
Chapter-3:Obssesion Or Beginning Of An Infinite Love?

Avi on reaching out saw a guy hugging Shri .He didn't why but he could feel a pinch in his heart and sadness for the second time in his life ; the first time was when he lost his father whom he loved very much and had to come on a mission here leaving his family and people behind.Avi didn't know why this feeling was developing whether it was an obssession or something serious but he decided to go and deal with them as they were about to go out although he knew there was no future possibilities due to his real persona.He went near them and said,"Shri,Teacher is calling you inside."Shri said that she would come in a while and went in the archery class.But there was noone.She asked Avi but then he said,"Are you going out?Can't you not go?"Shri said,"My best friend has a concert today with a salsa dance so he wants me to join but why shouldn't I go?"Avi said,"Not it's just that competition is near and you have to practice more."Shri said,"ok,I will continue by tomorrow I have to go today."Avi said,"Then I am also coming!"Shri asked,"Why??I mean..Shouldn't you practice."Avi said,"I also can practice from tomorrow let's go!"Shri said ok and they went to the hall.

On reaching,they came to know that the dancers weren't there and only 1 hour was left for the concert.Avi said,"Let's do it."Shri said,"But I don't know salsa dance well."Avi said ,"Leave that on me ."He said the participants to remove the last kiss part and others will be done by them.They were about to say something but he had already left.Avi went to Shri and said,"Look deep in my eyes."Shri said,"what??"Avi said,"Just do as I say."Shri looked in his eyes and the feeling was completely different as if she was not in this world.She could feel some ideas striking her mind.Avi held her wrist by his hand and gently placed the other one in her waist and tightened his grip bringing her very close.Shri's heart was racing very fast and the same was with the heart of Avi.Soon they finished their practice and shri sighed in relief

It was the time of performance.Shri and Avi did very well.Shri did every step very smoothly and she felt as if it had been inserted in her brain altough it was strange.They finished their dance part but at the same time a ballon came near them which pushed Avi's head as his head bolcked it.It was planned that it would come after kiss as he would have tilted and ballon would have a clear part but eventhough they were about to skip that part it couldn't be skipped that's what the participants were about to say Avi.Shri widened her eyes seeing that again she kissed the same guy.Her heart was having a marathon and breathe was shortening.But the audience enjoyed the performance and clapped.Soon the curtain fell and they parted from each other.Jack in the side who was the main guitarist was burning with anger cause he liked shri butcouldn't say it as shri never looked at him in any other ways than a best friend.Shri taking her bag moved fast Avi was about to follow her but didn't seeing Jack accompaning her till her home.

The next day; It's valentine's day and Shri and also Shri's birthday.Shri dressed pretty well and went to university.The university entrance was completely decorated it was because a male teacher was going to purpose a female teacher.Shri was moving but her feet slipped but was saved as someone held her wrist.It was Avi.He said,"Don't step there our plan will be ruined."Shri blankly said ,"ok"and stood up but again fell down and touched the line.On touching she was amaged to see the rose petals falling sown and the lightenings around with a romantic song in the background."Shri looked up then at Avi who was already looking at the excited eyes of Shri."Their eyes met and they heard say cheese Infinite couple."They turned to see and it was the part of plan anda person took their photo who was hired to click the teacher's photo.They stood up and shri went to her class when she opened her phone she was shocked to she their photo on today's event photos.She went to talk to Avi.Avi saw Jack entering the university so he said,"ok then for that you have to follow what i say."Shri said ok and avi said her to assist him for a day.Jack said,"Shri Happy Birthday!Let's go out i havea surprise for y..."But he stopped seeing Avi by Shri's side.Shri said,"Ok let's go."Aci held her wrist saying,"Did you forget what you said just now."Shri said,"Ok i will do it tomorrow."Avi said,"no i want you to assist me today."But jack held her other wrist saying,"It's her birthday why are youtreting her this way she can do whatever she wants."But shri said,"Jack i had agreed to him.Don't worry i will see you in the evening."Jack waved at her and went.Avi said,"follow me to the basketball court."Shri said,"oh can we play basketball even if I am your assistant that's so sweet."Avi smiled softly but tried to cover it moving without saying a word.

Shri on reaching the basketball court said,"here.Pass the ball to me.Avi came to her but instead gave her a waterbottle to hold.Shri became angry and threw the bottle to him but he had already gone she controlling herself brought bottle again and sat after winnig the game came to have water shri gave the bottle but he said,"I'm your boss for today.Atleast adress me."Shri said,"Take it Avi."Avi said teasingly,"respect is lacking."Shri said,"Take it Avi sir."Avi added,"Why are you calling me by name?"Shri said ,"Idiot.ok take it please sir."Avi laughed and said,"That sounds good."Shri rolled her eyes.Shri was about to go but avi stopped her saying do you think i just play in the whole day?Follow me to library.Avi was doing someting with his phone and stopped for sometime and then went to the library.He read some books and it was time to go.Shri went to the door and Avi was about to stop her but the library had been locked.Shri tried to open but couldn't.Avi teased her saying,"what happened Miss?Can't you open it?don't be in so much hurry you can meet Jack after sometime.I think someone locked it thinking no one is in.

Shri said,"It's not about Jack.It's my birthday and my parents and friends are waiting for me everyone is not like you not even wishing the birthday"and sighed pretty sadly.Avi came near her and said,"Who said i won't wish you .Wait!Ihave something for you."He came with a cake which he had kept in a corner and said,"Happy Birthday Shri.Although we have been rivals since we met I can't ruin your this special day."Shri felt good.She cut the cake and feed it to him He gave her a new phone saying,"It's my apology and compensation."Shri said,"Sorry ,I broke your phone too."Avi said smiling,"I think it was destined not then why would i dare mess up with you."Shri laughed.Aci took out a strange but beautiful locket saying,"And this is my gift.I know you will never remember about me .But wheneveryou are in need catch this locked and remember me I will be there forever to help you."Shri laughed and said,"Will it teleport??haha..."Avi said ,"Somehow...And smiled."The light went off and shri had a fear of darkness.She started being frustrated.Avi held her hand and said,"Just close your eyes and take 2 to 3 deep brathes it will be all right."Shri followed him and to her amazement the light came .She was about to say something but got startled seeing him holding her hands and looking directly to her eyes.She was unable to figure what was the feeling developing in her.She unknowingly smiled.Avi determined for something lookedd more deeply and said,"Shri,I want to tell you a secret of mine."