
Knock knock

[I know it says price's palace while I said it was for a princess, ignore it as its a name for a palace and there has not been a princess sovereign there.]

[Also for saying that Jason Todd robin died while in one of the earlier chapter he takes on Batman's mantle, its alright. Robin died when Jason Todd die, Red hood is not him- in a literary way- get it?]



"No, you are not listening to me." Pepper said in an irritated voice.

"I'm trying to make you CEO. Why won't you let me?" He complained back.

"Have you been drinking?"

Tony sips from a cup with green thick liquid, in hope of countering some symptoms of the palladium poisoning. "Chlorophyll. I hereby irrevocably appoint you chairman and CEO of Stark Industries effective immediately. Yeah, done deal. Okay? I've actually given this a fair amount of thought, believe it or not."

One of the robots brings him a tray which a bottle and glasses on it.

"Doing a bit of headhunting, so to speak, trying to figure out who a worthy successor would be. And then I realised it's you. It's always been you." He pours champagne. Pepper sits down, shocked and confused.

"I thought there'd be a legal issue, but actually I'm capable of appointing my successor. My successor being you." He hands her a glass but she doesn't take it.

"Congratulations? Take it, just take it."

"I don't know what to think."

"Don't think, drink. There you go." They tap glasses and drink.





/Palais princier de Monaco/

The Hand's headquarter.

Adriane was leaving the palace for the officiating event of the grand prix, one of the many events Monaco hosted annually, and for which it was celebrated for.

'The playground of the rich and famous'

She was quite happy, in fact she was livid for the event as each time it was hosted since its starting in 1929, Monaco's pocket due tourism and advertisement got heavier and heavier.

Monaco, as the second smallest country in the world, did not had much to show in primary sector of development such as agriculture, however tourism got them rich enough that it could enact 0% income tax policy, literally getting them citizenship that they could sell.

"Madame, all of our personnel have gathered here, as per your orders." A ninja appeared out of the blue to her side, but she had not change in expression, as if she was anticipating the same.

"Good, have them settled, we would meet after my public appearance."

Hand had all of its administrative personnel gathered at their headquarters. Today was an important day as they had yet to make decision on the steps to be taken to gain a foothold in the continent of America.

While Adriane held sole authority over the organization, she took advise from each of them, listening to her men gained their loyalty, making them think that their word mattered to the princess, while the decision making was vastly improved as any idea would go through the criticism and appreciation, so she could enact a degree after thoroughly measuring its pros and cons.

She glanced from the window of the basement hall, where 39 five-arm banded ninjas, the elitist of the group sat along the round table, each having 2 four-arm banded nins accompanying them for the meet.

They composed of the head of the organization, as the rest of it was effectively canon fodder in the greater view of her plans.

The butler came to invite her to her car, which was parked just before the main gate of the palace hall.

The car's engine revvs, as it circle around the beautiful fountain that welcome anyone entering the Grimaldi estate.

As the car reaches to exit the main gate, another car sets to block its way to outside.

"Hey you are not supposed to stop here, move aside." The gate keeper knocks on the window to ask the driver to side his Porsche.

The car window slides down to welcome Bruce, who puts down his sunglasses to engage into the small talk of the gatekeeper, named Lee. (this is Hand's headquarters, surely there would be Asian people)

"I would like to give my greetings to the Sovereign of Monaco, its customary to greet one when one trespasses someone's territory or so I am being told."

From the back of the seat of her car, Adriane inquired what stopped her entourage from happening, his butler in responded by exiting from the first passenger's seat to see the problem for himself. (Oh also, pic of Adriane, I thought it to be necessary)

"Milord, this man here claims for having an audience appointment with her majesty the princess." The gatekeeper reported formally to his superior, and the butler observed Bruce in kind. As an informative man, he quickly recognized him.

The Grimaldi had a net worth of $1.2 Billion under the reign of Princess Adriane. At least on paper such was true.

And Bruce, had established himself there becoming a billionaire so fast to be considered impossible to some, In the world of rich everyone was subjected to be confronted and judged with their value, in terms of money, influence etc.

So he was entitled of demanding some respect such as meeting the monarch without prior appointment, despite the other party being royalty.

The princess could very well reject him, on reasons such as herself being busy, but earning ire of someone unknown was never worth it when one could please them.

"Mr. Wayne, it has been duly noted that we have not received any appointment request from your side. I am afraid the sovereign of Monaco has a place to be at and so she-

"Wait, let him come." Her Butler did not express any shift in expression, he just changed his words solemnly on receiving orders from her mistress.

"Mr. Wayne, My princess has asked you to accompany her in her ride, should you be kind to reciprocate-"

"I will, I will" Bruce gets of car, leaving it parked in the middle gate as he walks straight, standing outside the gate of her car to join himself.

But the princess showed no signs to get out, making clear she was not one to come outside for him, may as he be a great businessman and what not. It was a show of humiliation to not even give the tiniest bit of respect to her guest, but Bruce had already expected such treatment to be received from her.

Bruce smiled on her act, opening the door to her seat and sitting just beside her, which could have been deemed appropriate should the princess willed it so.

"Your majesty,"

"Bruce Wayne"

"I am afraid so, ma'am."

"Might I ask you what interested you so much to come to my palace, uninvited in such a manner?"

"I remember asking an appointment to be made from my behalf to my secretary, frighteningly so, she seems to be missing since the day..."

"Quite an unfortunate turn of events... May I inquire what seems to be the reason of such visit, I am afraid I cannot give much of my time to you, Mr. Wayne."

"Not a problem your majesty, I am just a man following customs, to come and greet the owner of the land when visiting such. If I may request, would you consider taking a picture, my princess?" Adriane gave away an amused smile. No one had asked her such a request for quite some time. As the leader of the Hand, she naturally knew of the state of Neit as was the work of her junior.

Maybe he had done so on his own account but held herself responsible for matters revolving her workers, earning unbreakable loyal subordinates in kind.

"You won't happen to be uploading that to your social media application, if so I must refrain from doing so Mr. Wayne, men from all corners of the world would be envious of you to a frightening degree should such a picture surfaces the web."

"Well you wound me princess, perhaps I should take my leave, I would wish you luck in the endeavor you seek to go out for today, your majesty." Bruce let himself out, capturing the beauty of the princess's palace.

"Its majestic your highness, your palace that is"

"Compliment my ancestors, Mr. Wayne. They got some talents for themselves to build the castle for myself."

"Now if you would be so kind- The butler cut into Wayne's way, which Bruce took a sign to leave.

Her butler reinstates to his seat, while his princess gave off a smile. The car again set speed, to the Grand prix for her to show the green flag.





[Power stones]