
Chapter 8: Captain

That evening, with his efforts, he arrived at a pet clinic in the county.

He spent a whole 1,000 Hua Xia Coins to have surgery for the little fellow, shaved its fur, gave it shots, and prescribed medication.

The little fellow couldn't keep its left eye, the doctor said. Its body was extremely weak. If he hadn't come early, with the outside weather, it would have frozen to death in another two or three days.

That evening, Gong Nanbei found a nearby hotel, bringing along the newly operated little cat with a bandage over its left eye.

To prevent it from scratching itself, he put an Elizabethan collar around its neck, making it look like a small trumpet.

The little fellow probably had been hungry for a long time, as it had a big appetite when it ate!

For adult cat food, this little fellow could finish one can in one go, and it still wanted to eat a handful of cat kibble. It kept eating until its little belly became round and swollen before it didn't want to continue.

Gong Nanbei was worried it would overeat and hurt its stomach, so he took away the cat food when it was almost time.

Because of this little cat, the live stream room exploded once again, with the barrage scrolling for the entire afternoon! Everyone was concerned about the little cat. Now that things had calmed down, they had started suggesting names for the little cat.

Fortunately, everyone also didn't forget to vote for him. And because of the little cat, he even gained a nickname with a loving touch.

His ranking also successfully went from 81 to 80.

Lying on the warm, king-sized bed in the hotel, a small black cat with an Elizabethan collar was leaning against the pillow.

This little fellow was very clingy. If it couldn't see Gong Nanbei for even a moment, it would meow incessantly. Gong Nanbei played with the little cat with one hand while holding his phone for live streaming with the other hand.

Now, almost all the barrage on the live streaming platform was voting for names for the little cat. The top three names with the loudest cheers were: Captain! The reason behind it was because it was a one-eyed little cat.

The second name was Coal Ball, the reason being self-explanatory.

The third name was Second Egg! Gong Nanbei really couldn't understand why they would give a little black cat such a name! When they took her to have surgery today, the doctor said she was a small female cat, so why name her Second Egg!!!

Finally, Gong Nanbei made the final decision and named it Captain!

"Men have it hard, sending live streamer Gong Nanbei, ten sets of tickets for the One Three One Four concert!"

"Men have it hard, sending live streamer Gong Nanbei, ten sets of tickets for the One Three One Four concert!"

"Men have it hard, sending live streamer Gong Nanbei, ten sets of tickets for the One Three One Four concert!"

Gong Nanbei was about to go to sleep when suddenly, this message was played three times in a row in the live stream room! One must know, concert tickets cost one Hua Xia Coin each!

And the maximum limit for gifts on the Dragon Fish platform was One Three One Four! Even if rounded up, one set was worth 1,000 yuan. That means it was worth 30,000 yuan!

"Men Brother is domineering!"

"Brothers, we can't let Men Brother charge forward alone! We have to take the lead too!"

"Charge forward! Go into the top ten!"

Suddenly, one ticket, ten tickets, one hundred tickets, of various denominations for the concert were displayed on the entire screen. Gong Nanbei's ranking also fluctuated once again, to 75, 70, 68, 60!

After more than ten minutes, Gong Nanbei's ranking had already reached the top fifty! In front and behind him were big live streamers with at least 30,000 viewers, such as the one in front of him, the so-called Little Sweetie, the Dragon Fish Sweet Song Princess, Xu Bi Luo.

She was an ambitious girl who had participated in several talent shows and was quite famous on the live streaming platform. With her cute appearance and sweet voice, she attracted many wealthy young men to donate gifts to her.

She had been live streaming all day, acting cute and selling her charm, struggling hard to make it into the top fifty, but now she was pushed out!

It wasn't just her, even many viewers from other live stream rooms were furious!

They called out to go see what kind of streamer this was, daring to snatch the ranking from their Bi Luo!

Upon entering the live stream room, they saw an unkempt face with a sickly looking cat lying next to it, with a bandage on its face.

Many people felt dissatisfied in their hearts! How could such a trash streamer compete for the title of song king? And he even managed to push their Bi Luo out?

So these people began to leave all sorts of insulting comments directly in Gong Nanbei's live stream room!

"What can this kind of garbage streamer do to compete with my Bi Luo?"

"How so? Putting a sickly cat by his side to play innocent?"

"Are the people who donate gifts to him all faggots?"

These people were organized and disciplined trolls. Many came, and the live stream room, which originally had 21,000 viewers, now had 25,000 viewers! In other words, in the blink of an eye, 4,000 trolls entered!

Gong Nanbei's live stream audience was not to be provoked, and they fought back directly!

"Just your old monster, still calling my Bi Luo a Princess? I think you're more like her stepmother!"

"My husband is also someone you all can critique? Internet trolls have nothing better to do!"

"A bunch of trash! Why don't you all die for a good cause?"

The battle between the two sides began like this. Gong Nanbei's live stream audience rushed to Xu Bi Luo's live stream room to insult people, and naturally, the other side wouldn't back down either and went to Gong Nanbei's live stream room to hurl insults.

Xu Bi Luo saw this and was delighted. This was like someone coming to give her a pillow to sleep on when she was tired!

Being cute and selling charm didn't work anymore. Those people who were enchanted by her and couldn't even afford bus fare for tomorrow were no longer valuable.

Now she had to play tragic! Make those wealthy young men in her live stream room feel sorry for her. It would be best if those wealthy young men in her live stream room and the wealthy men in the other person's live stream room would fight each other!

That way, she wouldn't have to worry about gifts anymore!

Thinking this, Xu Bi Luo actually cried in the live stream room: "Sniff sniff, why do you all say this about me? Have I done something wrong? Why are you all insulting me?"

Her crying exploded the entire live stream room! And then half the people left. Needless to say, they went to Gong Nanbei's live stream room to hurl insults!

Gong Nanbei's live stream room was already not as crowded, and now with no moderation or the ability to ban, the barrage was full of insults and nothing else could be seen!

Gong Nanbei's mood worsened as he saw this. Who wouldn't be unhappy if they saw nothing but insults in the comments? He couldn't help but become angry. These people came to his live stream room to insult people first!

Not responding only made them more ruthless!

Gong Nanbei propped himself up in bed and looked at the live streaming comments, saying, "I never even wanted to compete for Song King, but is it unreasonable for you all to come to my live stream room and insult me without saying anything?"

Gong Nanbei's words made the situation even more furious. The insults became even more severe!

"Just you, a piece of trash? You dare to compare yourself to my Bi Luo?"

"All of you have made my Bi Luo cry! Brothers! Can't let him off!"

"Looking so ugly, you still dare to live stream!"

Gong Nanbei's face grew increasingly grim. Fine, since you all say this, then I really have to fight for it!