
Chapter 7: Dragon Fish Song God Competition

  After waking up, I washed my face and brushed my teeth. When I looked in the mirror, I noticed that the buzz cut I had gotten before had already grown long. Now I looked like a hedgehog or a sea urchin.

  I scratched my head, left my phone outside the bathroom, and closed the door.

  Suddenly, some early-rising fans started commenting in the danmu.

  "Certain streamer, going live, earning millions a month!"

  "Surprise! Certain man doing this after waking up!!!"

  After ten minutes, Gong Nanbei, feeling refreshed, walked out of the bathroom and greeted the audience in his live streaming room with his phone: "Good morning, everyone."

  The comments filled with "good morning" started flooding the danmu. Gong Nanbei yawned, put on his clothes, secured his phone on the stand on his shoulder, and began to pack his things as he still had a journey ahead of him.

  After finishing everything and paying the ten yuan for the accommodation, Gong Nanbei brought his cart to a breakfast eatery and bought ten buns. He ate them one by one, attracting the attention of many people!

  The breakfast shop owner, worried that he might choke, even specially brought him a bowl of porridge.

  After demolishing the ten buns in a matter of minutes, Gong Nanbei set off again with his cart.

  Because it was early in the morning, his live streaming room only had five to six thousand people. But this number quickly skyrocketed. Gong Nanbei glanced at it and felt that his room could break through the twenty thousand mark today!

  Just as he was talking to the audience in the live streaming room, a red exclamation mark appeared below the room. Gong Nanbei thought there might be a virus on his phone and was about to click on it, but then a chat window popped up with a message: "New gift, limited-time addition of concert tickets, seven days later! The streamer with the most concert tickets will become the Dragon Fish Song God of this competition!"

  Gong Nanbei was taken aback. Didn't they just finish talking about this last night? Was it starting so soon? This morning?

  The audience in the live streaming room also received a message: "Voting has started for the Dragon Fish Song God of this competition. Please vote for your supported streamer!"

  "Hey? We can vote for the Dragon Fish Song God? Quick, brothers and sisters! Support Gong Nanbei and get him to the top!"

  "One yuan per vote? So cheap? Let's use the breakfast money to vote first!"

  "Brothers, let's make Gong Ge the Song God in his first year of streaming! Charge! Show them the strength of our Gong Family Army!"

  Before Gong Nanbei had a chance to fully understand the rules of the event, his live streaming screen was already flooded with gifts, all concert tickets!

  Then Gong Nanbei saw a ranking below his profile picture.

  Dragon Fish Song God, 5,571st place!

  Dragon Fish Song God, 4,423rd place!

  Dragon Fish Song God, 2,958th place!

  The rankings quickly jumped up, at a speed unbelievable. In the time it took to catch a breath, his ranking could rise by seventy or eighty places!

  Gong Nanbei finally understood the rules. The Dragon Fish Song God competition lasted for seven days, and at 6 pm on the seventh day, the streamer with the most votes would be crowned the Song God of this event.

  The winner would receive an exclusive album produced by the Dragon Fish platform! The second and third place winners would be featured on the homepage for a week!

  Don't underestimate this featured spot, it can attract a lot of viewers for the streamer, and more viewers mean more gifts, which means more income!

  Previously, a manager from the Dragon Fish platform had approached Gong Nanbei, offering him this featured spot but he had to sign a five-year contract with the platform!

  Gong Nanbei refused because he planned to go to Hengdian to act. If he became a streamer, he would have to ensure a minimum of four hours of streaming per day.

  Having experienced the busy life of an actor in his past life, Gong Nanbei knew that if he didn't stream according to the contract, the penalty would leave him with nothing!

  Although Gong Nanbei was streaming on the Dragon Fish platform, he hadn't signed any contracts. So he didn't have a featured spot, and his share of the gifts was only 30%, while other signed popular streamers would get at least 50%.

  Gong Nanbei walked while pulling his cart and never took his eyes off the phone screen. Thankfully, this road was too remote, so there were no cars; otherwise, it would be dangerous!

  In just a short ten minutes, Gong Nanbei had already entered the top one hundred! Those in front and behind him were all popular streamers on the Dragon Fish platform! He had even watched the streams of some of them before.

  But those popular streamers were not just idling around. When Gong Nanbei reached one hundredth place, their progress slowed down, and they eventually stopped at eighty-first place!

  There were still many people encouraging others to vote. Gong Nanbei didn't pay too much attention to it for two reasons. First, the Dragon Fish platform wouldn't promote a streamer who hadn't signed a contract or produce an album for them.

  Second, the platform had many singing masters, some with even a hundred thousand viewers in their live streams. Gong Nanbei's live stream had just reached twenty thousand. How could he compete with them?

  So Gong Nanbei wasn't really concerned about it. He pulled his cart and continued walking on the road. Suddenly, he heard a series of meows.

  At first, he thought he misheard, but soon comments started appearing in the danmu: "Streamer, do you have a cat with you? Why can I hear meowing?"

  This confirmed Gong Nanbei's suspicion that there was indeed a cat with him!

  He had walked so far away from the village, there were no houses or shops nearby. How could a cat suddenly appear? Could this be fate?

  Gong Nanbei gently picked up the black cat. It was only about twenty centimeters in length, completely black from head to toe. The description fit it perfectly!

  This was a completely black cat without any patches of fur. When Gong Nanbei saw it, his heart melted instantly. He stretched out his hand cautiously, and the cat, unafraid, rubbed its head against Gong Nanbei's palm.

  Gong Nanbei smiled. He had been walking for so long, how could a cat suddenly appear in this remote place? Could it be fate?

  Gong Nanbei gently held the small cat in his arms and noticed that its left eye was blind, and there was some pus leaking from it. Gong Nanbei couldn't help but feel a pain in his heart!

  In both his past and present lives, Gong Nanbei loved small animals like cats and dogs.

  Seeing this one-eyed cat, his heart melted completely.

  The cat seemed scared after being picked up, meowing incessantly in Gong Nanbei's arms.

  Gong Nanbei abandoned the live stream for now. It was still cold outside, so he unzipped his windbreaker, placed the cat inside, and took out two sausages from his cart.

  The cat's mouth was too small, so Gong Nanbei had to chew the sausages into small pieces before feeding them to it.

  The scent of the sausages made the cat even more eager, meowing nonstop.

  Gong Nanbei couldn't rely on his compass this time. He had to take this little guy to the nearest pet hospital!