
Bardock The Savior Of The Saiyan Race

What happens when Bardock father to Kakarot saves his race and becomes the first super saiyan in a thousand years? More fights and more Saiyans that's what.

SpaceOrbisStories · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
7 Chs

The Zappa Force

Life on Earth was good. He would train inside the gravity room that his mate had made for him and from time to time the good doctor would have some new toy for him to try out in one of the many labs that dotted the massive compound. He was at first unsure about the good doctor but over the years he had proven himself to be a very useful ally to have at his side. One he was happy to have after he had saved his son. In another life, he had killed him when he had blown up the Red Ribbon Army's base as a preteen. In this life, however, he had reformed the organization after killing its boss and they could now be seen all over the world helping small villages get clean water and dropping boxes of food via their timely airdrops. His father was, of course, busy training inside the training room. His mate was busy walking from one end of the living room to the other. Her hand lay atop her swollen belly proof that she was now heavy with his cub. The fact he now had a mate and a human at that made the powerful Saiyan warrior laugh. A deep and hearty laugh. His brother was training alongside his father as he tried to match his younger brother's astronomically large power level of 165 million. Master Roshi was with them as he had been most days since the days of the demon king. A fact he was still trying to fully understand even after nearly ten years of knowing the man. He was an odd one indeed. He was hopelessly outclassed by his training partners and yet he seemed unwilling to yield even an inch of ground. He would have made a great Saiyan warrior in another life but fate it seemed had other plans. Oh, yes life it seemed was finally returning to normal or as normal as battling a green-skinned demon king who wished to rule the whole world could ever be called normal. That was of course until the news cut in and the world seemed to end in a second.

Breaking News.

Breaking News.

Breaking News.

Breaking News.

The TV kept showing in big, bold letters as the voice of a man kept saying that this wasn't a test but something far far worse. This soon ended when the screen turned from that to a reporter who looked like he had ran for miles and was worse for wear. His uniform, an SCN (South City News) uniform had mud and glass and a small cut on the right side running down the side starting at his armpit and ending a few inches closer to his elbow, as if it was ripped open by something.

"This is just in". The man said fear clear in his voice as the sound of something blowing up could be heard off-screen.

"The king is dead...I say again the king is dead. King Furry was last seen being airlifted to a Red Ribbon army base ten minutes ago. While on route his plane was shot down by those unknown attackers. This handheld cam shows the wing being cut off from what appears to be some sort of light attack. Red Ribbon Army forces and the remnants of the kings are battling back but are said to be falling back to areas 21, 20, 19, 18, 17, and 16. The 10th Mountain Infantry and the Kings Guard are said to be lost in their entirety near area 15. If this is true this would be the 12th time they have failed to stop the attackers. Loss of life is high. Orders are to...Bob what is that...what the hell are they...dear god n...". The screen was soon filled with a white light and then nothing.

"Son, did you see that"? Bardock asked as soon as the TV turned to white lines of noise. His normally tanned face now looked as white as newly fallen snow.

"Yes, father I did. The Zappa Force is here". Kakarot said with an edge to his voice that made everybody feel a great sense of dread and fear. Bulma, of course, wanted him to remain, to be by her side but he couldn't and she knew that. Years of being by his side had changed her. Her class four Saiyan battle armor was proof of that. She was by far the weakest of all the Z-fighters but she could easily kill anybody else on the planet. The baby now growing inside her seemed to make her want for battle all the more. The sense of joy as she landed a blow upon her mate in their training gave her a type of joy unknown to her until their first joining. That night was now forever a part of her. The pain she felt afterward was one she couldn't rightly place but also one she was happy to have and it wasn't long before they were joined nearly every night. This, of course, was why they now lived in the guest house. Her father just couldn't deal with his wife wanting that kind of love from him each and every night. He was a 50-something man. He just wasn't up to the task anymore. Her new toy, however, seemed able and willing and he hated that fact all the more for it. So upset was he on those nights that a little time in the labs would do him good.


Entering into one of the labs on one such night he couldn't help but eye the tall red-haired teenage boy who was busily picking up one tool and placing down another.

"Oh, I didn't know you were..." The older of the two began before the boy stopped him.

