
Chapter 54 - Captain Marvel Final Part

POV: Baldur. 

Imperial Kree Cruiser, 1995. 

Mar-Vell's Laboratory. 

I follow the two heading towards my ship, Yon-Rogg always finding a way to delay us, I must say his weapon is very useful. Maybe I should try to recreate the technology and use it for more than combat. We finally reach the cruiser's deck. 

Yon-Rogg sees my golden ship taking off and shoots at it, the shots don't cause any damage to my ship. Before leaving the deck, it shoots at the Kree ship that landed on the cruiser, the explosion nearly catches Yon-Rogg, who manages to save himself by entering a small escape pod. My ship took off towards Earth. 

Carol climbs on top of Yon-Rogg's ship, and as she goes to punch, the ship detaches from the cruiser, falling into space with Carol along. I know she'll be fine, so I don't attempt to save her. 

Instead, I also throw myself through the same opening they fell into. As I fall, I enjoy the beautiful view of Earth. My speed increases every second, and when I re-enter the Earth's atmosphere, I activate my propulsion boots and head towards the refugees' ship. With Minn-Erva dead by my hand and the rest of the Starforce either dead or incapacitated, the refugees will have less chance of suffering harm. Finding my ship was easy as it has a tracker that Alice has access to. 

As I see my ship several meters ahead, I notice Yon-Rogg's Kree ship attacking it. When I see that one of the shots is about to hit one of the engines, I create a mirror between them, the mirror deflects the energy blast, protecting the refugees. Yon-Rogg, fearing a collision with the golden mirror, veers the ship away. Seconds later, Carol, now enveloped in pure energy, lands a powerful punch on Yon-Rogg's ship, causing it to plummet rapidly. 

Carol floats in the air, and I stand beside her. 

"Hated your mask. And the mohawk is just ridiculous," she says, smiling. 

She looks at me and smiles. 

"Nice boots," she says sarcastically. 

(Let's settle everything later.) 

I sense something and look up. Space distorts, and a light screen appears, from which four Kree cruisers appear above Earth. Ronan the Accuser has arrived. I see several bright spots coming towards us: ballistic missiles. Just one of them is enough to destroy any major city in the world. 

(Kree... they're starting to make this personal.) 

"Sir, my sensors are picking up an attack on everyone. Should I activate countermeasures?" 

"No, Alice, I'll take care of our guests personally." 

Carol shoots towards the missiles, and I follow, but my boots can't compare to her energy release, and I start falling behind. 

(I'm not going to lose to her!) 

So, I imitate her. Golden energy surrounds me and propels me forward, my boots are destroyed, but my speed only increases. 

(That was unexpected, but I like the feeling.) 

I manage to match Carol's flight speed just in time before we collide with the enemy missiles. Carol grabs the first missile, which is the size of a house, I pass her and spin my spear, unleashing a wave of golden flames towards the others. Carol also throws back the missile she was holding, and everything collides, creating beautiful golden fireworks in the sky. 

The two of us continue rising into space after dealing with the first attack. As I have become almost an entity, space no longer has any harmful effects on me. I don't even need oxygen to survive, as long as my dimension exists and my physical body isn't destroyed, I am practically immortal now. 

The cruisers begin their attack on us, several small fighters emerge from them and attack us from all directions, but they're like paper planes to us. Carol attacks them with her energy blasts, while I simply hit them head-on with no fear of getting hurt. The wreckage of the destroyed ships starts falling to Earth, creating a beautiful meteor shower. 

Carol throws herself into the first cruiser, entering it. I know she'll destroy it, so I go for my target. I spin my spear, extending the flame from the tip, turning it into a giant golden flaming whip. My first strike cuts through the Kree cruiser like butter. I spin my whip vertically, now targeting the next Kree cruiser, in a desperate attempt to defend itself, it fires all its missiles at me, but they're all destroyed by the flaming whip as it cuts the cruiser in half. The two cruisers explode into golden flames that consume everything they touch. Carol also exits her cruiser, causing it to explode into several pieces, leaving only Ronan's cruiser intact. 

She looks at the other cruisers destroyed by me and heads towards the last one, she stands in front of it, then punches her fist into her palm, sending out a wave of energy, sending a message to the Kree. I stand beside her and send a telepathic message using my rune. 

{Stay here, I have to have a word with Ronan.} 

She looks at me in shock. I open a hole right in front of the cruiser, sucking several Kree into space, the ship's shields activate, covering the hole from my entry. Inside the cruiser, I see Ronan leaning on his hammer, I go to him and grab him by the neck, then pin him to the ground. I stare into his eyes for a few seconds, seeing him trying to break free in any possible way but failing. 

"I want you to send a message to the Supreme Intelligence for me." 

My words make him stop trying to escape, and he looks at me curiously. 

"Tell her that if I see any other ships or patrols with Kree colors in this universe, I'll consider it a declaration of war against Asgard, and I, Baldur son of Odin, will personally go to Hala to remind them that the Nine Realms are off-limits to their foolish wars." 

I don't wait for a response and punch him in the face, making him crash through the ship's floor, falling into the facilities below. I leave the ship and don't see Carol, I remember she must be going to take care of Yon-Rogg. It doesn't take me long to find the two. I see Carol firing an energy blast at the escape module where Yon-Rogg is, sending him back to Hala. 

