
AU: Jessie’s Pokémon Journey

In an alternate universe where Jessie and neither of her companions are a part of Team Rocket. Jessie goes on her very own Pokémon journey to become a Pokémon Master. Will she be able to conquer that difficult quest? She will meet friends and foes alike in the world of Pokémon on her very own journey.

PT26 · Anime & Comics
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78 Chs

Pokémon Emergency!

"Last time, our Pokémon hero from Pallet, Jessie, chose Meowth. A Pokémon that wasn't thrilled with its new trainer, but they soon find themselves running away from a flock of Spearow, but luckily the first-ever Pokémon Jessie caught, an unknown spark plug, burst out of the Poké Ball in time to save the two with its powerful electric shock, but the Spearow made Meowth too weak and is now has its fate in Jessie's hands!"

The title screen shows.

"Pokémon Emergency!"

The scene starts with Jessie running into the city with Meowth close to her arms, looking for a Pokémon Center.

"Got to find a Pokémon Center somewhere, where can I find one?" Jessie questions, looking around the city. She spots a random building close to her. "Could this be it?" Jessie barges into the building.

"EXCUSE ME I NEED MY MEOWTH-" Jessie stops mid-track of her sentence and finds out this is not the Pokémon Center.

"You can't just barge into someone's house out of random, young lady!" The random house owner says to Jessie, outraged. "I'd call the police on you!" The house owner threatened.

"No sir, please don't call the police, I didn't mean to. I thought this was a Pokémon Center!" Jessie responded, looking dumbfounded.

"Young lady, don't you know your buildings?! The Pokémon Center has a huge P on the roof, you can't miss it!" The house owner responds.

"Thank you, sir!" Jessie was about to leave the house.

"WAIT!" The house owner shouts as Jessie stops leaving. "Young lady, you are traveling on the streets of Viridian City all by yourself. Be careful, a group of Pokémon thieves is spotted roaming around this city. I'd be careful if I was you."

Jessie nods at the house owner. "Thank you, I will!" Jessie leaves the owner's house and is back on the streets of Viridian City.

As Jessie continues walking, she spots a wanted poster on the ground and picks it up, and looks at it. "Are these the Pokémon thieves the man was warning me about?" Jessie questioned. The wanted poster displays a female person with gold hair, a male person with green hair, and then another male person with brown hair. Their faces are hidden in the shadows.

"What do you think, Meowth?" Jessie asked, but Meowth doesn't respond from being badly hurt, Jessie just frowned. "Don't worry, I'm gonna get you to a Pokémon Center!"

"HOLD IT RIGHT THERE!" A female officer yells at Jessie and starts running toward her.

"AH!" Jessie froze from the scream as the officer sprinted to her.

"I am Officer Jenny and you are under arrest for Pokémon stealing!" Officer Jenny exclaims to Jessie, holding up handcuffs.

"'Pokémon stealing?!'"Jessie also exclaims as well. "I didn't steal any Pokémon, I'm innocent!"

"Then why are you holding a Pokemon in your arms? Trainers normally have their Pokémon in their Poké Balls, correct?" Officer Jenny questions.

"It's too long to explain, the point is, it's my Pokémon and it's badly hurt! I need to get to a Pokémon Center immediately!" Jessie responded.

Officer Jenny starts analyzing Jessie for a little bit. "Hmm… you don't look suspicious to be a Pokémon thief that's for sure. Okay, just show me your I.D. and I'll let you go, miss."

"I.D.? I think I don't have any, look I just came from a town called Pallet-"

"You know, you're the fourth person I've seen today from Pallet Town," Jenny said while interrupting Jessie.

"The fourth? That means… Leaf has already been here, ugh, just great." Jessie groans in annoyance as Jenny raises an eyebrow in confusion.

"Look miss, please let me go to the Pokémon Center. My Pokémon is badly hurt and it needs one right away!" As Jessie was talking, Officer Jenny spots a Pokédex in Jessie's purse and quickly points it out.

"Hey, what's that in your pocket?"

"What?" Jessie pulls out her Pokédex from her purse. "This thing?"

"This is perfect! A Pokédex. This will solve our problem!" Officer Jenny explains to Jessie as she opens up the Pokédex.

"I'm Dexter. A Pokédex programmed by Professor Oak for Pokémon trainer Jessie of the town of Pallet. My function is to provide Jessie with information and advice regarding Pokémon and their training. If lost or stolen, I cannot be replaced."

"Oak never told me my Pokédex was my I.D. too! Can I just take Meowth to the Pokémon Center now?" Jessie asked.