"It's alright, sir I was about done anyway. Just needed a few tools to fix a few things with my newest project. There, sir, it's done". The boy said with joy before turning to show his newest toy.

"It's a...cat". Alexander Briefs said as he lit himself a cigarette. The thin white smoke lifted itself high into the air until it was blown away by the room's automatic filtration system.

"May I ask why you have a cat or why you needed tools for it"? He asked. The end of his cigarette turning red before a cloud of smoke soon followed.

"Oh, well, sir it's a cyborg cat. It was run over and I...will, sir I just couldn't let it die and so I...I saved her". The boy began but had to stop due to tears forming in his eyes.

"It's alright, son, do go on". Alexander said as he handed him a few tissues. Upon blowing his nose, a loud thing indeed he soon returned to telling the elder the sad story.

"Oh, right sorry. So um...I picked it up and began taking care of her. It took me days before she allowed me to do much besides feeding her, but once she did I set myself to the task of fixing her up right fine. She's fine now, sir as you can see". The teenager said pushing the black cat forward. At once it found a new home atop his shoulder.

"Does your f... Ow, damn it! Does your father know...you know about this? Alexander asked as the cat seemed to have found a placement it enjoyed. That was fine by him, all the better in fact.

"No. I don't think he would understand. He views cyborg beings as immoral. He would likely have me end my work". The boy said sounding almost fearful of that fact.

"Alright, I'll say nothing about this to your father but no more. I'm keeping the cat, however. I'll make up some story about our new pet. I'm good at making things up, it's my job after all". Alexander joked as he put out his cigarette and walked over to the door. The cat all the while made no move to dislodge itself. In a way, it felt like it belonged there on his shoulder, like having a cat atop his shoulder was normal and right. It felt right. Now all he needed was a name, one befitting of a cat such as her. That, however, could wait. An Earth-ending battle was about to begin. If only he knew how true that was. If only he knew.


It wasn't long after the South City News (SCN) had been forever taken off the air that the Z-Fighters were flying to what was now left of the once great South City. Now, however, all that remained was a massive crater and a mess of bodies burned black. For some in their group, the sight was too much to bear. Others, however, could do nothing but eye the area mouth agape.

"Dear god look at the size of the thing. It must be damn near a mile in size". Yamcha said with no small bit of fear finding its place in his voice. Kakarot, of course, paid the human no mind. The others doing much the same. Yamcha was always one to turn back if he thought he was over his head. He had been that way ever since the two had met back up after that blue-skinned kid and his two lackeys tried to hold them. It may have worked had the full Moon not been that night. As it was the three were soon dead and he and his companions were soon freed and making their wish.

"Do you have anything, Kakarot"? Nappa asked. He and the prince had landed on the planet just as the demon king was running around blowing up towns and yelling out how he would soon rule the world. That, of course never happened and he was blown up soon after. As for the prince himself. He was a man with black hair that looked like that of a fire and who was eyeing the crater before him with a look that seemed to yell out how much he wanted to prove himself. To prove he was stronger than Bardocks two sons, who as it happened were his betters. A fact that made the towering Saiyan ponder if he had hit him too hard in their last spar. The last tuffs of black hair on his head were now long gone. Bulma, of course, had been hard at work trying to find a way to regrow Saiyan hair but so far all her tests had failed. Nappa would likely never have hair ever again and that fact upset the towering man a great deal, more than he cared to allow to be known. For Saiyans hair loss was forever. He had hoped she would be able to solve this for him but alas it seemed even she could not.

"No. The Zappa Force isn't going to be picked up on our scouters. They know better. No, we're going to need to find them ourselves". Kakarot said before trying to pinpoint the highest power levels. Not by the use of his scouter but by sensing their ki, the life force of all living things from the lowest of bugs to the most powerful of beings.

"Found them. They're moving to...". Kakarot stopped once he knew where they were heading. For as much as he disliked the weak human beside him, nobody should lose their mate and cub.

"Kakarot...what's the matter"? Yamcha asked. Kakarot could only eye the man with a great deal of sadness. Even with the Flying Nimbus, he knew they would never make it in time. Not in time to matter at any rate.

