
Author Of The Apocalypse

"All the stories are true. The stories we know are the reality of another world hidden from us." The words I wrote came to reality. The apocalypse I wrote came to reality. The fantasy I wrote came to reality. I, Michael, am an author whose failed novel came to reality. Granted with an 'Author' exclusive skill and knowledge about this new world, I want to live a life of peace, the dream every protagonist has. I have no idea if this dream would ever come true. All I know is that this is my world and I am the one responsible for both its creation and its destruction... *** Chapter length: 1.6k+ words every chapter. I have done a lot of research on various beasts and powers before writing this novel. You will definitely enjoy reading this xD Note: The cover is original and not stolen.

BlackFlamer · แฟนตาซี
57 Chs

An End And A Beginning (3)

Inari looked calm despite the failure messages. She expected this to happen considering how she had failed the last time she tried to look at Michael's status.

"You are special." Inari smiled. "I will be monitoring your next scenario. I got the promotion I needed. Thanks for that. Take this as a gift from me."

[ 5000 Glens has been rewarded. ]

The number of glens surprised me. 5000 Glen's reward this early on was a big deal. Inari must have liked the promotion she got to give me such a gift.

"I hope you will keep things interesting. I will see you soon. Bye." Inari winked.

The Kitsune lady snapped her fingers, opening another portal in front of her. She vanished a second after stepping foot inside the portal.


Now I knew the person responsible for monitoring the second scenario. Inari wasn't a bad Entertainer so it was fine. 

"I wish I knew about you too." With a sigh, I turned to look at Vin.

The latter's body was frozen on the sofa and a faraway expression was present on her face. It was the same dazed expression I saw on her face during the fight with Bash the puppet.

I noticed this while conversing with Inari. I indulged in a conversation with her to prevent the Kitsune lady from approaching Vin.

Fortunately, Inari only wanted to talk to me. She didn't pay any attention to Vin. I wondered if Inari could've seen Vin's status.

'Blue, what do you think is happening?'

< I think she is peering at something different. Maybe a vision of sorts. > Blue suggested.

'Did she receive a supporter this early on? But then, the number of supporters who can provide such a powerful ability are low in number. Most of them belong to strong higher realms.'

I fell deep in thought, trying to remember all the supporters who provided the ability to view the future through a vision. 

Honestly, the world of 'Apocalypse Messiah' was way too complex for no reason. I never touched many realms and never mentioned numerous supporters directly.

I knew about their existence but the details on them were low. Even if I knew about them in detail, none of them provided such a skill easily.

"I guess I will ask Vin once she wakes up from her vision."

Instead of settling down, I pulled up my status window. This was the second time I would glance at it.


Name: Michael Solanski 

Race: Human

Skill: [Author's Skill] [Unique], [Pyrokinesis] [S], [Gamer's Chatbox] [D]

Supporter: None

Overall Stats: Strength Lv. 3, Agility Lv. 4, Physique Lv. 2, Strategy Lv ???, Magic Power Lv. ???


Hmm, I didn't notice any major change except for the addition of three skills in my 'Skill' area.

"Maybe I guessed wrong… huh?"

My status window automatically closed and numerous blue windows replaced it.


[ An error has occurred. ]

[ Your data does not sync with the records of the Golden Scroll. ]

[ Your information is being updated. ]

[ Your status screen will be available soon. ]


A frown appeared on my face. I wasn't unfamiliar with these blue screens. They appeared when an anomaly appeared in any of the realms.

The information about that anomaly would then be registered in the Golden Scroll so that he or she could be monitored effectively.

If my guess was correct, I knew the reason for this occurrence.

'Skill info.'


Author's Skill [Unique] 

- With focus, certain parts of '#$*' can be recalled. Might not work at times due to fish brain memory. 

- ???

- ???


Nothing changed in it either but I wasn't interested in that. I waited for a few seconds and the same thing from earlier repeated.


[ An error has occurred. ]

[ The data of your skill does not sync with the records of the Golden Scroll. ]

[ Your information is being updated. ]

[ Skill Information will be available soon. ]


Both my status screen and skill information became inaccessible after the notifications. I decided to check one more thing before discussing it with Blue.


[Pyrokinesis] [S]

Pyrokinesis allows you to create and control fire with your mind and bodily actions. The amount of fire you can control depends on your emotional control.

- If you lose control over yourself, you will lose control over the fire.