"I'll get you there in no time at all! Sit back, hold on, and don't yell." Jenny revs up her motorcycle as Jessie hops in, still holding onto Meowth. Jenny revs up the engine and drives away to the Pokémon Center. However, we see the blonde purple-eyed girl from the last episode carrying her burnt bark, and as she gets smoked, she starts coughing.

"Hey, what's the big idea?! Get back here!" The blonde purple-eyed girl starts going after the motorcycle.

The scene cuts to the outside of a Poké Mart as it's focusing on a female with a very long trench coat with golden hair, leaning on the wall of the Poké Mart. Soon two other people with trench coats arrive, two males, one with green hair and one with brown hair. These three match up with the people on the wanted poster earlier.

"About time you two arrive. Are you ready to do this?" The golden-haired woman asked the people who just arrived.

"We are. Are you also ready to do this as well?" The green-haired man replies.

"I am. Don't worry, we will show these losers-"

"The bozos of Viridian City will be sorry they ever saw this face!" The green-haired person grinned.

The brown-haired person slides into the conversation. "We're all sorry to see your faces! But stay focused! We're here to steal some money and some rare and unusual Pokémon!"

"Obviously." The golden-haired woman replies.

"Of course. Now stop bossing us around Mondo, you're just a little kid." The green-haired man also replies to Mondo.

"Just remember, I'll be the top agent someday!" Mondo declares.

"Enough talking, let's do this!" The golden-haired woman demanded.

The trio went into the Poké Mart and they walked up to the cashier.

"Hi welcome to the-" The cashier immediately cuts mid-sentence and puts his hands up as the trio pulls out a gun and aims it at them and they remove their trench coats, revealing they're in black uniforms with a red letter R on it.

"T-Team Rocket!" The cashier exclaims.

"That's right! I want you to put the money in the bag now!" The golden-haired woman demands.

"Don't get any funny ideas now, unless you want to avoid getting shot!" The green-haired man laughs.

"So be smart and hand over that money, pal!" Mondo says.

The scene cuts to Jenny and Jessie both on the motorcycle, driving to the Pokémon Center.

"There it is!" Jenny points out the center as they're getting close to it.

"Woah… that's one big center." Jessie points out while they're getting closer and closer.

"This is tricky. Just hold on. Here we go!" Jenny revs up the motorcycle and hops it to the front of the Pokémon Center and Tokyo drifts right into the Pokémon Center while Jessie screams.

"We have a driveway, you know." A pink-haired woman said. She was wearing a nurse's uniform, and her hair was tied into two large loops, one on either side of her head.

"It's a Pokémon emergency, Nurse Joy!" Jenny immediately reported.

"Please, you gotta help my Pokémon!" Jessie demanded of Nurse Joy. She's still holding Meowth in her arms tight.

"It looks like a Meowth. We'll do what we can. I need a stretcher for a small feline Pokémon, stat!" Joy says as she starts typing on the computer.

Two pink Pokémon with giant eggs in their pouch come in with a stretcher. Joy puts Meowth on the stretcher and puts on some gloves. "It'll be okay, little guy. We're gonna get you healed up immediately!"

The only thing Jessie can do is just look on and hope Nurse Joy can heal Meowth. "Meowth…" she says, really worried about her first Pokémon.

The pink Pokémon with the giant eggs take Meowth to a medical room.

"We'll begin the treatment right away. What's your name, young lady?" Joy asks Meowth's trainer, Jessie.

"Her name is Jessie. She's the Pokémon's Trainer." Jenny replies to Joy, answering for Jessie.

"If there is anything I can do, don't be afraid to tell me," Jessie says as Nurse Joy looks at her with a mad look towards her.

"You can be more responsible. If you want to become a Pokémon trainer, you don't let your Pokémon battle till it's in this condition!"

"But you don't know what happened me and Meowth were-" Jessie tries to explain what happened earlier with the Spearow and everything, but was interrupted by Joy before she can finish.

"What's past is past. Now, we have to heal your Meowth."

"What can I do?" Jessie asked.

"Just leave everything to me," Joy responded to her with a smile on her face.

"It's in your hands. I know you'll give the Pokémon excellent care!" Jenny followed up with.

"You got it here just in time," Joy replied.

"That's my job! …Oh my goodness. I left my motorcycle parked at the front desk-"

"Next time use the driveway," Joy said while glaring at Jenny.

Officer Jenny runs outside for her motorcycle as Jessie is just sitting there in silence while Joy has a polite smile on her face again.