"I'm sorry, Yamcha. But they are heading right for Fire Mountain. To Chi-Chi and Karin". Kakarot said and at once the man seemed to lose all color to his face. His eyes saw nothing and his mind closed in on itself. His wife and child would soon be killed and he nor any of the other Z-Fighters could do a damn thing about it. For a time he remained fixed in mid-air until he blasted off at speeds never seen by the man before. His mind was fixed on only one thing. Only one goal. Kill them or die trying.

"Yamcha don't be a fool"! Kakarot yelled out but the man seemed to only go faster in reply. Nappa understood all too well what was going through his mind. His own mate was mid-way through bearing him his own cub and even now, weeks before his cub would enter the world the idea his child could be killed enraged him. Still, he was being careless and needed to see sense. So with a hard kick to the head, he stopped Yamcha cold.

"Damn you, Nappa. Damn you to hell itself. You have no right to stop me"! Yamcha raged at the towering Saiyan. Nappa all the while took the enraged words of the man without a word. Once the man had said his last Nappa replied.

"I have every right". Nappa yelled back eyeing the much smaller man down. "This is the Zappa Force. The very best fighters King Cold has in his army. Going head-on with even one of them is only good for one thing and that is dyeing. You going do nobody any good by going and getting yourself blown up". Nappa said placing one of his oversized hands upon Yamcha's shoulder. Yamcha at long last seemed to see sense and nodded.

"So what's the plan"? Krillin asked. He like the other humans had surpassed most on the planet. Kakarot dare say he was the strongest human alive. A fact the smallest member of their group seemed to enjoy every time he said it.

"Well, Kami is gone. He went the same day that green-skinned demon king fell. The egg inside the lab is the only thing now left of him and Bulma is never going to let it out. She's sure it'll do something and kill us all". Kakarot said sounding like he didn't buy that at all. He alongside the others were far stronger now than five years before. A few years maybe but not as soon as she feared and even if it did try he would blast the bugger off the face of the Earth and rid them all of what little remained of the once-powerful demon king.

"We train". Kakarot answered. The others seeming to act as one all eyed him with looks of utter bewilderment.

"Train...at a time like this. Are you mad...did you hit your head or something"? Nappa replied as he moved closer.

"No...damn it Nappa get off me. Damn it, man, I told you I didn't now get off or else I'll blast you off...your choice". Kakarot said before Nappa moved off. "Now as I was saying, Kami may be gone but his place still exists. He had a place I trained in as a teen. It should do us. In and out...easy as can be". Kakarot said like he had just said something that would fix everything.

"That's all fine and all but training takes time. We don't have any. The Zappa Force is already here blowing everything up and killing everybody or have you forgotten that part". Nappa said his arms crossed over his chest. Kakarot, in turn, only rolled his eyes at the older Saiyan. Sometimes he couldn't help but wonder how the king ever saw him as fit to oversee his son's training.

"Your missing one point, Nappa. Kakarot said. At this Nappa replied.

"Yeah and what's that"?

"One day inside is a whole year outside. All the food you can eat. Kami fixed it once he saw me eating all the food in the place. It wasn't meant to house Saiyans not till me anyhow. It'll do us fine now. Like I said...in and out. A day or two should see us passed this mess". Kakarot said crossing his arms.

"That...that could work. Where is it"? Krillin asked. Looking to his left he could see Nappa eyeing him hard. He guessed he was going to ask but was too slow. He didn't see why it mattered if in the end, it saved them from dying.

"Oh, right it's here". Kakarot said pointing to the area. "Easy to see. The damn thing is this big-ass piller shooting into the sky like some oversized pole. The thing had a hole at the top. No clue why...I just flew up and landed. A big fat black clown met me. He had some good food so we got along nicely. Did seem to like viewing the people down below as less than worms, however, so he had that goin". Kakarot said recalling the nearly endless trays of food and, of course of his racist friend at the top of the world.

"Kakarot"! Nappa yelled out making him jump.

"Are you coming or not"? Nappa asked. Kakarot looking around soon saw that he and Nappa were now alone. The others now but small dots in the sky.

