
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
78 Chs

Pokémon: The Beginning of Jessie’s Journey

The universe we know and love contains a few key players. A boy and his Pikachu, his companions, and an evil trio chasing after them on their Pokémon journey. They were always sent blasting off again bit by bit! But this universe, features a rather different take on the boy's Pokémon journey. The new key player now features someone you might recognize, this is now her journey, set in a different universe and time. And it begins now. The screen starts with a typical Pokémon Red and Blue start-up screen, with a purplish ghost Pokémon and lighter purple Pokémon with a horn on its head, battling, but now it reveals two random trainers are battling their Pokémon with fans cheering.

"And Nidorino begins the battle with a horn attack!" The Announcer says, getting the fans even hyped up even more about this battle as Gengar uses hypnosis on Nidorino.

"But Gengar bounces back with hypnosis on Nidorino!"

The unknown trainer returns Nidorino and sends out a very big rock snake Pokémon.

"What's this? The trainer returned Nidorino and sent out Onix, this battle could take a huge turn, folks!" The Announcer also says, as the fans are getting more hyped up while watching this battle.

Gengar jumps aside with Onix's attack as the screen slowly zooms out revealing a TV.

"And Gengar jumps aside, what a battle we got here folks!"

As the screen zooms out, it appears the match is airing on TV. We see an unknown girl, with blonde hair, a pink hat, a pink purse, a red skirt, and a gray shirt. This girl is watching the battle and getting hyped up while watching.

"This girl is named Jessie. She is from Pallet Town and her Pokémon journey will start tomorrow." The Narrator introduces our protagonist, Jessie from Pallet Town.

"I'm so hyped for tomorrow. I finally reached the age of 16 and my mom will let me finally go out on my Pokémon journey!" Jessie says, all excited about her journey starting tomorrow.

"Jessie's mom, Miyamoto, didn't want her daughter to leave to become a Pokémon trainer until she was 16. New trainers can get a beginning Pokémon from Professor Oak, the town's Pokémon expert." The Narrator explains why Jessie didn't leave to begin her Pokémon journey earlier.

"I will travel across the land, searching far and wide! I will train, catch Pokémon, and I will be a Pokémon master in the future!" Jessie says, talking to herself and really determined to achieve her goal.

Jessie's door to her room opens. It was her mom, Miyamoto, checking on her daughter.

"Sweetie, you should be getting to bed. It's 11:00." Miyamoto tells her daughter, Jessie.

"I'm so sorry mom, but you finally let me become a Pokémon trainer tomorrow. I'm just really hyped right now that I can't sleep." Jessie responds to her mother.

"You don't want to be late, don't you? You told me that you can wake up on your own now."

"I can mom. Don't worry about it."

"Okay, but make sure you change into your pajamas before heading to bed." Miyamoto demands after she exits Jessie's room.

The title screen shows.

"Pokémon: The Beginning of Jessie's Journey!"

"Bulbasaur… that would be simple… plus, an advantage for the next 2 gyms. Then… there's Squirtle… a popular favorite plus… water-types are awesome. You snooze, you lose!" Jessie says while sleeping in her bed, sleep-talking.

The scene cuts to the Sun shining with Jessie still sleeping in her bed and dreaming.

"Charmander… people say if you're a real pro, you will choose the toughest starter…"

"JESSIE, WAKE UP!" Miyamoto yells out loud to her daughter, which causes Jessie to immediately wake up in fright.

"AH!" Jessie immediately looks at the window and sees that the Sun is indeed out. "OH CRAP, DID I OVERSLEPT?!"

"Not yet, but you're going to if you don't head over there right now!" Her mother commands her daughter not to be late.

The scene cuts to outside, Jessie running in her pajamas quickly, trying to get to Professor's Oak lab fast. "They better not take all of the Pokémon, just save one for me!" Jessie says while sprinting down to Professor Oak's lab without stopping.

Jessie finally arrives at Professor Oak's lab outside and bumps into someone.

"Hey, you better watch where you're going! Say, aren't you Jessie? Little mama's girl? Better being last than late, I guess." The girl says. She had a hat on with white and red colors, blue shirt, and a red skirt with a yellow bag around her.

"Oh it's you… Professor Oak's granddaughter, Leaf." Jessie immediately recognized the person to be Leaf.