"Jessie, you will have to go to the waiting room."

"Can't I-" Jessie gets cut off by Joy going to the operating room as the door gets shut in Jessie's face.

The scene cuts to a clock as it strikes 8:00 pm, as a fake green Pidgey comes out and cries. Jessie is sitting on a chair and just waiting for Meowth. She pulls out her phone from her purse.

"I'll call home." Jessie FaceTimes her mom.

Meanwhile back at Pallet Town, Jessie's mother, Miyamoto, gets a call from her daughter and she immediately accepts it. "Hi honey, is everything okay? Where are you, Jessie?"

"I'm at the Pokémon Center in Viridian City," Jessie replies to her mother.

"You're already at Viridian City?! When I began my Pokémon Journey, it took me 4 days to get there! I'm so proud of you, honey! No matter how old you will be, you will always be my baby no matter what!"

"Yeah, a baby who shitted their diaper." Jessie looks down at herself.

"Jessie, what did I tell you about that language?! Besides, you're doing fine! Honey, you're growing up right before my eyes, spreading your wings like a Butterfree!"

"I feel more like a fallen Venomoth." Jessie once again insulted herself on her Pokémon training abilities.

"I will NOT let you talk about yourself like that! Just be more confident! Just focus more on your dream of becoming a Pokémon master! Do you understand?" Miyamoto asks her daughter.

"Yes." Jessie nods.

"And are you changing your clothes every day?" Miyamoto also asked.

"Yes." Jessie nods to that as well.

"Okay, good night Jessica, I love you!" Miyamoto says farewell to her daughter.

"Me too mom, bye." Jessie ends the call on her mother. Jessie stands up and sees what looks like a stone of 3 bird Pokémon murals.

"Wait a minute…" Jessie goes up to the murals to get a closer look and she sees one of the Pokémon that looks familiar like the one she saw before. "That's the… flying Pokémon I saw."

Jessie hears her phone buzzing and looks at her phone and sees it's a FaceTime call from Professor Oak and she accepts it. "Professor Oak?"

"Hey, Jessie!" Professor Oak has yet to notice that he has the back camera on.

"Uhh, where are you?" Jessie asked, only seeing a desk and not Professor Oak at all.

"Huh?" Professor Oak now notices he's on the back camera. "Oops, wrong camera!" Professor Oak switches to the front camera now, fixing the problem.

"There, I'm not up to date with whatever you kids have these days." Professor Oak clears his throat. "I just spoke with your mother and she tells me you made it to the Pokémon Center in Viridian City! Is that correct?"

"Well yeah, you can see the Center background right behind me." Jessie pointed out what was behind her to prove that she is at the Pokémon Center in Viridian.

"Oh, I see now." Professor Oak nods. "I guess that proves it. The other Pokémon trainers made it there with no problem and I'm surprised you got here so soon! I'll admit, when you left I was concerned about how you handle your Meowth, but when my granddaughter Leaf said you wouldn't have a single new Pokémon by the time you got to Viridian City, I bet her a million dollars that she would be wrong!" Professor Oak laughs.

"Well…" Jessie grins, knowing she did capture a new Pokémon before she got to Viridian City. "I hope money doesn't mean anything to Leaf, look!" Jessie sends out her spark plug Pokémon and shows it to Professor Oak as the spark plug screeches.

"What Pokémon is that? I haven't seen that type of Pokémon around the Kanto region." Professor Oak says while staring directly at the spark plug while it's staring right back at him. "Ele..." It says.

"The thing is… I have no idea as well. I just saw it in the tall grass and captured it." The spark plug starts climbing all over Jessie and she starts chuckling. "Hey, that tickles!"

"Seems like you're already bonding with your new Pokémon. Let me see what my laptop says about it." Professor Oak starts typing on his computer to find the name of the spark plug. "Oh I see now, its name is Elekid."

"Elekid?" Jessie questioned while looking down at Elekid.


Professor Oak nods. "Yep. I'm really surprised you found one in the Kanto Region, Elekid is mostly found in a different region called Johto!"

"Johto?" Jessie asked, curious.

Professor Oak nods again. "The reason why your Pokédex couldn't identify the Pokémon is that you're only using the Kanto Pokedex. Which can only identify Pokémon from the Kanto region!"

"Well can I have a Johto Dex then, Professor?" Jessie also asked as well.

"You're not ready for Johto yet. Jessie. You don't even have your first gym badge yet." Professor Oak explained.

"Oh, I see…" Jessie says as Elekid is sitting on top of Jessie's hat, just chilling there and not paying much attention to what Professor Oak says.