"Oh, right sorry. The food on this planet is just so good I sometimes lose myself". He said mouth watering at the mere thought.

"I know, Kakarot. I eat it too". Nappa said with a deadpan expression on his face. Soon after the two were off soon joining the others. All the while many miles away Fire Mountain alongside everybody living under it was soon overcome by a ball of light. All that now remained was a small doll. Upon the doll lay a name. That being none other than Karin.


The state of Kami's home was, to say the least, a right sad state indeed. The trees were all looking half dead and the many once beautiful, and colorful flowers were now limp and discolored. Mr. Popo, the caretaker was busy running to and fro trying to keep everything alive but alas the task seemed too great to do and he soon gave up and sat down. He had, of course, seen the goings-on down below but even he could do nothing but watch as one by one the people of Earth were killed by a foe he could never hope to beat. Just then, however, Kakarot, Nappa, Krillin, Yamcha, and the others landed and walked up to him. Mr. Popo at once was upon them. His hands took hold of Kakarot's own and begging for him to do something to end the madness far below.

"Sorry, Mr. Popo but I and my friends can't do anything about that now. We are, however in need of your training room". Kakarot said. Mr. Popo nodded his head and soon the group were walking down the long hallway, passed the room that Mr. Popo made sure Kakarot never entered (His own room, a place no sane man should ever wish to see), and to the door to the training room.

"Now who's first"? Mr. Popo asked. The group of powerful warriors all eyed each other but, in the end, it all came down to a few games of Rock-Paper-Bomb (The same basic idea but the bomb beats both).

"1, 2, 3". Nappa called out watching as Kakarot and Krillin played. Krillin played rock and Kakarot played bomb.

"No fair you always play bomb". Krillin said before moving slowly away his head low and downcast. Kakarot meanwhile had a big, wide smile on his face.

"You do always play bomb, Kakarot". Nappa said flatly.

"I always win too...so what's your point"? Kakarot replied in turn. Nappa began to reply but, in the end, felt it was a fair point. If it works don't fix it. He was still not sure he was saying that one right. Mr. Popo soon opened the door and in he went. The vast white nothing lay before him. To the right of the door was a living area with food, a 16K tv with a Blu-ray player, a playcube 4 with around 100 games to play, and of course a king-sized bed. No sooner had he walked inside the door closed and the noise level dropped to nothing. Seeing no point in waiting he was soon hard at work training. When it became too easy he walked ever deeper into the great white nothing.


"Go fish". Nappa said and Krillin picked up a card.

"Got any fives".

"Go fish". This time it was Nappa who pulled a card and asked.

"Got any kings". On and on this went until the door opened and Kakarot walked out. Clicking on his scouter he soon picked up a reading of.

"Holy shit". Nappa said eyes wide. Not believing the reading he reset it and did it again.

"This damn thing must be broken...no way he's that strong". Nappa said turning it off.

"Let me try". Krillin said before turning his own on and waiting for the numbers to stop rising. Once it had Krillin turned to face the tallest of the group and said.

"Nope same thing as yours. Can't be broken...he really is that strong now". Krillin said just as blown away by his jump in power.

"How many G's were you under"? Nappa asked. Now biting at the bit to get inside and train himself.

"At first just 1 G (10 times Earth) but near the end, however, I was pushing nearly 100 maybe even 110". Kakarot said eating an apple. Nappa couldn't help but be in awe. Was this the power of the room? Could a day of time outside the room truly allow him to jump in power as fast and easily as Kakarot's own had done? He could only hope when he had his turn inside the room. Mr. Popo, however soon put a stop to that and asked again.

"So who's next"? At once about five people answered at once.

"Be at ease four can enter at a time". Mr. Popo said. At this Kakarot jumped up.

"What the hell man...you told me it was one at a time". Kakarot yelled out in a rage. Mr. Popo, however, kept his cool and allowed the enraged Saiyan to vent before replying.

"Yes, I did". Mr. Popo began. "I fixed it". He said before turning back and asking again.

"So who's next"? At this Nappa, Krillin, Master Roshi, and Bardock stepped up.

