the ground and holding onto their stomachs, not caring whether their uniforms got stained. Even the boy who was mimicking the upset student was struggling to keep a straight face at the situation.

'What a jerk,' Stacy thought, averting her gaze from the situation.

"Come on, Maya. Let's just-" right as she was about to finish that sentence, she realized that her friend was no longer stading beside her. Looking back at the other students, her heart began to beat rapidly as she quickly realized where her friend had walked off to.

"Hey, Kevin!" Maya yelled, storming towards him with an angry expression on her face. "What do you think you're doing?" She asked, getting right into his face while asking that question.

The other students standing beside him began to back away as soon as they saw her walking towards him.

"Babe, you don't understand. I was just-"

"You were just what?! Making fun of a student who lost his dad in the conflict?! Oh, is it because it wasn't one of your own family members who had died out there?!" She complained, raising her fists as though wanting to strike him.

"C'mon, babe. Just calm down," he said, with a gentle smile on his face.

"Hey! Never tell a woman to calm down!" She yelled, activating her ability the next moment, freezing him on the spot.

'Maya, what do you think you're doing?!' Stacy screamed in her mind, her legs shaking as she stood a couple meters away from her.

Looking around, she sounds realized that there were a couple students who were outside and crying non-stop. Of course, this was because a couple of them had parents who had died during the fight against the Shale. And even now, there were those, who parents would loose their lives soon enough if something wasn't done about it.

As the other students began to whisper to themselves after witnessing what had just taken place, the ice surrounding Kevin's body began to melt, revealing his eyes, which were glowing bright red, along with an infuriated look on his face.

"You'll pay for doing that," he said calmly. Raising his hand up, he had grabbed her arm, holding it tightly, not wanting to let go.

"Ahh! This is really getting interesting now."

"I know, right? Finally Maya will get what she deserves for taking Kevin away from us."

"Hah! I can't wait to see what he does to her. Do you guys think he'll kill her? I mean, her family's not that well off. Chances are that he wouldn't get in trouble for killing her."

"I hope so. I don't want my love to end up in prison simply because of that wen-" before she could finish her sentence, she felt a leg smash against her face, sending her body crashing against the floor.

"Say one more bad work about my friend. I dare you," Stacy said, narrowing her eyes as the girl.

"You…" the girl slowly got off the floor, her eyes beginning to glow bright orange. "Let's see you fight something you can't see!" She yelled, quickly delivering a punch to her face.

With her speed, she had the upper hand, being able to land punch after blow to the other student, eventually making her fall to her knees, coughing heavily as blood trucked down the side of her face.

"Come on, what happened to that arrogant brat who struck my face? Don't tell me that you're done now," she said, picking her up by the hair and raising her body up. "There's still a lot I want to do with you."


On his way to pick up his daughter from school, a lot of things were on his mind as Jake was doing his best to pay attention to the road ahead of him, not wanting to loose track and end up causing a car accident.

"Man, I need to be quick and get Stacy back home. My boss really wants me to finish that project before the end of today," he said, applying more pressure on the acceleration.

Finally, he had made it to the school, and got out of the car to go look for Stacy.

"That's strange. Normally, she would be out here waiting for me to come pick her up. I hope everything's okay," he said, walking through the school gates.

Looking up, the moment his eyes fell on his daughter, his hands quickly fell beside his body, his eyes wide in shock with his mouth left agape.

"Stacy!" He yelled, rushing towards her. "Unhabd my daughter!" He demanded, not giving it a second thought as he punched the student across the face. Despite the blow, the student seemed unfazed by it, as her eyes fell upon the man who had just struck her.

"So you're the father of this powerless bastard, huh?" She said, eyeing him up and down. "I guess the apple doesn't fall to far from the tree," she then threw her body towards him, causing both him and Stacy to fall against the ground as he was unprepared for the throw.


I hope you all enjoyed the chapter.

This is the second chapter I have posted today. Since I didn't post any chapters for this book yesterday, I have decided to post four chapters today.

Two more chapters left.