"Why didn't you kill him?" I asked, landing beside her. 

"They may have used me, but he was still my teacher." 

"Well, it seems like everything's finally over." 

"Seems like it." 

I then try to locate the refugees. Through the tracker, I know they landed at Maria's house. 

"Wait! I want to ask for your help with something." 


"I wanted to request a sparring partner. I don't control my powers very well, and there aren't many people who can fight me on equal terms for me to learn to use them." 

"Ohh... so why don't we just do that now." 

I take off at high speed toward space. Carol follows closely behind, not losing speed. A fight between us on Earth would attract too much attention. Since we can both survive in space, it seems like the best place for a fight/training session. 

We stop a few thousand meters from Earth, near the moon, flying in space facing each other. Unable to communicate, Carol nods her head as if waiting for a signal to start. I nod in response, and she flies toward me, hitting me head-on. 

My golden energy protects me from hers, but the impact launches me for thousands of meters, and I would continue like this if I allowed it. Carol follows me and fires several energy blasts, hitting me. I drop my spear and go to her, seeking a physical fight. 

We collide several times in space like luminous meteors, each blow releasing an insane amount of golden and reddish energy, illuminating the darkness. In the end, I managed to land a beautiful punch on Carol's face, sending her towards a red planet. The planet's gravity catches her off guard, causing her to crash into the ground, creating an immense crater. 

I fall at high speed, aiming for the crater where she is. When she sees me coming towards her, she raises both hands, releasing the most powerful attack she has ever made. The enormous energy blast hits me, causing me to change course. I crash a few meters away from her. I get up and look around. 

Mars was a completely red planet, but it was really beautiful. Carol is a few meters away from me, waiting for me. We stand there staring at each other for a few minutes before starting again. 

Carol crosses her hands, releasing a wave of energy that I pass through without harm. I punch, but she dodges and hits me in the face. I spin my body and kick her stomach, making her recoil a bit. Carol takes off a few meters into the air and spins her body, kicking me in the head. The force is so great that I fall to my knees. From above, she tries to punch low, but I manage to grab her fist and throw her into a large rock nearby. 

Every blow I land on her seems to have no effect, as if she is absorbing the power of my attacks. If the fight continues, the chances of victory would be slim if I don't use my spear or flames, but I don't want to kill her. 

(Let's test this theory.) 

From my palm, I release my own blast of golden energy that hits Carol head-on. Trapped between huge rock formations, she can't dodge. I keep the energy blast going and increase the release of energy as much as I can. 

My gloves melt, revealing my arm covered in burns. That's the price for releasing so much power with a physical body. But after a few seconds, a change occurs. My energy blast begins to weaken even though I am still maintaining the same level of release as at the beginning. Shortly after, Carol emerges from the rocks, her hand absorbing my energy. So I stop my attack. 

Carol understands and forms a huge energy sword with her hand. She lowers her hand, attacking me with it. I feel that if I'm hit, I'll be split by it, so I dodge to the side. The sword hits the ground next to me, creating a fissure several kilometers long. 

(It seems that attacking her with energy only makes her stronger.) 

Carol wastes no time and attacks me again. Her blow hits me squarely on the chin with such force that it sends me flying out into space. If neither physical nor energy attacks can harm her, then I'll use magical attacks. I start using the runes to increase my strength. I see her coming towards me once again, so we collide once more, but this time she is damaged. When our blows collide, I can see her face changing with pain. 

I don't miss the chance and attack her, landing several punches on her face. Each blow sends her flying through space, but I follow her and land another blow, then another. Finally, as I'm about to deliver one with even more force, I see that she's unconscious. 


Magic is a form of energy, but it's not entirely pure. So the difficulty for Carol to absorb it is greater, not that she can't do it in the future. I then put Carol on my shoulder and fly back towards Earth. 

I return to Earth and see that everyone is okay, except for Fury, who now has a large scar on his eye. Well, we all tried to warn him. I explain why Carol is unconscious, and then we all sit down for dinner. Carol woke up a few minutes later but wasn't in a good mood knowing she lost again. 

We have dinner at Maria's house and talk until Carol volunteers to find a safe home for the Kree. Then shortly after, the refugees take my ship and return to the Kree cruiser. I asked them to keep the ship so I can also know where they are. Only Fury, Carol, Maria, her daughter, and I remain at the house. Carol gives Fury a pager for emergencies like in the movie. 

She got a new coat and said goodbye to Maria, then she comes towards me. 

"Thank you for your help, Baldur," she says, extending her hand to me. 

"I only did my duty," I say, shaking her hand. 

"I would like to train again in the future," I add. 

"Yes, I would like that very much too," she replies. 

Out of nowhere, she pulls my hand towards her and kisses me. I stand there, surprised. After we part, she smiles at me and flies towards the refugees, leaving me looking foolish trying to understand where that came from. 

(I'm screwed!) 

(T/N: Oh no) 

Later, I find Fury who is about to leave. 

"Here Fury," I toss something to him. 

Fury catches it and looks at the golden disc, trying to figure out what it is. 

"It's a way to contact me personally. Just press the center, and I'll find you. In cases of emergency, of course." 

I don't wait for his response and fly through the night sky. 

(It's time to go home) 

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