"Two Saiyans and two humans. This should be fun". Mr. Popo said before opening the door again and the four men entered side-by-side. Saiyan's and Humans.

"10$ says Roshi exits before anybody else". Raditz said placing 10$ upon the table.

"I'll see that bet but go five more. He exits and cries about the place not having any....". Kakarot said and soon it seemed everybody was betting on Roshi giving up. But lo and behold he held and did his year. Walking out he seemed to hold himself with an air of a true born Saiyan.

"Sorry, Krillin looks like you lost. A nice 450,000. You may want to do some push-ups". Kakarot joked making the monk frown at losing his place as the strongest human alive.

"Do me next". Krillin asked. Nappa clicked his scouter on and while he was still far weaker than he was his power level was still something to behold.

"220,000. A day or two of hard training and you're back on top". Nappa said making the small monk take a step to the door. However, Mr. Popo blocked his path with a hand.

"No one may reenter for a year upon using it". The clown said. At this Krillin took a seat and said nothing.

"So where are they"? Yamcha asked and for the first time in nearly 48 hours, they were reminded why they had come.

"Feels like area 12...let's see here that's some village called Snowtop. Who in their right mind goes and calls a town Snowtop"? Kakarot asked rubbing the back of his head.

"I don't rightly know. Lazy people I guess. Name sounds like they done named the place after the first thing that fell from the sky". Nappa answered blown away by how lazy some people could be with naming a thing. Back on planet Vegata, back when there still was a planet Vegeta a name had mattered, here it seemed any old thing would do. It was just one of them things he and the others had to take and move on. No other way about it. Humans were set in their ways even if their ways were odd and stupid.

"Well, a dumb name or not that is the place. So best get a move on and get rid of them". Kakarot said before he and the others blasted off. The battle for the Earth was about to begin and with it the start of its fall into darkness and despair.


The small mountainside town of Snow was as its name implied covered in snow. Or at least it was before the extraterrestrial attackers started to blow the place apart with their immensely powerful ki attacks. Already about a third of the population had already been annihilated with the other two-thirds hiding in what little remained of their once beautiful village. In the end, of course, it mattered little seeing as sooner or later they would be killed either by the attacks themselves or in the resulting collapse.


High above the panicked cries for help was none other than King Cold's hand-picked elite guard the Zappa Force.

"Hey, Arobi how about we move on...this place is cold and besides our orders were to kill the Saiyans not this embarrassingly pathetic race of hu'mans". Came the voice of a tall brownish-colored alien in the traditional armor of the Planetary Trade Organization (PTO).

"Oh, I find their cries most amusing". Came the voice of a purple-colored alien who bore two bull-like horns on the side of his head. His armor's insignia marking him as its leader. At once the brownish alien fell silently back into line behind him, however, the occasional muscle spasm told him the man was indeed cold. The armor only doing so much to battle back the cold of the area. To the people down below the fact that the blues and reds and whatever other colors the extraterrestrial attackers felt like using had stopped raining down was a godsend no matter how brief the reprieve was.

"No, Elizabeth it's not safe". Cried out an old man who was in his mid-50s. The girl, however, didn't seem to care as she walked passed many blackened and charred bodies. Her legs seemed to be operating of their own volition, not that she cared. Her mother and father were already gone, taken in one of the first attacks, before anybody knew what was going on and before anybody could do anything to save them from the fireball that soon followed its landing.

"Come on you fucking multi-colored bastards...kill me...please just kill me". She cried out already lost to her misery and despair. But just as one of them began to power up an attack another shot forward and pierced his chest killing him instantaneously. Quickly spinning around the Zappa Force came face-to-face with the Z-Fighters.

"Will if it isn't cute little Prince Vegeta or should I call you king seeing as Lord Cold saw to your foolish father and his army of monkeys". Arobi said in a sickeningly sweet tone of voice as if what he had just said didn't include the mass genocide of an entire race.

"Damn you"! Vegeta said as he made to attack only to be pulled forcefully back into line by none other than Nappa.

"My lord please he's too much for you to take on alone...we need to work together". Nappa said before releasing the pint-sized man. It was clear he hated being kept from bashing the man's skull in but even he knew what the towering man said was true even if his pride as a Saiyan took a massive hit as a result.