"Well, there was another Pokémon I saw that the Pokédex couldn't identify." Jessie brought it up to Professor Oak.

"You have?" Professor Oak replies, actually a little bit shocked.

"Yeah, a flying Pokémon right there!"

Jessie shows Professor Oak the blue strange bird Pokémon mural, the one that looks like she saw. "It flew right over the rainbow!"

"Don't talk such nonsense. There's no way you couldn't have seen this Pokémon. Trainers search for their whole lives to see it and they still couldn't find it." Professor Oak says, not believing Jessie one bit.

"Well for your information, it pretty sure looked like it," Jessie argued back.

"You must be mistaken." Professor Oak hears his doorbell ring. "AH, that's my pizza, coming! It was nice to talk to you again, Jessie, and good luck. Mmm, anchovies, spinach, and pineapple pizza!" Professor Oak ends the call as Jessie and Elekid are staring blankly.

"NOW I GOT YOU!" A sudden female voice got Jessie and Elekid's attention as they looked on to see who it was and it turns out it was the blonde purple-eyed girl from earlier. She is heavily breathing, holding her burnt bike. "I know I'll find you here!"

"Woah, what happened to your bike?" Jessie questioned the girl while pointing at the burnt bike.

"'What happened to my bike?' You happened to my bike, you little bitch!" the woman says in anger, Elekid is seen getting mad and was about to fry up the girl's bike even more as you can see it charging up.

"This is what's left after you stole it from saving your Pokémon! Now I can see why your-" The girl couldn't hold her burnt bike anymore and falls over.

Jessie gasps and immediately runs to the girl in aid. "Let me help you up!"

"I don't need your stupid help and you're gonna pay for my bike!" The girl demanded Jessie, as she just looks down and frowns.

"I don't have that much money, okay? I'll make it up, I promise. I can't focus on your bike right now because-"

"I didn't ask for your stupid excuses bitch, I just want a new bike right now!" The woman replied, cutting Jessie off and angry.

"It's just my Meowth. My Meowth isn't looking too good…" Jessie explained, still looking sad.

The girl goes from really mad to sad and feels bad after Jessie's explanation. "Oh. Is it very serious?"

"I think so and there's nothing I can do to help," Jessie replied as she looked down and was almost about to cry until the nurse door opened with Nurse Joy, the pink Pokémon with an egg in its sack, and also an unconscious Meowth who had wires on their head. Jessie and the blonde purple-eyed girl notice as they run towards the stretcher.

"Meowth, are you okay?!" Jessie immediately questioned, but no response since Meowth is unconscious on the stretcher.

"Your Meowth's resting. It's a good thing you got it here so fast. The procedure went well and it should be fine!" Nurse Joy says with a smile.

"Thanks to the Pokémon Center!" The girl said.

"Yeah, thank you so much!" Jessie followed up.

"Now your Pokémon needs a good rest in the recovery room. You should go in with it Jessie." Nurse Joy says to Jessie.

Jessie immediately nods. "Thanks." She then looks over at the blonde purple-eyed girl. "Listen okay? I'm sorry about your bike, I just need some time to make things right."

"NO WAY, I fell for that trick last time!" The girl replied as Jessie just stood there in silence. "Well… you should take care of Meowth now and we will settle this later."

"Got it," Jessie replied with a nod.

Officer Jenny's voice can be heard over the speaker which catches the three girl's attention. "Your attention, please! Our Viridian City radar systems have detected a gang of Pokémon thieves running on the streets of Viridian. If you have a Pokémon in your possession, exercise extreme caution."

The scene cuts to the three thieves running on the streets with the bag in their possession that is filled with money from the store they just robbed from.

"Alright, we got some money, now let's get the fuck out of this city!" The green-haired thief said.

"Hold on, we're not done yet. We need to steal some Pokémon as well and then we will be in business and I just know the perfect place to do so!" The golden-haired thief said as well with a grin.

"What place are you talking about then?" Mondo asked.

"The Viridian City Pokémon Center!" The golden-haired thief replied with a laugh.

"Fuck yeah, let's go then!" The green-haired thief shouts out as the trio runs off to the Pokémon Center.

"There it is!" The golden-haired thief immediately pointed out as the trio arrived at the entrance of the Pokémon Center. As they hear the sirens as the golden-haired thief chuckles. "Guess we got this dumb city's attention."

"And how dare they act like we're some puny criminals! They should welcome Team Rocket! And especially me!" The green-haired thief added in, looking offended.