Leaf is Professor Oak's granddaughter and she is also Jessie's enemy. They hated each other all the way back to school. You could say Leaf is Jessie's rival.

"Miss Leaf to ya. Show some respect, Jessie. You just barely made it in time to witness me and the other 2 trainers getting ready to pick our Pokémon."

Jessie looks and sees the 2 other Pallet Town trainers getting ready as well.

"Did your mommy wake you up just in time?"

Jessie blushes in embarrassment, knowing Leaf was right about that comment.

"Sh-shut it Leaf!" Jessie replies back to Leaf, stuttered from embarrassment, but Leaf just laughs.

"I knew it! You're so pathetic, Jessie!"

Jessie shoots a glare at Leaf, clutches her fist, and grits her teeth in anger.

"Oh yeah?! How about I-" Jessie was about to insult Leaf, until she was interrupted by a familiar voice.

"Attention, Pallet Town trainers!"

It was Professor Oak's voice. She immediately lines up with the other Pallet Town trainers.

"Today, you all will begin your Pokémon journey. You will catch Pokémon, explore the region, meet people, battle other trainers, and accomplish great things. I truly have faith in all of you-" Oak cuts off mid sentence he notices and looks at Jessie, seeing that she is still in her pajamas and raises an eyebrow. "Why are you in your pajamas?" Professor Oak questions Jessie.

"OH, sorry professor. I almost woke up late so I had to rush here. Trust me, I am ready for a Pokémon!" Jessie replies back with an answer and rubs her head in embarrassment.

"Then I hope you're not ready to train in your pajamas." Professor Oak responds to Jessie with her statement.

Leaf and the other 2 Pallet Town trainers started snickering at Jessie, as she shot a short glare at them.

"Now, as I was saying. I truly have faith in all 4 of you to make the town of Pallet to be known around the world. I want the four of you to follow me to my lab to pick your starter Pokémon." Professor Oak commands the four Pallet Town trainers.

The scene cuts to the inside of Professor Oak's lab as a glass container, that contains 3 Poké Balls inside, opens. As Professor Oak starts explaining the starters.

"Now, these 3 Poké Balls contain the 3 Pokémon starters. First, we have-"

The screen displays an orange lizard Pokémon with a small flame on the back of its tail.

"the fire-type Pokémon, Charmander. The second starter we have-"

The screen now displays a blue turtle Pokémon with an orange and yellow shell around it.

"the water-type Pokémon, Squirtle. Last but not least-"

The screen finally displays a green reptilian creature Pokémon with some plants growing on its back.

"The grass and poison type Pokémon, Bulbasaur. You may now choose whatever Pokémon you wish to start your Pokémon journey with."

"I'm picking Bulbasaur!" Jessie says in excitement, as she runs up to grab the Poké Ball that contains Bulbasaur inside, but she is immediately pushed aside by Leaf as she snatched the Poké Ball instead.

"Hey, mama's girl, you arrived last and I arrived first, which means you don't deserve to pick first at all!"

"You didn't have to push me at all!" Jessie snapped back at Leaf. The rivals started glaring at each other in hatred, while the other 2 Pallet trainers just looked at each other.

"Okay, cool it with you two, stop fighting! Leaf, is Bulbasaur going to be your choice?" Professor Oak asked while intervening.

"Yep. My name is Leaf after all, Bulbasaur is one of the grass-type Pokémon, so it makes total sense for Bulbasaur to be my starter Pokémon! Smell ya later, Jessie!"

Professor Oak hands Leaf some red devices and some empty Poké Balls as Leaf exits the building in laughter as Jessie just grits her teeth in anger.

"That's fine, Leaf can have Bulbasaur, because I'm choosing Squirtle!" Jessie said as she was about to grab the Poké Ball containing Squirtle, one of the Pallet Town trainers snatched it before she could. "Hey!"

"Sorry, but I really wanted a Squirtle, plus Leaf is right. You were the last one to arrive after all." One of the Pallet Town trainers says to Jessie.

The Pallet trainer leaves the lab with the red device and some empty Poké Balls given by Professor Oak and the starter they picked, that is Squirtle.

"Fine, besides Charmander is a Pokémon for pros anyway." Jessie goes to grab the Poké Ball containing Charmander, but once again, another trainer snatches the Poké Ball before she can, which it was another Pallet trainer. "AW COME ON!"

