Axlverse is a novel series based on a multiverse of madness!
Pogberg arrived at Asia and of course started off by colonizing the weaker countries first which was the better decision but of course the stronger countries are helping the weaker ones so it really doesn't matter anymore so Pogberg troops divided themselves and went to every Asian country to kill their troops and colonize them and after shooting, explosions, and blood falling all over the ground, Pogberg finally colonized Asia and went off to Europe, the last continent, the Pogberg army really didn't care where to start off anymore so they went to any country they find and they did colonize them, one by one, they colonized the entirety of Europe. The Pogberg army went back home and celebrated their biggest victory yet but they didn't know what was gonna come for them. After 10 years (1850) leaded by Pogberg, the world was ready to have their independence but Pogberg was too confident, too proud, to even see that the world were planning for something big! The world got their hands on something that was never seen before and that's vibranium! Vibranium is powerful so that's a good side for the world, they were already making armor, robots, guns, rockets, etc to combat Pogberg! They weren't gonna lose the war if they lost a battle. After a while, South America and Oceania were ready to get their independence. The Pogberg army saw the attack that South America and Oceania made but Pogberg still fought until some of them died and Pogberg was overruled and gave up on the land. Pogberg has only 4 continents colonized now and it wasn't gonna stop now. After that small battle, Pogberg got more prepared and tried to figure out the source of the weapons used against them but it wasn't enough, it was too useless! Africa and Asia were already done with their preparation for them to get independent. Pogberg saw the African and Asian weapons entering the land and immediately the leader told all troops to head to where the weapons were and attack them and so did the troops. But the weapons killed the troops and Pogberg had lost more land but the leader had surrendered and gave the land back so now Pogberg only had a tiny bit of land. After that lost, Pogberg had to strengthen itself and rethink their decisions but that was too late, the entire world went into an agreement for USA to attack Pogberg and colonize their land so there would be no more of Pogberg and the leader being dead and of course that did happen. The rematch of Pogberg vs USA was pitty, mostly becauee Pogberg didn't have an army and USA had vibranium so it was an easy win and so that happened, Pogberg was gone! USA had colonized their land and killed the leader. Well that's until 1990. It was 1990, the comeback of Pogberg, a fellow paid the European Union to give them some uncolonized european land and the fellow made a nation, an existing nation, that nation was Pogberg! The news around the world was shocking, everyone remembers or heard of the story where Pogberg became the most hated country due to it's actions. Pogberg was rebuilding itself so the new fellow leader made an announcement, "Pogberg won't be the same Pogberg from the 1800s, it's leader was greedy, I'm not greedy once or ever, I want to make Pogberg great again so please have trust in my word". Pogberg was rebuilding itself and it was gaining civilians and civilians. After 1 year, Pogberg had 5 million people living so it was doing great so far! 0 enemies and a bunch of allies. It was the year 2000, a new century has started in the world, Pogberg had rebuilt itself, with 100 million citizens and billions of euros, Pogberg was doing great! Pogberg had even gotten it's hands on vibranium for important things that would cause a crisis in the world. Pogberg had freedom and was pacifist the most of the time, as people say Pogberg did and is doing great again!