
Bad meets good

You're an angel, always does the right thing,friends to old people, loves everyone, friendly,never holds a grudge, but what happens when a bad boy decides to start school in a prestigious college and tries to influence you badly, will your parents accept him, will you fall for him or will you remain good..Read to find out!.....

Elfreda5572 · อื่นๆ
2 Chs


"Don't walk away from me sheep" said alex. "let go of me pervert, what the hell is wrong with you..I can walk away from if I want to" said rose.


I walked farther from him but in quick seconds he cought up with my own pace so easily.he had long legs and pale skin, I just had a feeling that he was someone bad and I didn't associate with those kind of people."why do you keep on looking at me, is there something on my face little sheep" said alex." stop calling me little sheep" said rose. "why but you look so innocent and sweet"said alex.

rose walked up to the cafeteria and turned to alex. "I'm done with showing you around now leave me alone " rose said "harsh much darling" alex said. "just f**k off " rose said.

rose walked down to a table, she wasn't that hungry so she just took out her phone and went through some medias. in a swift motion a girl took her phone and threw it to the floor, she looked up and it was louis ( she's one of my rivals. we've hated each other ever since I started school here).

"you must be mad to do that" rose said. "shut up,besides your phone looked like trash", said louis."my phone my business it's none of your business so walk away" said louis. "oh please I have something to tell you any ways not like I care if you know about it or not-- "on with your bullshit " said rose. well your you know prom is coming up and of course I'm gonna win this year so I advice to just back down before it even starts" said louis." are you done with your bullshit" rose said laughing hard. what's so funny, you think I'm joking b**ch" louis said and dragged my hair and slapped rose.a hand grabbed Louis and dragged her back making her fall to the floor, everyone turned there gaze to louis on the floor and the person that did it. rose was shocked when louis slapped her and was about to give her a heavy slap back when someone dragged to the floor low and behold it was alex. how dare you slap rose you slutty b**ch alex said. "you- shit-- urghhh"

Louis couldn't say anything and just walked away. "Wow never in my life would I have actually cared if someone was hurt or not but yours is different" alex said. "Thanks but I still would've dealt even without your help" said rose. alex looked intently at rose..."what?" said rose "you're blushing" said alex chuckling. "no I'm not " said rose. the bell rang for the last class of the day and left the cafeteria in a hurry because I didn't wanna meet Alex's gaze. "don't run away little sheep"said alex running after and catching up to her. she stopped and said "again with names". alex whispered into her ear" I know you like me don't worry I won't tell anyone". rose face turned burning red. "h-hey I don't--". "bye rose I'm going to class" said alex. rose whispered to herself.."what the he'll is wrong with that boy".