"You're right, Charmander is a Pokémon for pros, which is why I'm taking it and not you!" The other Pallet Town trainer said to Jessie.

The other Pallet trainer leaves the lab with the Poké Ball containing Charmander and the red device and some empty Poké Balls in hand. As Jessie just looks at the empty glass container.

"Are there… anymore Squirtle, Charmander, or Bulbasaur, professor?" Jessie questions Professor Oak.

"I'm afraid they won't come in until next week."

"NEXT WEEK?! But I want to start my journey now, professor!"

"Well there is this other one but-"

"I'LL TAKE IT RIGHT NOW!" Jessie demands, interrupting Professor Oak in the process.

"Let me finish. I do have another Pokémon available, but there seems to be some kind of problem with this last one. If you want to start your journey right now, I prefer you catch your first Pokémon, but I'll let you decide."

Jessie thinks for a bit about the decision. Either taking this last Pokémon or catching her very first Pokémon to start on her journey. She finally comes up with a decision. "I like to take this Pokémon. I don't care if it has a problem or not!"

"Well if you insist…"

Another Poké Ball is revealed from the container as Jessie grabs it. The Poké Ball opens revealing a Pokémon that resembles more of a cat.

"Meowth, that's right!"

"Wait, it can talk?" Jessie questions the Pokémon ability to speak.

"Its name is Meowth and yes it can talk." Oak responded.

Meowth gets up on his feet.

"Ya made a wise choice picking Meowth. Cause I was gonna suffocate in there!" Meowth said.

"It's the best one out of the three of them combined!" Jessie says. She really seems excited about receiving Meowth.

"Oh you will see." Professor Oak said.

Jessie picks up Meowth and starts hugging him too tightly.

"Hi Meowth!" Jessie greets her new Pokémon with a smile on her face.

"AH!" Meowth yells and starts scratching up Jessie with Jessie screaming in pain.

"TOO DANG TIGHT! LET GO!" Meowth demanded.

"It also has one of the sharpest claws, so be careful not to upset it." Professor Oak instructed Jessie, but she was too shocked to say anything at all.

"Cat got your tongue? Now take these, your Poké Balls and Pokédex for your journey." Professor Oak hands Jessie five empty Poké balls and the red device, which was revealed to be a Pokédex.

"Thank-" Meowth scratches Jessie up again to mess with her. "YOU! OW!"

"You're welcome!"

The scene cuts to outside. Jessie's mother was right there, waiting for her so she could say goodbye.

"Oh Jessie, I'm so proud of you. You're gonna start your Pokémon Journey and become a Pokémon master, I'll be a mother of a future Pokémon master! I'm gonna… miss you so much." Miyamoto starts crying in their daughter's purse, knowing her daughter is about to leave home to begin her Pokémon journey. Jessie just lets her cry while Meowth rolls his eyes, witnessing all of this outside of his Pokéball. Miyamoto starts giving Jessie some things that she packed for her journey.

"I pack your clothes, your favorite snacks, and hot chocolate just in case you want something warm, BUT be careful not to burn yourself."

"MOM! Stop embarrassing me in front of Professor Oak! I'm a big girl now, I can take care of myself!" Jessie responds to her mother about still babying her as Meowth chuckles at this.

"I understand." Miyamoto replies to her daughter while nodding, but then she looks at Meowth, curious. "That's your Pokémon?"

"Yep, it is." Jessie said, while nodding.

Meowth frowns as his ears droop.

"Yeah yeah yeah. We're gonna hit the gyms… And win…"

Miyamoto gasps in shock. Hearing a Pokémon speaking in the human language. "Your Pokémon can talk?!"

"Geez, is a talking Pokémon new to you, twerp? I'm Meowth by the way." Meowth said while putting on a smug grin.

"With Meowth on my side, no one's gonna stop us at all!" Jessie said with a full head of confidence.

"Why is it outside of its Poké Ball?" Miyamoto points out.

"Oh right!" Jessie pulls out Meowth's Poké Ball.

"Meowth return!" Jessie tries to return Meowth, but Meowth slaps the Poké Ball back. Jessie tries to return it again, but Meowth keeps slapping it back to her every time she tries again.

