
the promise

Battle of freedom

Chapter 5 (The promise)


Nanny allison opened the door and walked in, "nanny allison" i said surprised, "I'm sorry about what your dad did to you in the evening" she consoled me laying her hands on my shoulder, "oh that, Don't be, it's my fault anyways" i said rubbing my eyes, "come on, dinner is ready, styler made shrimp noodles" she said, "ooh my favorite" i said smiling, "let's go" she said. I stopped her on her tracks, "nanny, may i ask something?" I asked and she nodded "do you have mum's phone number?"I asked, "no, but what if I told you that your dad speaks with your mum everyday through the phone"she whispered checking if someone heard what she said, "yet he pretends to hate her"i said, "not so loud"she whispered, "what if i told you I'd get your mum's number from your dad's phone no matter what it takes"she said, "b-but what if dad catches you?"i asked scared, "I don't wanna lose you nanny allison"i added sadly holding her tightly, "nothing will happen, i promise"she assured with tears in her eyes, "be careful"i said, "i will, how about some dinner"she said as we walked to the dining and dined together in total tranquility and harmony.


The next morning, "morning dad"i greeted, morning Michelle, your teacher said she isn't feeling so well so we are not having lessons today" he said as he picked his car keys from the shelve, "I hope she gets well soon" i said, "yeah, well I gave the maid some money to take care of anything you want" he said, "bye" i said, "good bye" he said as he pecked my forehead and left for work.

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