
Awakened Zombie's Die-Hard Levelling

In a monster infested world where the worst of monsters are humans, a long dead zombies awakens a system. The battle-thirsty, power craving zombie begins its journey to rule the world... with only two goals in sight! First, to gain as much power as possible and second, to kill all of mankind and exact his revenge!

RedDeadNight · แฟนตาซี
40 Chs

Side Quest & Main Quest

"Grr!" Felix blinked dumbly. Just like that? So easy? He purred again in delight.

Must be because he was a genius!

Felix's gaze turned stern. Tensing his hands, he dashed ahead.

His agile and soundless steps didn't draw attention. He sneaked behind the Orcs and hurled around his claws wildly.

His fingers brushed past four Orcs as he dashed through the gaps between them before he grinned and rushed back.

The four Orcs suddenly paused and blinked dumbly. They didn't feel anything but sensed something off.

"Gui!?" One of the Orcs' tilted his head and looked around dumbly.

Hearing his voice, the other Orcs turned around and looked toward him.

"What's wrong?" The Orc asked tiredly. He just wanted to go and cuddle in the mud.

He scratched his head and frowned, his heart palpitating for some reason.

"Gah!" Another Orc suddenly collapsed to his knees. His eyes trembled from pain. His paw gripped his chest.

"Blrrr!" Another one vomited whatever amount of food he had in his gut.

Soon, the drama escalated into tension for the three unscathed Orcs. Alerts popped up one after another in front of Felix.

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has turned into a Zombie Orc!]

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has turned into a Zombie Orc!]

Felix purred cheerfully, his eyes squinted as he began to march onward with his army.

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has turned into a Zombie Orc!]

Foam seeped out of the Orcs' mouths as Felix heard the last of the messages.

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has turned into a Zombie Orc!]

"Grrr!" He waved his hand, causing the four Infected Orcs to... leap at the three pigs.

"Gaaa!" The Infected Orcs growled at their three confused brothers and punched them hard.

Felix snickered and leaned against a tree. His eyes squeezed together as he saw Orcs going at the throats of other Orcs!

"Grrr!" His eyes lit up maliciously, 'This is... not a bad taste!'

Felix licked his lips excitedly. Seeing the three Orcs walking back in surprise at how the four Orcs had begun to attack them and how three more had appeared while eyeing them strangely.

The Orcs burst under the pressure and panic. They oinked like pigs and screeched at the group of seven Orcs.

"Wh-What are you doing brothers?" One of them tripped and crawled backward.

"Y-You! Aren't you the one who left before us? What are you doing? Where's the game?" Another screamed.

"Grrr!" Seth groaned next to Felix. He hadn't been ordered to join the fun. Thus he could only look from beside the Awakened.

"Grrrr!" Felix purred in delight. He could feel his inside-out getting refreshed and cleaned.

As if all the rust inside him had begun to erode.

One of the Infected lept forward and punched an Orc, battering him to the ground. The latter barely managed to screech before another punch landed right atop his nose.

"Gah! Br-Brother!" Despite his pleas, the Infected showed no remorse and ganged up on the three Orcs, beating them up black and blue.

Felix's grin kept widening as he listened to the music, and without realizing it, he let out a peal of hearty laughter from the euphoric tune.

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has killed an Orc! You have received 40 EXP!]

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has killed an Orc! You have received 40 EXP!]

[Congratulations! Your infected Orc has killed an Orc! You have received 40 EXP!]

As the screams died down, Felix felt immense loneliness, 'More... I want more! More and MOREEE POWER!!'

His eyes flared up as he glared toward the village. Felix's dried veins pulsated from the vigor bursting loose within him.

'I want to get stronger! STRONGER AND STRONGER! OFFER ME YOUR LIVES! I NEED TO TRAMPLE OVER THEM!' A fierce roar escaped from Felix's lips. His body trembled as immense anger drowned him.

For him, who had grown so much continuously, the instant he stopped acquiring power, he felt as if he had crashed from the skies to the mud like these pigs!


