
Bad meets good

You're an angel, always does the right thing,friends to old people, loves everyone, friendly,never holds a grudge, but what happens when a bad boy decides to start school in a prestigious college and tries to influence you badly, will your parents accept him, will you fall for him or will you remain good..Read to find out!.....

Elfreda5572 · Others
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2 Chs


"rose williams i would like you to switch seats to the back please" the teacher said "well now you know my name I'm 18, practically good at everything,head of the cheer leading team, head of the singing and dancing club and last years prom queen, I'm rich,practically queen bee I have it all but I choose to be good and not bad like some of the people, for me i see them as the danger zone and now the teacher decided to take me to the back, why does have to be soo stupid " I thought forgetting that I hadn't moved to the back. rose are you listening to me i need you to go to the back Now!!!" the teacher said..."uh yes ma'am I'm going now...I moved to the back. mrs kate why do I have to move back..I mean i am perfectly okay with my seat..( did I forget to mention I'm a little a bit stubborn).. please Mrs kate I can't see when I'm at the back"I said."okay but I want you to pay attention and not day dreaming" like you were doing right now said mrs kate." alright" I said.


Good morning class I'm sorry if i didn't introduce my self but I'm guessing you must've heard my name from my favorite student rose. For those who are new and were not listening ,I am professor kate, you do not call me mrs kate, rose i will not condone that action of you calling me mrs kate instead of professor kate again,now I am your English teacher and I will be your English teacher for the rest of the semester. first rule in my cla---....A boy walked in, he looked like a god, he dressed soo edgy as if he wasn't here to learn but dressed like he was going to a club to have fun but I wasn't gonna lie he was good looking...he had this dangerous aura emanating from him and I could feel myself shiver even though he was far away from me. I continued to look at him as he made his way to a desk closer to mine and sat gently fixing his gaze at the teacher. I immediately snapped back to reality when the teacher spoke...."mr"... "alex "he completed her sentence.."I assume you're new here but that is no way to walk into a class"the professor said. he relaxed himself in the chair not listening to what she was saying and continued looking at the board, I looked deeply into his eyes but all I could see was emptiness,hate,frustration, and wondered why...he immediately felt someone looking at him and turned to meet me gazing into his eyes. "why are staring at me haven't you seen a boy before. stop looking at me". I turned away quickly feeling super embarrassed and focused on the teacher..."that will be all for the class".The professor said....I was surprised how time flew and I hadn't listened to anything and now I embarrassed myself infront of alex.

the bell rang for lunch at the cafeteria and I immediately left the the class so that I wouldn't have to talk to him. I was about to step out of the class when professor kate called me back." rose come here I would like you to show alex around the school for me", and...she whispered into my ear"be nice, you know you're always my favorite student. could this day get any worse, now I have to talk to him. I walked out of the class with alex and we headed around the school since it was already lunch time. I showed him the art class , the school lab, the schools swimming pool area, the football field, basketball court and finally the cafeteria..."do you have any questions?" I asked. "why were you staring at me " he said surprisingly calm. I was taken aback by what he had said and faced the other way."I wasn't looking at you"I said. he quickly stood infront of me and I bent my head low." yes you were..I'm not lying and I can tell by your body language..you are very embarrassed" alex said. "no I am not ".I looked up at him feeling confident all of a sudden. yes you were darling" he said and scruffled my hair making me look like a little girl." how dare you touch my hair and don't call me darling". he chuckled lightly making me feel butterflies in my stomach. "how cute you look soo little"alex said. "what?? I'm almost your height" I said. "you wish darling" alex said."urghhh you're soo ANNOYING!!" I said and walked farther from him. I immediately felt a hand drag me back and I lost my footing and fell back only just to meet that same gaze again.it was alex but he seemed so calm and composed and looked deep into my eyes, smiling softly. "don't walk away from me little sheep".