"Aww, you guys are playing catch! You guys are already getting along!"

"Uhh sure…" Jessie responds to her mother as she picks up Meowth as he yelps. "We are pals!"

"But… it's still a little weird that it talks…" Miyamoto thought.

"Weird?" Jessie looks at Meowth, worried about the look Meowth had on his face after her mother called him weird. Meowth begins scratching Jessie again, but this time her mother also gets scratched as well as they both scream in pain. Miyamoto falls to the ground.

"Uhh this cone should come in handy…" Professor Oak says to Jessie.


"to prevent any more scratches." Professor Oak responded.

Miyamoto is on the ground from the scratches. "Don't forget to change clothes… every day."

"Okay…" Jessie said, still in pain from the scratches.

The scene cuts to Jessie leaving Pallet Town to Route 1, dragging Meowth with a rope along the way, as Meowth is wearing a cone now, Jessie sighs and stops.

"What did I ever do to deserve this?" Meowth asks, as he tries to remove the cone from him.

"Meowth are you gonna be like this, every day?" Jessie also asked.

"Yeah. And what about it?"

"Is it because you don't like me at all?"

"Duh. You're lousy already."

Jessie growls in frustration. "But I like you a lot."

Meowth tries to scratch his neck. "Treat me better and then we'll talk."

"Just open your mouth and tell me what's wrong." Jessie responds to Meowth.

Meowth opens his mouth and doesn't say anything else. Opening his mouth to Jessie.

"THAT IS NOT WHAT I MEANT!" Jessie yells out, not mentioning literally.

"BAHAHA! I'm not like the other Pokémon dummy. I ain't listening."

"You're still a Pokémon and you should get in the Poké Ball like every other Pokémon, it says so in the Pokédex." Jessie opens up her Pokédex to Meowth.

"While being trained, a Pokémon usually stays inside its Poké Ball."

"Told ya."

Meowth rolls his eyes and taps on Dexter.

"However, there are many expectations: Some Pokémon hate being confined."

Meowth smirks after Dexter's statement.

"Fine. Look, will this make things better?" Jessie unties Meowth and removes the cone. "There."

"Ahhh… I can finally breathe again."

"Now can we be friends?" Jessie asked.

"If you stop being so lousy and prove to me that you can be a Pokémon master, then maybe. For now, in your dreams. At least catch some other Pokémon first." Meowth demanded

"Fine, but I don't see any Pokémon around here." Jessie explained, as she has yet to come across any Pokémon yet until now.

A little yellow with black stripes, spark plug Pokémon is seen shooting out some sparks from the tall grass, which caught Jessie and Meowth's attention.

"There is one, right over there!" Jessie pointed out in excitement.

"What?!" Meowth gets a closer look at the mysterious Pokémon with a confused look on his face. "What kinda Pokémon is that anyways?!"

"Maybe the Pokédex knows?" Jessie suggested as she opens up her Pokédex to identify what this Pokémon is.

"This Pokémon is unregistered." Dexter says, because Jessie only has the Kanto dex registered so far.

"A non-discovered Pokémon?! Alright Meowth, go battle it!" Jessie demanded to Meowth

"Nah." Meowth responds, refusing Jessie's order.

"WHY NOT?!" Jessie yelled back in response as Meowth just climbed up to a tree to rest. "Are you ever gonna listen to me?"

Meowth closes his eyes and pretends to sleep while the spark plug just looks at them confused.

"Fine, I get the message, well guess what I don't want or need your help, I'm a real pro Pokémon trainer and I'll get that thing without weakening it!" Jessie puts her purse down and pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "Alright, I pledge I will become a Pokémon master, and this will be my first-ever step toward becoming one!" Jessie stares directly at the spark plug. "Whatever Pokémon you are, enjoy your last moments of freedom!" Jessie turns her hat around and tosses her Poké Ball at the spark plug. The spark plug Pokémon screeches as it gets hit by the Poké Ball. As Jessie snaps her fingers, thinking she caught it. "I got it!"

The Poké Ball starts wiggling though, Jessie looking on in confusion as she realizes it's not completely captured yet as she waits. The Poké Ball clicks signaling Jessie has caught it.