Seth trembled suddenly, his eyes shifted toward Felix. His lips moved as he spoke aloud, "Fright-ening... resolve!"


Felix's fist gritted together as he slammed it onto the face of an Orc. Bashing its already beaten head into the ground.

[Congratulations! You have killed an Orc. You have received 80 EXP!]

"Grrrr!" Felix groaned and leaned back from the Orc's body.

[● Side Quest Completed!

- Progress: 10/10!]

[You can now initiate the Main Quest!]

"GRRRRR!" Felix roared aloud at the sky in happiness.


"Grrr!" Felix gazed at the group of 10 strong Orcs behind him and his trusty Seth standing like a pillar to his right.

"Grrr!" Felix clenched his fist shut and strode back to the village.

He had destroyed the third group that the village had sent for food. The group of five Orcs had even killed some Orcs themselves in their fit. Causing the Orcs to rush out and search for something to sate their superiors.

Felix had infected only three and killed the rest. But it still didn't satisfy him. He wanted a heavier feast... A stronger opponent! A challenging victory!!

As he sniffed the air, he could even smell it, 'High... Orc!' Felix cackled as the unit of 12 stood in front of the tree that had been taken a fancy off by the Awakened.

He could spot the five Orcs still sitting on the mud, their faces red from rage, their bodies shivering from the dread of his Highness.

"WHERE THE F*CK ARE THOSE BITCHES!?" The Orc punched the mud. A strange frenzy began to overtake his rationality as he gazed at the young Orc cubs cowering in their houses.

"If they don't come then... I will have no choice!" The Orc got up from the ground, patting his mudded paws, he walked to a house with heavy steps.

"Grrr!" Felix's eyes flickered. A grin stretched across his face. He raised his paw and commanded in pure malevolence, 'Move, and kill... all!!'

The ten Zombie Orcs growled and stomped over toward the Orc Village. Their eyes shivered from a cruel desire to free all lives from their measly shells.

Their feet stomped over the ground, trampling the ground as they inched closer.

Seeing the ten Orcs treading onward with their faces dripping seriousness. One of the five Orcs, who felt somewhat hesitant to kill innocent children to feed his Highness exclaimed in delight, "Wait! Wait! They are here! They are here!"

The Orc kept walking toward the hut while asking, "What!? Who's there!?"

"The Orcs! They are here! Don't do anything rash." Hearing the anxious words, the Orc finally paused and turned his head to glare at the group of ten Orcs.

He growled and gritted his teeth, "These bitches... if not the children... then one of them will get skinned by me today."

He turned around and stamped over toward the Orcs, leaving deep prints in the mud from each of his steps.

"Hey! You lowly peasants! How dare you make us wait so long!? I'm gonna murder one of you today!" The ten Orcs didn't even flinch from his threat and kept swaggering over.

"Huh!?" The Orc tilted his head in confusion. Now that the Orcs drew closer, he could see that they didn't seem to be carrying any game... actually, they even looked somewhat darker toned than usual.

'Is it due to the mud!?' The Orc scratched his skull dumbfoundedly.

As he squinted his eyes, sizing up the Orcs stepping over his shadow, he suddenly felt his heart flicker, "O-Oi! Stop where you are. That's enough. Where's the game!? Where's his Highness's food!?"

The Orcs blew their noses and kept walking, disregarding his words.

He frowned, his foot dragging back instinctively.

His eyes directing into their dark pupils. Their pitch-black bead-sized gazes caused his heart to palpitate, "Hey! Didn't you hea--"

The Orcs' mouths spread wide open... "GUIII!!!"

One of the Infected Orc raised his paw and smacked the Orc in front of him hard into the mud.

The nine behind him stepped over. And with the utmost honor, stomped over the Orc– bloodying him in seconds until the much-desired melody... began to play!

[Congratulations! Your infected Zombie Orc has killed an Orc. You have received 40 EXP!]



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