
Chapter-2:The Accidental First Kiss

Avi's friend saw a phone lying on the nearby table.he said, "I think that girl left herphone here."Avi said, "Let's give it to her now not then again her lecture would start on the topic that you sshould return every goods that doesn't belong to you."They both laughed and went out.But shri and her friend had already gone.Avi was about to return back but then his feet slipped. he got saved but the phone fell and broke.His friend said, "shit.Let's give her a new phone.I think she is gonna be furious."Avi smiled cunningly and said, "Don't worry!!I have a plan."

Next day shri entered the university wondering where she might have left the phone.At the same time Avi appeared in front of her with a gift in his hand.He said, "happy birthday shri!!"Shri said, "but it's not my birthday.My birthday is after two days."Avi said,"then merry christmas!!"Shri said but it's February!!"Avi continued,"happy new new year or anything just take this gift.I prepared it really hard."Shri said,"I said it's February bro.But wait...why do you want to give me a gift i can sense something fishy...."Avi said,"Nothing like that i just wanted to give you this special gift."Shri filled with curosity took the gift and opened it."Opening the gift she said angrily,"what the....."It was her broken phone."she stareted scolding Avi saying,"what do you just think of yourself huh!!first you break my phone and instead of saying sorry you give it to me as a gift."At the same time bell rang and all students started moving with rush.Because of this shri got pushed by someone and she fell in the front closing her eyes in fear.When she opened her eyes she found her lips softly pressed in Avi's.She became totally shocked .But she instantly rose up and moved but she again came took a phone from Avi's hand and hit it on the floor.Ok then if there is no apology i take it as a compensation.Idiot."And she headed to the classroom.Avi with a smile in his face said,"silly!"

His friend in side said,"Avi,I have never seen you this way.You become angry easily if someone annoys you but she even broke your phone and you are smiling."Avi said,"Not like that.Just smiling at her innocence and level of stupidity.Eventhough she is this way don't you remember she didn't even ask what our secret was."His friend said,"yes,That's also true.But I think she wouldn't even be able to resist it."Avi sighed and said,"True!"They moved to their class.The next class was archery in which shri was very much interested.There they gave their performance and shri ,avi and his friend got selected.The best among them was Avi so the teacher said him to let them practice.Avi started with shri.He went near her and held her hand in the bow and the string.Shri turned to see and he was very near to her.Their eyes met and shri remembered the morning event it was her first kiss and she hadn't came out of that shock.."Avi said smiling a little,"Concentrate on the aim not on me."Shri immediately turned.The arrow was exactly at the aim.Avi was about to approach her.But a notice came saying,"Shri,There is a boy out to meet you.He says he is Jack."He was about to conitnue but shri ran out saying,"What!!Jack is really here."Seeing her rushing in that way Avi went to see out but was in shockof what he saw out....

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