"HA I CAUGHT MY FIRST EVER POKÉMON! And without weakening it!" Jessie screamed out loud to celebrate her first Pokémon catch as Meowth's jaw dropped in shock.

"WHAT EVEN WAS THAT THING?!" Meowth yelled out in shock.

"I don't know, but I don't care, I caught it!" Jessie responds as she picks up the Poké Ball containing the spark plug that she just caught. "This is my first-ever step toward becoming a Pokémon master!"

Meowth hops off the tree he was laying in. "Yeah, because you still have many steps ahead."

"Now watch me catch another one without fail!" Jessie said having so much confidence in herself as she starts looking for another Pokémon to catch as she spots something. It's a Pokémon that resembles a bird. The Pokémon was minding its own business in the grass. "I got you now." Jessie whispered as she pulled out another empty Poké Ball from her purse. "YOU'RE MINE!" Jessie throws the Poké Ball at the bird-like Pokémon.

The Pokémon gets hit and it goes in. Jessie and Meowth both wait patiently for the Poké Ball to click as it shakes, to signify she caught it, but unfortunately, the Pokémon broke out of the Poké Ball. Meowth facepalms from this as the bird-like Pokémon flies away.

"What?!" Jessie said in confusion of what just happened.

"Ya blew it…" Meowth said right back to Jessie.

Jessie opens up her Pokédex.

"To capture a Pokémon, you usually have your Pokémon battle with the other." Dexter says.

"Now it tells me, but I gotta do everything myself!" Jessie said, shooting a glare at Meowth.

"That's just how learning works nowadays. You wasted all your luck on that thing." Meowth responded.

Jessie looks at her purse on the ground for a bit, before thinking. "I got an idea." Jessie grins as Meowth raises its eyebrow in confusion. The scene cuts to Jessie tip-toeing in the grass with her purse in her hand. "Alright just gotta be quiet." Jessie said in her thoughts.

The same bird Pokémon from earlier is seen eating seeds in the grass as it looks at Jessie in confusion.

"Hi… little guy. SORRY, BUDDY!" Jessie throws her purse on top of the Pokémon, trapping it. The Pokémon starts struggling to get out as Jessie is also struggling to keep the Pokémon in her purse, but the purse starts expanding. "Huh?!" Jessie soon gets blown away by a tree.

"WOAH- Okay now that was bad!" Meowth explained what had just occurred.

"Ugh, what happened?" Jessie asked while rubbing her head from landing hard against the tree.

"Pidgey's Gust power creates tornadoes. It also has a Sand Attack." Dexter responded.

"SAND?!" Jessie yelled out in shock.

"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!" Meowth also yelled out.

The Pidgey used a Sand Attack on Jessie as she is now covered in sand and started coughing. The Pidgey flies away.

"I hate sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating and it gets everywhere!" Meowth starts rubbing his eyes to get the sand out as Jessie is just looking around while Meowth is yelling in pain.

"Where's my purse?" Jessie asked.

The scene shows a purple rat-like Pokémon digging into Jessie's purse as she spots it.

"HEY, GET OUT OF THERE YOU PEST!" Jessie starts chasing the Pokémon as the purple rat starts running out of there.

"HEY!" Meowth runs to catch up with the purple rat Pokémon as it tackles it. "Can't believe you wanted my lunch to get away."

"Wait what, your lunch?" Jessie questioned.

"A Forest Pokémon, Rattata - it likes cheese, nuts, fruits, and berries. One of its natural predators is Meowth, the cat Pokémon." Dexter says.

"Yeah well this isn't a forest at all, it's an open field you dumb dex!" Jessie insulted.

"It also comes out into open fields to steal food from stupid travelers." Dexter claps back at Jessie as she just rolls her eyes in response.

"Well. It's stolen its way to being my lunch." Meowth is about to take a bite out of the Rattata, as not 1, 2, but 3 Pidgeys appear in the tall grass. Jessie picks up a rock and throws it at the 3 Pidgeys as they just fly away. "Ugh…" Jessie groans in annoyance.

Meowth gets back on two legs as he stands next to Jessie. "Geez, we're throwing rocks now?"

"Shut up." Jessie spots a shadow of a bird Pokémon and she assumes it's just another Pidgey. Jessie picks up another rock and throws it at the shadow Pokémon it lands right on its head. "I GOT IT!" Jessie yelled out while nailing a direct hit on the Pokémon.