"Will anybody have any bright ideas on how to do this". Yamcha asked but it was clear to everybody around him that he wanted nothing more than to tear into them with ruthless and unending aggression, not that any of them would have objected in most cases but this was of course not most cases this was the Zappa Force.

"Our best bet is to take them out one by one. We should deal with Orbanz he's the green one with the three eyes. He's a healer take him out and the team can't heal. He's priority one the other four are secondary". Kakarot said. With a plan formed the two sides faced off. On one side was King Cold's elite guard the Zappa Force and on the other was Earth's mightiest defenders the Z-Fighters. Elizabeth meanwhile stood motionless at the sight of around a dozen men floating in mid-air as easily as one would float in a pool. At an unspoken command known only by them, the battle for Earth began and in seconds the sky was alit with every conceivable color of the rainbow. The combatants moved so fast all anybody could make out was an afterimage and that was assuming of course that one had even seen the afterimage in the first place.

"Solar Barrage"! Arobi yelled as a yellowish-white ball formed in his arms and was sent forward at Kakarot. Kakarot, in turn, answered with a Kamehameha, a technique taught to him by Master Roshi upon besting him in the World Martial Arts Tournament around a decade before. The two attacks met halfway and the ensuing tug of war was both a spectacular display of color as well as the terrifying levels of power both men could unleash. Kakarot poured ever greater amounts of ki into the attack but it seemed his foe could match it and much more. But even so, he forced more into the blue-colored attack.

"Kamehameha *2"! Kakarot yelled as the attack grew wider and with it, the air was soon ionized. Meanwhile, the combined efforts of Bardock, Master Roshi, and Raditz were busy pushing Orbanz further and further away from his team. Of course, the task itself was anything but easy but the three men were determined to not fail.

"Kamehameha"! Roshi yelled out before a bluish beam of energy shot forward and struck the smallest member of the Zappa Force.

"Double Sunday"! Raditz yelled out as two small redish balls were sent hitting Orbanz on the sides as Bardock fired a series of rapid-fire attacks that peppered the landscape.

"Did we do it? Is he dead"? Raditz asked before the man appeared mere inches away with an attack already formed.

"No". He said before Raditz was sent backward at such a high rate of speed even Bardock had a hard time keeping his eyes on his son.

"SON"! Bardock yelled subconsciously activating his Super Saiyan transformation and eviscerating the alien in seconds. Rushing over to his son's side Bardock took hold and laid him softly upon his lap.

"I'm s...sorry I was t...too weak". Raditz choked out with his last dying breath before his eyes saw nothing but darkness and his body grew cold. Roshi said nothing not daring to stop the grieving man and so he stood ever watchful but silent as he cried and held his son close. A rage unlike any he had felt before erupted full force and he ascended to the second level of Super Saiyan. His body was on fire as the power spread throughout his body. But unlike the time his body was alit this was worse. Last time his body was soon consumed by the greater explosion of Planet Vegeta now however it lasted for nearly a minute but by the end, he was a new man. His eyes saw clearer and his body felt younger. The battle for the Earth had only just begun and unbeknownst to them, they had yet to see the full might of the Zappa Force.


As the battles between Kakarot and Arobi and Bardock, Roshi, Raditz, and Orbanz were taking place the others were also doing their part in saving the world from the multicolored extraterrestrial attackers known as the Zappa Force. Yamcha and Krillin were doing their utmost to slow down their foe a tall alien who called himself Cail. The self-proclaimed fastest in the universe though another man in a far-off quadrant of the universe would have objected to that claim wholeheartedly.

"Shit he's fast". Krillin said after another of his attacks sailed harmlessly past the blue alien and into the neighboring mountain. Yamcha was little better. All in all, Cail was toying with them and that fact enraged them all the more because of it.

"Let's try plan foxtrot...that could maybe work". Yamcha said before the nod from Krillin informed him he was game.

"Ka-me-ha-me-ha"! Came the cry as two identical blue beams of light shot forward before coalescing into a beam of light twice its original size before it slammed into the man sending him flying out of sight. The resulting sonic boom fell trees more than ten miles away and collapsed more than a dozen buildings.

