
Pogberg Arc: Volume 1

In the 1700s, Pogberg was made by a village and UK knew the news and they were getting ready to colonize it but that's for a future chapter. Pogberg was colonizing some land for it not be small as a village and recently the leader, John, made an announcement for the nation's first official flag. The flag had vertical stripes in green, black, and white forming the Pogberg flag. Now Pogberg became a true nation! Following 20 years, in the commencement of the 1800s, The UK went to the place that is kenned for Pogberg and commenced a little conflict. The UK colonized Pogberg and everything went to destine, the denizens of Pogberg became miserable and they needed to hang tight for a period, a period for a transformation and USA got the fresh insight about UK colonizing Pogberg and they were distraught, way frantic, John, the head of Pogberg, genially expected USA to come and commence a conflict with the UK. Pogberg denizens presently need to stand by. USA starting shooting everywhere, UK fired back and John and the rest of Pogberg were just chilling, after a few hours, USA ended up killing all of UK that were on Pogberg's land. USA had officially colonized Pogberg but Pogberg was ready to announce revolution, and so did Pogberg, USA was furious and so Pogbrrg prepared and prepared! Pogberg VS USA!!! Pogberg VS USA! Who will win? There were nukes everywhere and shooting guns all over the place, luckily John was able to kill the leader of the USA army and as the USA army was distracted, they were all killed in the next moment! Pogberg won the war and became independent! The first things John started doing was colonizing more land for more people to live in! From 1800 to 1840, Pogberg earned a new leader and began greedy, Pogberg began to be known as the nation of greed for land! They began to get a new plan, and that plan was to colonize the entire world so they can become the only and most strongest nation in the world! Pogberg began it's plan to colonize the 6 continents, starting North America and that was easy cause if Pogberg killed the entirety of the american army then they can kill the rest and the other countries' armies, and that was correct! Pogberg started a war with the USA and killed their army and its leader! Now Pogberg troops head to the weaker countries and ending up colonizing all of them and then they finally went to Canada and try to colonize them! So they did by killing their leader, Pogberg's army ended up going to Mexico and they surrendered!? Mexican army and leader surrendered and sacrificed themselves for the civilians to not get hurt. Pogberg went to Central America (I don't know what it is but its not a continent). Pogberg easily colonized Central America and headed to South America! Pogberg troops headed to the weaker countries first which was the better decision! After a while of colonizing, Pogberg headed off to the last South American country, Brazil, and Pogberg wasn't expecting the strength in Brazil's army! Pogberg took that as a hint for the future. Pogberg somehow killed the leader before the army! Pogberg had colonized 2 continents, 4 left, but now it was different, the other countries had been notified that Pogberg were colonizing so they had to prepare... Pogberg was heading off to Africa to colonize it. When Pogberg arrived, they started off with the easier countries but they had help from the bigger countries so Pogberg was a bit shocked but they knew that they couldn't stop them. So Pogberg gave their hardest, killing every troop they saw until they got to the presidents and kill them so they colonized the countries. Pogberg headed off to the bigger countries of Africa in order to colonize them, Pogberg arrived and the armies would be prepared in one place but the army of Pogberg smirked. After killing the armies, Pogberg's troops went off to every country's president so they could kill them and colonize the entirety of Africa. Then Pogberg headed off to Oceania and colonize them now Pogberg didn't really worry about them since it's only Australia with the stronger army now Pogberg were killing the armies of every weak country in Oceania then Pogberg went off to Australia and colonize it nkw Pogberg has colonized 4 continents and 2 left, now Pogberg went off to Asia.