
Chapter 4 ( The resolution to escape)


I went to my room knowing fully well that dad was super mad at me, as soon as I laid on the bed a loud knock was heard on the door, knowing it was either my dad or nanny Lucy I gave the permission to come in. My dad came in and I stood up to answer his query but before I could explain l was greeted with with a loud ear-piercing slap which made me annoyed and then he asked me why i went to the compound without his permission. Then I answered " Dad am sorry, I just wanted to leave the house, you don't know how it feels to be trapped in a place". My dad was trying to shut me up instead of listening to me and I couldn't hold it in anymore and I yelled "I need to leave this God-damned fucking house" and then another resounding slap which deafened my ear and made me unable to hear him correctly for about 10 seconds and when I could finally hear he said "you must be crazy to think of leaving the house" I tried responding but I could only shed tears and then later I finally asked him "why can't I leave the house and be like a normal child" seeing my tears my dad gaze softened and he said " Michelle love, please understand me" and I then I felt annoyed and said " I want to leave this mansion, leave my room" this invited another slap to my cheek. I cried bitterly feeling hurt and dejected. I felt as though a spear peirced my soul make my heart bleed of sadness more and more. Dad said some things I wasn't listening to and then walked out slamming the door behind him, I slowly walked to the door locking it and then going back to the bed holding my teddy bear "Lisa" and sucking her with my tears, crying myself to sleep.

I woke up at night and went to the bathroom to wash my pale face which has been swollen and exhausted from crying and looked at myself at the mirror and mumured"I need to act fast and leave this house" after coming up with this resolution I went back to bed thinking till my brain hurts

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