However, Jessie noticed that this bird Pokémon isn't a Pidgey at all as it slowly turns around in anger as Meowth looks frightened. "Oh, it's a different Pokémon? I wonder what that one is." Jessie pulls out her Pokédex once again.

"Unlike Pidgey, Spearow has a terrible attitude. It is very wild and will sometimes attack other Pokémon and humans." Dexter said.

Both Meowth and Jessie gasp in shock at what the Pokédex just said.

"WHAT?!" Jessie shouted out in shock as the Spearow started flying towards Jessie, aggressively. "AH!" Jessie quickly runs to grab her purse.

"HEY YA DUMB BIRD! LEAVE US ALONE!" Meowth climbs up the tree again as the Spearow looks at Meowth and starts going in for an attack. Meowth tries to sharpen his claws on time.

"HEY, I THREW THE ROCK NOT MEOWTH!" Jessie tries to reason with the Spearow.

"Wild Pokémon tend to be jealous of human-trained Pokémon." Dexter said.


Meowth tries to scratch the Spearow to defend himself but the Spearow dodges the attack and tries to go in for another attack.

"MEOWTH!" Jessie screamed out Meowth's name trying to warn him about the attack.

Meowth loses his balance as he gets knocked over and starts hanging onto the branch. The Spearow is getting ready to attack Meowth. "I'M NOT LETTING YOU PECK ME!" Meowth lands a successful clean swipe on the Spearow. The Spearow gets scratched as it falls on the ground.


"HAHA YOU GOT IT!" Jessie said in excitement.

The Spearow has tears in its eyes and it looks up at the sky. "SPEARRRRRRROOOOOOOOOW!"

Both Jessie and Meowth raised an eyebrow. A few seconds pass by and a bunch of other Spearow starts flying towards the duo. As the original Spearow was crying for help.

"Uh oh…" Jessie said, looking on.

Meowth just stared at the tons of Spearow heading towards them with no words.

"Should we run?" Jessie asked Meowth.

"DUH!" Meowth responded.

Both Jessie and Meowth start running away from the flock of Spearow that is chasing them as Meowth is screaming all the way through.

"Don't worry Meowth, I'll save you!" Meowth runs ahead of Jessie though with no response to Jessie's comment. "Hey, I said I'll save you!"

One of Spearow swoops in and attacks Jessie's pink hat. "HEY, WATCH WHERE YOU'RE PECKING!"

The scene shows multiple Spearows attacking Meowth. Meowth takes a couple of hits as he mindlessly swipes the Spearows, but he didn't watch where he was looking as he trips on a rock.

"OW!" Meowth yelled out in pain.

"MEOWTH!" Jessie also yelled out from being worried.

Meowth seems to be half-conscious at this point. Jessie starts running faster and grabs Meowth, and continues running away from the Spearow. Soon she stops at the edge of a waterfall. Jessie looks back to see the Spearows are still following her.

"Well… YOLO!" Jessie jumps off the edge of the cliff. Meowth has a hatred for water, so he closes his eyes and weakly clings to Jessie. SPLASH! Jessie lands in the water and starts swimming. She sees a blue dragon fish Pokémon and quickly swims away from it. The scene cuts to the surface as we see some blonde girl with purple eyes and red clothing and she's wearing a red and white cap as well. She appears to be fishing. The girl sees her fishing pole moving in the water.

"Hey, I think I got a bite! This is a big one!" The girl yanks her fishing pole to reel in whatever she caught, but she catches Jessie as she pops out screaming and lands on the ground, coughing up water.

"Oh great, it's just a kid." The girl sees Meowth in Jessie's arms, who is not looking good right now. "And a Pokémon!"

The girl runs over to Jessie and Meowth as Meowth looks exhausted. "You okay?"

"Yeah I'm fine-" The girl interrupts Jessie by slapping her across the face, leaving a hand print on her cheek.

"Not you! Look what you did to that poor little thing! It better be breathing!"

"I-I-I-I… think so." Jessie responded to the purple-eyed girl.

"Are you just gonna sit there and do nothing? It needs a Pokémon Center right away! there's one not far from here, you need to get there ASAP!" The blonde purple-eyed girl demanded.

