
Ballad of the Crows

New chapters will be released regularly on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays.

deimospendragon · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
171 Chs


At that moment Augur approached Katahara.

Van Augur: Captain, the place is completely surrounded by marines.

At that moment Rayleigh turned to look at Katahara's group.

Rayleigh: Looks like you have some talented Bloody Crows nakamas.

At that moment the marines were heard.


Inside the auction house Kid and Law realized that they were also in trouble.

Katahara: I don't know what to say.... Today will be a busy day guys.

So Kid rushed to the entrance and was followed by Law and Luffy.

The moment they came out they started their battle against the marines.

Slowly everyone started to come out to face the marines, Katahara's group was the last to come out.

Katahara: Looks like Zoro found some good swords.

At that moment Zoro turned to look at Katahara and realized that he had a sword that was brimming with energy.

A short time later all the marines were defeated and the different crews were preparing to escape.

Katahara turned to see the one that looked like Kuma who started his attack.

Katahara: Looks like you're not Kuma... that takes the fun out of it.

The Pacifist turned to look at Katahara with a confused face.

Katahara: We're leaving.

At that moment the Pacifist started his fight with Law and Kid.

In another part of the island, more specifically in the Shadow of Aghata.

Agrom and Urouge were fighting against a Pacifist demonstrating that between the two of them they could finish him off.

As Katahara and his crew were heading to their ship they were attacked by dozens of marines who were eliminated by the entire crew.

Katahara realized that battles had started all over the place, on one side, the mugiwaras were fighting with Kuma and on the other side they were battling against the remaining supernovas, except for Urouge who were fighting against the pacifist.

Katahara and his group walked back to their ship, but on their way they encountered the mugiwaras facing Kuma.

Katahara: It looks like we won't get out of this place without a good fight for me.... Nobody hold back.

At that moment Katahara drew his sword covering it with Haki, and shadow.

As soon as Katahara was preparing to fight, Kizaru appeared in the place ..... Making all the mugiwaras even more cautious.

Kizaru is an incredibly tall and relatively thin man, He is middle-aged with a moderate amount of wrinkles on his face, short curly black hair and a very thin beard.

Kizaru's attire consists of a yellow pinstriped suit with a navy coat over his shoulders like a cape, with no arms on the sleeves. Kizaru also wears pure white shoes, gold and amber sunglasses and a dark green shirt with a mauve tie under his yellow suit. There is a tiny Black Den Den Mushi on his left wrist, like a wristwatch, under the sleeve of his suit.

Kizaru was preparing to strike Zoro, with his foot which was starting to glow.

Kizaru: Pirate hunter, Zoro with a bounty of 120,000,000,000.... defeated in one blow.... You must have been beaten to a pulp... Now you can rest.

Luffy: ZORO!

At that moment Katahara launched himself at Kizaru.

Katahara: Walls of the northern skies.

While swinging with all his might against Katahara, Katahara's attack caused his sword to emanate so much shadow that it looked like a giant wall that confronted Kizaru, who dodged it by teleporting meters back.

Kizaru: Bloody Crow, Katahara D. Uchiha with a reward of 482 million, you shouldn't have appeared, Sengoku-san was very distressed after losing his protégé...

At that moment he appeared at Katahara's side.

Kizaru: You were once kicked at the speed of light.

Giving a powerful kick to Katahara, at the moment the kick hit, Katahara turned into dozens of crows and rebuilt himself meters away.

Katahara: Katon: Great ball of fire.

Spitting a gigantic fireball.

Kizaru dodged it easily, appearing meters away.

At that moment Katahara appeared behind Kizaru.

Kizaru didn't realize Katahara was behind him until it was too late.

Katahara: Shadowy dragon.

A large shadowy dragon struck Kizaru from behind.

At that moment Kizaru was sent flying everyone present was stunned, they never expected Katahara to be this strong, the most surprised was Kizaru himself.

Kizaru: That caught me by surprise...That really hurt...You're different from all of them...totally different.

Rayleigh: Looks like someone got there before me...not bad boy not bad at all.

Elsewhere Dabi and Augur were taking out the pacifists with ease.

As for Drust and Robin the two had to team up to take down 1 pacifist.

As for Laxus.

Laxus was facing 1 pacifist, it was very evenly matched he dodged every lightning bolt the pacifist sent at him.

Laxus: Roaring Thunder.

