
Battle Royal Lost Souls

When the game Lost Souls Battle Royal came out it was a hit. The idea was that as the player you would play in a match of 36 others. The player would preselected two weapons and abilities when they created their avatar and so much more. But when I kid dies he goes back to the past when the game first came out. He will become a legend of movement or the worst player ever. In this story we see how magic and technology mix in a battle royal where you create your own avatar.

The_Kings_Author · ไซไฟ
6 Chs

The clan war

I waited on the game for the clan war announcement between the ice rose guild and the Bone guild. When the notification went off players went nuts on bets but I walked to the ice rose guile's main base after being sent the invite. I had grinder the duels enough I was level ten now.




Class Skills- twenty percent speed boost when shot at or hit. Pistol weapons deal plus ten extra damage.


Air step-the user gains an extra step mid air.

Ice wall-create a en foot long wall of ice that black all damage. Wall is stopped by structures.

Class weakness's-twenty five less health,cannot trade with battle guards, cannot use snipers.


Sun Coin-1

Gold coin-950

Silver coin-0


Leader board rank #1

I had chosen my abilities finally after reaching level ten but I could gain more in the future. I can also partake in ranked matches. But I have something more important to do for now. I walk to a giant mansion with a metal fence and gate blocking me. Two people were on the other side as I got closer they turned to look at me more closely.

"Sorry kid your not in the guild. Only guild members allowed." They said.

I pull out the small electric pad that showed I had been requested here as they automatically spawn in one inventory. They looked at in shock but let me. I followed the path all the way to the mansions door and knocked. A npc maid met with me and took me to a room to wait.

I placed the mask of shadows on made myself to someone else.

Four people walked into the room as I sat on a couch. One of them looked at me like I was being rude. But in truth if not for me they would be killed out there. They each took a seat around the table as they looked at me. I was wearing a black suit with a dark blue tie. I had black leather gloves on seemed a like a true mafia boss from a show.

"I take it as your the night person everyone is talking about." The girl named Alexia said.

"Afraid he was unable to show up so as his superior I took it upon myself to do the job."I said calmly.

"We heard from Emilia that night worked for Kings trip and I'm guessing you do to." The guy named Mocking said.

"I am his higher up so yes I do." I say

"Not to be rude but who is this Kings grip."Alexia said.

"I can't say much about it because I don't have the clearance to do so. Sorry" I say.

"Of course it's understandable" she says.

"Okey to the point why are you here." Mocking says.

"The bone guild isn't a good friend of ours so we're simply teaching them a lesson. If you would have all your people stay here I will take matters from here."I say with all the authority I have.

"So you plan to fight all of the men. What level are you even." Alexia says.

"Level won't matter for this fight. But they have to learn somehow to obey my requirements." I say while drinking a cup of tea left here.

"Listen not to be rude but there over fifty of them in their base. So what's your plan."

I look to a girl who hasn't said a word still.

"Please hand me the sword of ice and bring the black box." I say with certainty.

She pulls the sword out and hands me the black box.

"Are seriously giving him those."Mocking say irritated.

"Stop complaining you can keep these weak item"I say while reading the words on the sword.

"Weak. That a third grade legendary weapon." He says angry.

I place the box on the table and tap it with the sword and flip the sword over.

"What's he doing" some whispered.

"Form ice to water as winter comes freeze to your original form. Take hold of what it mine. Take what is yours. Form the weapon you hide as said by the king." I say as the room turns cold.

The box explodes and a item lays on the table as I pick it up my screen gets covered with skills.


The Ring Of King Alfred.

Item rank-server owners rank.

Summon swords of ice to attack enemies.

Freeze the ground below your feet freezing enemies in place for five minutes in a mile radius.

Gain double so while wearing the ring.

All who are killed by the user of this ring lose all levels and skills.

Attacks with swords deal fifty extra damage.

Gain three hundred health while wearing this ring.

Speed is doubled while wearing the ring.

Allows access to the army of ice weapon stash.

Cannot use In the primary game modes.

Seeing this I grow happy and everyone wander what's going on.

"Thank you for helping my company to retrieve this item before someone less reliable got their hands on it." I say while standing leave.

"You walk in and leave like we're nothing you. No your not leaving until you explain." As it says this the rooms temperature drops.

"Sir you are nothing compared to me and the company. Sir Holster please sit down before this get out of hand." I say showing I know who he really is.

"How do you now who I am." He says shocked.

"My company keeps tabs on all player we plan to make meeting for." I say as five sword of ice form around me.

"Sir you have threatened me and the company so before I send you back to level one I will explain this." I say while raising the ring.

"That's not even possible." He say while everyone gets up.

"This item is a server owner item. There are only three in the game and yes it can ruin you." I say this while three sword of ice go through his chest. He falls to floor and turns to pixels.

"Please do not worry as none of you did anything wrong. I hope you know better than to try and contact us. But please we are, Will I am a reasonably person" I say this while walking away out the door.

View of Alexia


What is this man saying. It doesn't even make since.

The box exploded what is he doing. The sword is next to me. When did it get here.

Is he really going to just leave.

Mocking please just shut up.

What does he mean by server owner item. What the f**k his dead. Wait his dead and he was level nine. Who is this man who killed mocking.
