
Baby amidst turmoil

After being treated like a maid by her foster parents and excluded by her other pack members, coral didn't see a future in staying once she turned 16. She fled escaping after being rejected and almost assaulted on the same day. She was drugged years later and had a one night stand with a stranger who turned out to be her true mate. Her life began from there, she gained a wonderful family as the pack they started grew. All of them placed together by fate must work together to fight against a powerful entity who is after coral and Jackson 's unborn child. Years later Jackson found himself slapped in the face by his own wife and child.

Esmo_Rey · สมัยใหม่
16 Chs

MoonRidge Tribal Pack

" Logistics" Mike said as he placed food on her plate.

" Yes that. So who is what" Macy said as she subconsciously enjoyed Michael 's feeding.

" We can sort that out later when we have enough people. For now let's fill out what we can and revote on them a month later when the group Sally said is coming, came. For now, Macy and i will be the right and left hand of those two runaways. Jacob will handle the administration and logistics. Luis health and safety and Mandy food and agriculture. Last but not least, Sally is in charge of the education." Mike said and none of had an objection since it is for a month. They want to do whatever they can to be helpful.

" Why don't we go elsewhere for a few weeks, this construction noise is killing me" Luis said.

" Our friends will be here in a few days, they can help speed up the progress and this house is noise proof , you can't hear anything unless you open the window or door. Just don't go outside. Besides, we have to lay low now. You know how vengeful Jason is and i won't be surprised the tries anything towards Jackson. " Mike said.

" There is no hurry with my school and the hospital. All the houses we bought from Coral are ready. I still can't believe she charges us market price after we refused to get it for free. The only thing left is to decorate them , i bought a truck so we don't attract unwanted attention. There is a mall a bit far away from here and we will go there to buy our things. Mine needs to be painted and floor installed and it's ready for everything. I suggest you guys don't use cards in your names so we don't get traces. I know a person who can help us with that." Sally said.

" I get you and with the speed of the construction company, they will be done in a month with everything sorted out. " Macy said.

" How about we name this place Moon Rigde Tribal Pack " Jackson who just appeared said catching everyone off guard.

" That is a good idea." Sally agreed.

" And there is no need to name position with so little people. We don't have to be like any other pack or tribe. That rule is only verbal and not mandatory. Just combine a pack and a tribe in one place. It will be even better." Jackson said before running to the kitchen.

" What are you doing?" Mike asked.

" satisfying my wife's cravings. " Jackson said with pride making all of them choke. They've been fed dog food for so long that it's starting to get annoying.

" Says the one who didn't want a mate " Luis said.

" Yeah, you would think he wasn't anti marriage not long ago " Mike echoed.

" That's because you guys are jealous. Good luck though, i was going to give you guys tips but it looks like you guys are fine. To think i worked so hard to get you this information " Jackson rolled his eyes and said to them through mind link.

" Jackson buddy, you are going to be an amazing father. You have a beautiful wife" Mike made a U turn making the other two laugh.

" Seriously, what did you find out?" Luis asked after he stopped laughing.

" Oh, i am going to check on raven. She's been to clingy with me and my wife recently. But you are right Mike, i married a beautiful woman. Key word being married. Good luck though " Jackson said before running out of there. The two immediately ran after him.

" Wait, I'll give you the limited edition action figure you've always wanted " Mike offered as he chased after Jackson.

" And I'll give you the pill you wanted." Luis yelled.

" I already got the latest limited edition while you have the old one and i thought you said that the pills don't exist " Jackson yelled back.

" They do exist, i just didn't want to give it to you but i can give them to you now" Luis yelled noticing the direction Jackson was running towards and stopped.

" Hey, why did you stop?" Mike asked him.

" Don't you think our best friend is cunning?" Luis responded and pointed at the direction where mark is heading towards.

" That bastard. Let's return, I'll rather take a year to woe my mate than fall for his trap. I will even shamelessly use the mate bond to my advantage if i hate to.". Mike said before turning back.

Jackson smirked seeing them return. He saw the girls coming back earlier so they heard what they said a while ago. He laughed knowing that the two just dug their graves. Mandy who was seeing the guys playful nature was in tears. The last time she had seen them like this was when they were kids. They were innocent and not a threat, the Luna was still alive and everything was great.

After the Luna died, everything came crumbling down. The only thing that kept Jackson alive was the retired Alpha who protected him. Then the Alpha got remarried and brought in a young boy who looked exactly like him. Although everyone did their numbers, nobody said anything about this mistress and the illegitimate child. A clear indication that everyone knew about it except the retired Alpha and the late Luna.