"A Pokémon Center?" Jessie questioned the girl.

"Yes, it's a hospital for Pokémon!" The blonde purple-eyed girl responded, she seems mad that Jessie isn't immediately trying to get to a Pokémon Center.

"Which way do I go?" Jessie also asked to find out which direction the Pokémon Center is.

"That way!" The girl points to her right.

A flock of Spearow screeching can be heard miles away as Jessie looks to see the Spearow coming back to them.

"THEY'RE COMING BACK, AH!" Jessie notices a bike nearby and immediately grabs it, putting Meowth in the basket.

"Hey, what do you think you're doing?! That's my bike you got there!" The girl yelled at Jessie.

"I'm borrowing this for emergency reasons!" Jessie pedals off as she looks back at the blonde purple-eyed girl. "I'll give it back, someday!"

"You thief!" The blonde purple-eyes girl shouted back.

As Jessie continues to pedal a storm starts happening above her and Meowth. Meowth slightly opens his eyes, looking pretty dazed. "Don't worry Meowth, we're almost there!"

Meowth gives a weak thumbs-up in response. It starts raining. Jessie pedals off a short cliff, she screams as she falls off the bike as Meowth gets flung off the bike and lands on the side of his stomach. Meowth groans and is in a lot of pain.

"Meowth…" Jessie slowly gets up and goes to him. Jessie then pulls out Meowth's Poké Ball.

"You have to get inside your Poké Ball, Meowth. I know you don't like going inside your Poké Ball, but I'll have a better chance of saving you, please go inside, Meowth." Jessie places his Poké Ball right beside Meowth. "After that, just trust me."

Meowth meows and looks at his Poké Ball that Jessie placed right beside him.

Meanwhile, Jessie stands up and looks at the Spearow with her arms open. "Spearow, do you know who I am? I'm Jessie from the town of Pallet, and I will become the number one Pokémon master, and no way I'll be defeated by the likes of you! I'm gonna defeat you all! Do you hear me?!"

Jessie notices Meowth still isn't in his Poké Ball. "Meowth, go inside your Poké Ball, it's the only way!"

Meowth hesitates, still not wanting to go in.

"Come and get me!" Jessie shouted at the tons of Spearow as they are about to attack Jessie, but the yellow and black spark plug Pokémon that Jessie caught earlier, busts out of the Poké Ball as lightning strikes. The Pokémon leaps toward the Spearows as it charges up

"ELEEEEEEE!" The Pokémon screams out its cry as it electrocutes all of the Spearow in a powerful blast.

Meowth covers his eyes as Jessie gets flown back from the blast. The storm slowly clears up as it's now clear skies again. The spark plug is on the ground, crying loudly because they're hurt and it appears to be more like a baby Pokémon. Meowth and Jessie both start slowly opening their eyes.

"Well… we three beat them." Jessie said.

Meowth crawls up to the baby spark plug and curls up to them. "I guess so."

Jessie also crawls up to the baby spark plug as well. "Hey, you okay?"

The baby spark plug looks up at Jessie and whimpers as Jessie looks at it back and smiles.

"Thank you… for saving us."

The baby spark plug stops crying, it's feeling a bit calmer now. Both Jessie and Meowth look at the sky and they both see a mysterious bird Pokémon flying in the sky and flying at the rainbow.

"What's that Pokémon?" Jessie questioned.

"There is no data. There are still Pokémon yet to be identified." Dexter says.

Meowth was being reminded of the baby spark plug since the Pokédex has no idea what that Pokémon was either.

Jessie returns her baby spark plug to his Poké Ball. "You deserve a big rest. I gotta find out what this Pokémon's name is." Jessie says while looking at the Poké Ball.

"Does kinda look like a Pokémon I know." Meowth slightly chuckles.

"Come on-" Jessie picks up Meowth. "Let's go to a Pokémon Center." She says as she continues walking, she spots a city nearby and she starts walking toward it since there's a Pokémon Center in the city. Meowth looks at the burnt to a crisp bike and doesn't say a word.

"This is just the beginning of the amazing Pokémon adventure of Jessie and Meowth. Their journey will be packed with nonstop action, they will meet friends and enemies, even other Pokémon along the way. As the series goes by, we lock the incredible mysteries of the world of Pokémon, as the journey continues!"