
Balance Is The Foundation

Existence runs on balance, and some people try to disrupt the balance but balance is the only truth. You can't have one without the other. P.s. The cover is by Amaterasu on Pinterest (if they would like me to take it down let me know)

Bumfuzzel96 · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Authors Note #2

I hope everyone that read this enjoyed it even though it may not have been exciting or well written. And I hope that you could take away a lesson from this short story like

"read the full content of deals even if they are really good"

and "cherish life so you can understand the reason for death" because everything needs an end. Life and death are two sides of the same coin.

"They give meaning to each other because without life there would be no death and without death, there would be no life." I believe Bernard Williams and Viktor Frankl have talked about this so if you get curious you could look up more about the topic if you want. Finally, don't be ungrateful.