Jackson didn't throw a tantrum or anything but it was clear that he drew a line between him and his father including the people who knew about his affair. He later found out that the child isn't the only one left outside and the retired Alpha forced the Alpha to take them in. A few years later the retired Alpha died after Jackson was matured enough. He asked Jackson to be the alpha until he graduates college.

After the death of the Luna, everyone realized that their quality of life has become worse. The dissatisfaction was apparent and Mandy heard from the orphanage director that they stopped funding for all the kids while the pack house thrives. She looked at Coral who had a smile on her face and hesitates if she should ask if some of the kids could come here after the construction is finished. Coral saw her hesitation and gave Macy a look before inviting Mandy to her office.

Lincoln looked at his sister with a worried expression. He couldn't tell her that he can still feel the mate with Coral's mother. She is still alive out there and in immense pain. He can feel her anxiety and longing. She must be injured and hiding out there. The main reason why he resigned was to look for her all over the world.

He can sense her loosing hope each day. He wants to call Coral and inform her of her mother but he knew that it will just put her in more danger than she already is. He knows that someone on the council is after her after what happened back then. Only elders know how to supress the bond between those fated. That's why he maintained the state of heartbreak after that fateful day.

As days past, he started feeling the bond again a few days before her 'death' . He felt her feelings for that man which honestly broke him but he knew he deserved it. He was arrogant back then and his actions hurt her pretty badly. He takes responsibility for that. His father had arranged his marriage with Talia 300 years ago and he had to admit that he did develop some feelings for her.

He didn't know that side of her and why he went after his fated like she did behind his back. He knew after the damage was done after he had swallowed his pride and approached his godfather, A werewolf. It was only then that he knew more about his fated's species and why she always looked at him with hurt in her eyes.

She knew, she knew all about the relationship with his wife Talia because she felt it. Werewolves feel everything their mate does and the pain when your mate has any sexual activities with others. Although he and Talia 's marriage was shaky, they had a great sex life. Like all vampires do. They have high libido due to the blood they drink. Sometimes feeding on blood brings unimaginable pleasure to the point where one would have an organism in the middle of it.

This is why they encourage marriage when one doesn't find a fated to help manage that kind of lust. He took out the frustration he felt on Talia not to scare his fated but that only caused pain to her. Like all his friends, they were raised hating wolves. That would is forbidden in their world or the society they grew up in. They were not allowed to have anything to do with them due to the long standing feud.

He saw how pleased they were when he said that he felt the birth of his only daughter. He knew what they were thinking. They were thinking that he didn't let his bond control him and that he doesn't acknowledge her existence. As for his former father in law, he was pleased that i don't have anything to do with. They haven't given up on getting him back together with his ex wife Talia.

He is one of the reasons why he struggled so much just to separate. Despite this, he is determined to protect his daughter and her mother. He will accept her rejection if it means that she will be happy. He feels guilty for all the pain and hurt his presence in her life had caused two of them. So much so for failing to be there for their daughter.

" Lukas is on the move brother. He is looking for his sister so he can protect her against his mother. You can't give up now and you know that no matter how much he hates her, She is still his mother. The woman who gave birth to him. You can't put her through that. Our sister said that she disappeared back in Paris and is unable to find her. You can't leave without finding my niece brother " She said.

" Tessa, i can still feel her. She is still alive and healthy. I just can't pin point her location. There is some sort of barrier protecting her. There is also her maternal family, they will not forsake her like they did her mother. Us finding her will draw too much attention to her. We have so many eyes on her and mostly our family. You know how bad things are these days. I don't want to risk her life being in danger. " He said.

" I know but i am so anxious to meet her. Did she shift or is she a full vampire?" Tessa asked.

" She shifted and because she has never touched blood, her vampire attributes haven shown yet. I am guessing that she is both with the psychic gifts she has but i don't know the extent of them. She is a hybrid after all. You should have seen her Tessa, she looked just like mom when she was younger with her mother features and my skin type. She took our unique pale skin and red lips. Her hair is from her mother's side of the family. " he said with a smile.

" I saw her picture after searching for her name. She is a remarkable young woman. I just feel sad that we weren't able to save her from suffering when she was younger and just be there for her. " Tessa said.

" That is understandable. I feel so guilty, i know that my presence would have put her in danger but i wanted to be sure that she is safe first. I wanted to let her know that she is loved by all of us. Me and Lukas had to look out for her from a distance. I can only hope that she doesn't hate us. " he said.

" She seems like a kind young lady, i am sure she will understand. " she said noticing her brother being this depressed.