"Grr...god did...did we get him? Is he dead"? Yamcha asked looking around for the blue-skinned alien.

"I'm picking nothing up on my scouter". Krillin replied before the man in question appeared mere inches away. An attack was already at the ready but Krillin wasn't Raditz and was able to dodge the attack. If only by a mere 1/16th of an inch.

"Destructo Disc"! Krillin yelled out as a thin white disc was formed and sent flying. Cail was just able to turn around in time to see his lower half depart from his upper. For a time the man remained fixed in place his eyes wide as his mind attempted to make sense of all the sensory input it was now receiving. It seemed it was failing in spectacular fashion.

"I'm dead. You killed me". Cail said in a monotone voice as if all of his emotions were taken away. He had failed Lord Cold, even if he could somehow survive his life was for all intents and purposes over. For just a few seconds the two of them felt the smallest tinge of sympathy but that was soon replaced with a sick kind of pleasure when they both remembered that they killed likely millions of people and so with a slight flick of their wrists two thin beams were sent outward ending his life.

"Ok let's go". Yamcha said as Krillin nodded and the two blasted off to find a new foe.


Meanwhile, Bardock was far too busy recovering from the painful ascension to super saiyan two. His browntail wrapped itself around his waist. Roshi for his part merely waited. The sun glittering off his sunglasses. Once the man was done he turned to face the elder and grinned.

"Oh, our spars are going to be so much fun now old man". Bardock said rubbing his hands together.

"Ha-ha yes I look forward to that as well Bardock-kun but now is not the time. Kakarot needs help". Roshi said as he blasted off. It was a skill that he hadn't put much time into mastering but was glad he did. As he flew he formed a Kamehameha. He was planning on blasting Arobi in the back and hopefully give Kakarot the time he needed to finish the job. But just as he prepared to unleash the devastating attack Arobi turned and blasted him out of the cloudless sky. The attack ended the master's life in an instant. The only proof he had even existed at all were his now damaged sunglasses.

"Master Roshi"! Kakarot yelled as he resumed his attack now fueled with a rage unlike any he had ever felt before. But even with Bardock at his side, the man was able to match them blow for devastating blow. A fact that terrified them both to their core. How could they hope to beat him if the combined might of two elite-level Saiyans couldn't beat him? Just as that thought entered his mind Yamcha and Krillin entered the scene. Now surely this would see them past this nightmarish foe. But even outnumbered four to one Arobi seemed entirely unphased by this development, if anything he seemed almost happy.

"Oh good, you're going to make this easier for me". Arobi said pleased he wouldn't have to hunt them all down one by one. Aside from Nappa and the prince he had them all in one spot.

"I should tell you one fact about my race. We all have gifts. Some can swap bodies others like me can do something much more fun. Like you monkeys, I can transform and seeing as my underlings have failed to deal with you I'll do it myself". Arobi said as he began yelling. As he did so his uniform began to stretch. His horns began to grow. His body began to grow and warp until he looked like a bipedal 20-foot tall bull demon. (He looks like Frieza in his second form)

"Son, what's his power level"? Bardock asked already fearful for the answer.

" 300,000, 350,000, 400,000, 500,000, 525,000, 550,000, 600,000". On and on it went until the scouter blew up. The power reading being too great to be read out. Needless to say, it seemed they were about to get fucked six ways to Sunday.

"Nappa, what the hell is the hold up we need back up"? Bardock yelled into his scouter's earpiece.

"Sorry kind of busy". Nappa answered as he lifted a sizeable bit of rubble from a group of humans. By this point, the battle had moved safely away and the people slowly departed from what remained of their homes.

"Will fucking move it this guy just pulled a Frieza on us". Bardock said before ending the call. With that done he returned to what lay before him. The final showdown had begun and before it would be done the world would never be the same.

Ok so here is the first chapter of what I'll call the Bura timeline or the dark timeline. The reason for that naming will make sense as I post more of this set of chapters.

I hope you enjoy this tiny side story of sorts. Some of the things shown here will happen in the main timeline but perhaps not in the same way.

SpaceOrbisStoriescreators' thoughts