
Balance Is The Foundation

Existence runs on balance, and some people try to disrupt the balance but balance is the only truth. You can't have one without the other. P.s. The cover is by Amaterasu on Pinterest (if they would like me to take it down let me know)

Bumfuzzel96 · Fantasy
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5 Chs


"Fine we'll do a deal of equivalent exchange I will give you immortality for something equal, now do yo-" "I accept" Caeci blurted out without letting El finish. Giving up because El knows what will happen to try to explain things so he simply said "it's a deal then." Hearing this Caeci couldn't get more excited than El snapped his fingers after that action El was gone, and time resumed.

Thinking about what was used for the exchange he felt his heartbeat get louder and… slower, getting scared he started cursing feeling he was cheated, then slowly Caeci's sight was getting hazy, he felt oddly calm, then the whole exchange finally clicked and he regretted not listening to the deal. In his final moments, he finally realized that time won't bend for no man so he realized he couldn't go back in time, and Immortality was the only one with an equivalent and that was death with a bitter smile Caeci breathed his last.

While this was going on El was watching this in a place void of laws and light with a malevolent smile as he said "as blind as your name." Then from the emptiness, he heard a voice with such authority that any creature dead or alive would listen to him, and this voice called for him. "SAMAEL COME." and so El or Samael left while saying in an emotionless beautiful voice that sounded like a monotone melody, "yes father."

I know its a short chapter but that was it Thank you to anyone that read this.

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