- Overuse of the skill may result in minor headaches, temperature increase of surroundings, light fever, extreme sweating, raging boners(includes all types of males), and worst case scenario, spontaneous combustion(death)


Available Skills:

> Flame Summoning(Level 2): allows you to summon flames. The higher the level, the more flame you can control. Also allows you to change the temperature of the flames. Increase in levels also increases the hotness of flames.

> Flame Control: allows the user to control all forms of flame, whether external or created by the user. 

- This skill has no levels.

- The amount of fire that can be controlled solely depends on the user's control over their emotions, their magic power, and the type of fire they are trying to control.

> Flame Manipulation: Allows the user to manipulate the flames into any form they want.

- This skill has no level.

- You can manipulate fire into any form you want as long as your emotions are stable. 


I read through the details of [Pyrokinesis] with a smiling face. This skill would take me a long way in the scenarios.

I waited for an entire minute before closing the window. No error occurred when it came to this particular skill.

Perhaps the existence of [Author's Skill] and the '???' in my status screen didn't match the existing Golden Scroll records.

This resulted in an error that blocked me from viewing either of those two things. My theory sounded plausible but I needed another opinion on this.

'What do you think?' I questioned telepathically.

Instead of a mental response, a window opened in front of me.


[ An error has occurred. ]

[ The data of your skill does not sync with the records of the Golden Scroll. ]

[ Your information is being updated. ]

[ Skill Information will be available soon. ]


I forgot Blue was linked to [Author's Skill]. With the update of the skill, the blue-haired boy couldn't contact me.

"Maybe I should polish my own skills." 

With nothing to do, I started using [Flame Summoning]. Who knows, I might be able to upgrade it to the next level.


I don't know how many hours passed by. I simply kept on summoning flames and bending them into different shapes.

Since no mana or energy was consumed inside the waiting chamber, no headache or body pain stopped me from spamming the skill.

[ Congratulations! ]

[ 'Flame Summoning' has been upgraded to level 3]

"That took some time."

I wiped some sweat off my forehead. It was true that no energy was consumed inside the Waiting Chamber. 

I tested the limits of the summoning and my ability to bend the flames according to my wish.

Right now, I managed to summon enough fire to destroy a small sized forest or a farming field. Any more flames and I lost control over them.

When it came to bending the flames, it totally depended on how much control I had over the flames.

I tried creating a western dragon from the flames but only its upper body was formed. Currently, a 20 feet Burmese python was the longest beast I could create.

I know it was oddly specific but it reminded me of a certain guy who used to chase this beast. Perhaps he was still alive and managed to receive a nice ability.

Mainly my motive was to upgrade the flame summoning skill to allow me to efficiently summon more fire.

It leveled up to level 3 which was enough for me.

"Damn, so much time left."

[ Time remaining: 5 hours. ]

I spent 3 hours training and now I felt bored. In just a few days, I got used to the feeling of having someone to talk to at all times.

Now I couldn't contact Blue and Vin was still out of commission. Now I understood why she felt she only experienced a few hours inside the utility shed.

"What is she even seeing for this long? No vision lasts this long. She must be seeing something abnormal for it to last this long."

The last time Vin entered her dazed state, she remained in it for a few minutes. Normally, I would not have been so bored.

But Blue's absence resulted in boredom. Since the past week, I got used to hearing the mechanical voice inside of my head, rereading the words I wrote.

"Fu…" I sighed and raised my hands to summon my flames again. It was a boring task yet it remained the only source of entertainment I had.

Or at least that's what I thought.


[ Your evaluation is complete! ]

[ Status and Skill Information can now be viewed. ]


These windows didn't surprise me. I knew they would appear once my information was officially recorded in the scroll.

"Hmm let's see. Status."


Name: Michael Solanski 

Race: Human

Skill: [Author's Skill] [Unique], [Pyrokinesis] [S], [Gamer's Chatbox] [D]

Supporter: ???

Overall Stats: Strength Lv. 10, Agility Lv. 10, Physique Lv. 9, Strategy Lv ???, Magic Power Lv. ???




[ You are an existence who can not be recorded in the Golden Scroll. ]

[ Your skill doesn't exist in the Golden Scroll. ]

[ You are an anomaly! ]

Sorry for the large information dumps! I was trying to compile everything that happened so far. Think of this as a recap chapter if you want. Also, thank you for the support guys!

BlackFlamercreators' thoughts