Laxus lunged at the pacifist and unleashed a large burst of lightning from his fist, severely damaging and electrocuting the pacifist leaving a hole all over his chest.

Katahara: I'll leave it to you Rayleigh, it's not time for me to face an Admiral yet.

At that moment Katahara rejoined her group and kept the pacifist that Augur had defeated in her ring.

Katahara: We are leaving.

At that moment they all disappeared used Soru.

Leaving even more impressed those present, the most impressed were Rayleigh and Kizaru, they realized that what they had used was Soru a Rokushiki ability.

Kizaru: Well, well, this is something that has to be reported.... They are not complete novices like the reports.

Kizaru let Katahara escape and focused his attention on the mugiwaras.... But he didn't know that this was the biggest mistake of his life.

When Katahara and his group arrived at their ship they saw dozens of dead soldiers and 2 defeated pacifist.

Katahara: Not bad, not bad....

Agrom: We were only carrying out your order captain.

Katahara: I expected nothing less, now all aboard we are leaving.

While he kept the pacifist in his ring.

Laffitte: Captain, what is our destination.

Katahara: Just get us out of this place, no matter the place....

And so the hours went by, sailing as far away from the archipelago as they could.

All the crew was doing something, some were on the sails, others were ready on all the guns to start shooting at whatever moved near the ship.

Laffitte: Captain, what will be our next destination.

Katahara: We will stay here for a few days until we get the call from Boa.... Call Amahiro tell him it's time all the ships were heading for our position.

Laffitte: Sure captain. But it will take at least 3 weeks until they get here.

Katahara: Tell them they have 1 week at the most to arrive.

Laffitte: Yes captain.

At that moment Laffitte called Skypiea on his den den mushi and informed them that it was time for all the ships to head to their position.

At that moment Katahara went down to the training chamber.

Katahara: Conis... I see you are professing at a frightening speed.

Conis: Thank you captain, it's all thanks to you.

Katahara replied with a smile, as she began her physical training.

1 week later.

Laffitte: Captain.... Skypiea's balloon ships are above us.

Katahara: Good... tell them to stay above the clouds so no one can see them.

Laffitte: Of course, Captain.

Katahara: Now we just have to wait for the call. ....

At that moment Drust approached Katahara.

Drust: Captain.

Katahara: Drust what's going on.

Drust: Captain, Reiju communicated, the entire Vegapunk lab was emptied and everything is currently in the Germa realm.... Hanzo and Ratchet said that thanks to what they found in Vegapunk's lab they have breakthroughs in Predator Annihilator...

Katahara: That's good to hear, did Judge start with Ryuma's cloning?

Drust: He is in the process of starting the cloning.

Katahara: Then it looks like everything is going according to plan.

Drust: Reiju also said that his number of contracts went down thanks to the attack.

Katahara: hahahaha, that was kind of inevitable they were attacked and defeated by some unknown pirates.

Drust: She sounded a bit upset about that... But she'll get over it eventually.

Katahara: That's your job Drust, hahaha, to control your wife's temper.

Drust: I'm still amazed at the quick incorporation of Laxus, and Agrom.

Katahara: Laxus is an expert in lightning manipulation and as soon as he awakens his armor and observation Haki he will be one of the strongest in the crew, and as for Agrom...well he is a beast in every sense of the word, we just have to control him.

Drust: Agrom is the most aggressive person I have ever met, I guess if he can control his impulses he will be a great asset.

Katahara: I heard that you are training some men in medicine.

Drust: That's right captain, I can't be the only doctor on such a big ship, besides there are some with talent in medicine.

Katahara: That's good, that's good.




Katahara: Finally the big call I've been waiting for....

As she answered her den den mushi.... It was obviously Boa Hancock.

Boa Hancock: Katahara...

Katahara: My dear Boa, I hope everything is going as planned.

Boa Hancock: Luffy arrived just as you said, right now we are about to leave for Impel Down.

Katahara: Well, I've been waiting for those words... Boa Hancock.

Hearing Katahara say that she was waiting for his call, Boa was totally blushing.

Katahara: I guess the Shichibukai, they were already summoned.

Boa Hancock: That's right we were summoned for the great war.

Katahara: Just be careful Boa.... And thank you.

Boa almost fainted when she realized that Katahara cared about her.

Katahara: Laffitte we are heading to Impel Down, I hope you got the log pose.

Laffitte: Sure captain, I had to sneak into the navy base, hohoho, no one noticed.