
Mass Refining

Next day in Zarion Academy.

Inside the Refining Division, the day was just beginning. Disciples at this time were either busy signing up for lessons or doing their own respective experiments.

Disciples that have reached Level 2 were incentivised to perform their own experiments to further improve their understanding towards refining.

Though a lesson from a higher levelled Refiner was valuable, nothing beats first hand experience. As such, many locations have been designated to house refining rooms dedicated for disciples' use.

While these can be loaned by anyone, most of them are disciples that have achieved the minimal level required, Level 2.

Most of the Refiners that reached Level 3 and Level 4 had their own private refining rooms. And for those that don't, they have access to higher quality refining rooms in the Refining Headquarters itself.

Zhang Wei and Asyraaf headed to one of those refining rooms in the Headquarters. Though he still was not recognized as a Level 3 Refiner yet, he was the Sucessive Disciple to the Refining Division.

This granted him several benefits. One of which, is obviously a private refining room.

Zhang Wei wanted to go to a refining for one reason only. And that was mass refining!

That's right, he wants to abuse the system's function of 'not requiring any materials' and 'automatically refine it with 100% purity'.

He was so excited about this plan, that he was smiling from ear to ear. Just imagining the system's hypothetical face was like pure bliss.

[Finally! Shitty system, you think you can abuse me without any retaliation? Go screw yourself! Time to make you a slave!]

Asyraaf was also inside the room. To increase efficiency, they decided to both refine pills. Though Asyraaf was only a Level 3 Prime Refiner, his skills were top notch.

He can refine Level 4 pills and under with relative ease. The best thing was, he would also get 100% purity most of the time. Just another testament to his skill.

Though Asyraaf agreed to this plan, he had his reservations. For one, he had never attempted to mass refine anything.

Refiners that are above a certain skill level would find it beneath themselves to refine pills of lower levels. This was because, if they dwell on it too much, they will lose their edge when refining higher level pills.

Similar to professional gamers who refuse to battle lower level gamers to prevent themselves from taking the game too easily.

The second reason, and the main one, was he didn't want to see Zhang Wei's refining face. The scene was too revolting for him. He just couldn't muster up the courage to view it again.

In fact, when he was sleeping last night, he had nightmares about that face appeared in his dreams.

He woke up a few times filled with sweat and breathing heavily. It seems that it induced some sort of trauma to him.

But alas, he just made up with Zhang Wei, and he wouldn't want to displease him again. So, he reluctantly agreed.

The best thing he could do is set up his cauldron on the opposite side of the room so that he didn't have to view Zhang Wei refining.

Though Zhang Wei didn't say anything about this, on the inside, he was feeling indignant.

[it's not my fault! The Author was the one who made up this stupid rule!]

They didn't waste any more time and started to refining. Every pill required a minimum amount of time to refine but with every increase in rank as a Refiner, this minimum amount could be reduced.

A Level 1 Pill Refiner would require around ten minutes to refine a normal Level 1 Pill, meanwhile a Level 2 Pill Refiner would require only half that time.

Since the system was outside the boundary of these rules, it didn't have the minimum amount of time scale. Instead, it would take the same set amount of time to refine any pill, regardless of the


Zhang Wei could set this time manually, in case he ever needed to fool some idiots. Since he was mass refining, he set the refining time to the possible lowest, 1 minute for each pill.

So in theory and application, he would refine 60 pills in an hour. He was ecstatic. Just thinking about the amount of wealth he would get, was making him stroke his imaginary beard.


"Since user is abusing the system's function, user will be punished. User will only be able to refine 60 pills maximum each day."

Zhang Wei knew that the system would jump in sooner or later, but he didn't expect the punishment would be so lenient.

[That's it? This is… um kind of anti-climactic. How can I rage at you if you're not fully abusing me?]

(Guys I think Zhang Wei turned into an M now. Get help please!)

Zhang Wei did not mind only making 60 pills because the price of a single Level 6 pill was absurd in of itself.

The market price for pills get ridiculous at times. Depending on purity, a single Level 6 Pill would fetch around 4000 – 120000 academy points!

This stupidly high price was because, despite the large amounts of experts and high-level Pill Refiners, the ones who could actually refine a Level 6 Pill was scarce, especially one with high purity.

So each time a Level 6 Pill appeared in an auction, various powers would stop at nothing to acquire it. Especially if the effects were outstanding.

Any pill that can help Martial Practitioners advance, would be sold out almost immediately.

This was perfect as the pill Zhang Wei was refining, was the hardest pill to make, Soul Temper Pill.

This pill would help Level 6 Martial Practitioners temper and cleanse their soul, making it easier to ascend to Level 7. For lower Level Martial Practitioners, this pill will allow them to make immediate breakthroughs, without any side effects.

This pill is highly sought after, and even Level 7 Pill Refiners struggle to refine this pill, if they ever get their hands on the formula that is. The only people qualified to refine this pill in the entire

Refining Division, was Division Head Syamil and Vice Head Faiz.

Though to get them to refine this pill was close to never going to happen. Not because it would be difficult, in fact with their talent, refining a 100% purity Soul Temper Pill was easy as flicking a finger.

The reason that most people were told was, it would upset the power balance of the city, if multiple experts at Level 7 appeared.

But the actual reason was Division Head Syamil could not give a single shit to refine that lower-class pill. And Vice Head Faiz… is too busy sleeping.

If a single one of this pill appeared, it will make the entire city quake, now imagine if 60 appeared simultaneously.

Just the sight of those experts fighting over his creation made Zhang Wei filled with expectations.

Well Zhang Wei turned weird... Um, hopefully he gets his rage back soon. It would kind of suck if our MC was not screaming and cursing at something wouldn't it?

UnKnown1998creators' thoughts