"We're gonna teach them to respect Team Rocket!" The golden-haired thief also added in as well.

"Hehehe and when we snatch all their Pokémon, those scared little twerps should be ready to chirp out for mercy!" Mondo said with a chuckle as the two other thieves just blankly stared at him.

"Sure, Mondo. Sure." The green-haired thief said.

"We knew that, Mondo." The golden-haired thief added.

The trio takes out a Poké Ball, getting ready to bust into the Pokémon Center. "Rattata, Mankey, Cubone go!" The trio said, sending out their Pokémon as they bust into the Pokémon Center and start messing it up while Cubone starts swinging its bone club around, forming a sandstorm around the center.

"What the hell is going on here?!" Jessie immediately questioned, looking around as Elekid hides under her pink hat.

The golden-haired thief chuckles. "Don't be frightened little girl!"

"Allow us to introduce ourselves." The green-haired thief added in.

"To infect the world with devastation!"

"To blight all people in every nation!"

"To denounce the goodness of truth and love!"

"To extend our wrath to the stars above!"


"And Butch, of course!"

"We're Team Rocket, circling Earth all day and night!"

"Surrender to us now or you will surely lose the fight!"

"I'm Mondo alright!"

"What the fuck are you three talking about?" Jessie questioned the Team Rocket trio until she realized something. "Wait a minute, you're the three from the wanted poster I saw earlier!"

"Wow, I'm surprised you managed to recognize us! Did we look good in that poster?" Cassidy asked, rhetorically.

"Looks like she needs her mouth to be washed with soap." Butch followed up on Jessie's cursing.

"You three don't make any sense at all! What are you guys trying to do?!" Jessie questioned the trio about their purpose.

Mondo slides in front of Jessie's face. "We're here for the Pokémon!"

"You're not getting Meowth!" Jessie immediately assumed.

"Meowth? We're not interested in your precious normie cat." Butch immediately replied.

"We seek only rare and valuable Pokémon! Hahaha!" Mondo followed up.

"You're wasting your time. This is a Center for weak and injured Pokémon!" Nurse Joy pointed out.

"Well that may be so, but I won't be surprised if we found some gems under the pile of junk," Cassidy replied to Joy about their reasoning.

"You three are starting to bug me here," Jessie said to the trio, really annoyed.

"Awww is that cute?" Cassidy said, rhetorical once again.

Butch immediately laughed. "The girl's bugged."

"Then let's crush her!" Mondo demanded.

"Cubone, go! Rattata attack!, Sick 'em Mankey!" Team Rocket demanded their Pokémon to attack as they started destroying more of the place. Jessie, Joy, and the girl immediately run into the Pokémon Center storage room. The power gets cut off.

"Oh no, the lights!" The girl shouted.

"They must have cut the power, but we've got our Pika power source!" Nurse Joy looks over at the emergency energy source of electric yellow mice running forward.

"Wow look at all the Pikachu, they're so cute!" The girl said, awwing at them.

Nurse Joy opens up the computer and it turns on. "A crisis has been detected, preparing for the Poké Ball transfer sequence!"

"We have to save those Poké Balls! This is the Viridian City Pokémon Center. We have an emergency. Transporting Poké Balls." Nurse Joy says, typing on the computer.

"This is the Pewter City Pokémon Center, ready to receive Poké Balls!" Poké Balls start getting transported to Pewter City.

Team Rocket's Pokémon busts into the storage room as Poké Balls fall to the floor.

"Get those Poké Balls!" Nurse Joy demanded.

"Oh yeah, right!" Jessie picks up a Poké Ball off the floor.

"This is war, don't just stand there and hold them, throw them!" The blonde purple-eyed girl demanded.

"Okay, okay, my goodness! Poké Ball here we go!" Jessie throws a random Poké Ball as it opens up, revealing it to be a Pidgey.


"Hah! That thing can't beat us." Butch said with a laugh as Mankey was about to one-shot KO Pidgey, but the Pidgey immediately flew away in fear.

"Well try on this one for size!" Jessie throws another random Poké Ball, but it turns out to be empty. "Empty?!"

"We're not gonna beat them that way!" The girl yelled out.

"Some of the Poké Balls are empty, you know." Nurse Joy holds in a chuckle.

"Now you tell me?!" Jessie questioned out loud as Nurse Joy just nodded.

"Doesn't matter, this feels like a real winner!" Jessie picks up another Poké Ball and throws it and it's a green cocoon Pokémon.


Cassidy starts chuckling. "Bozo."

"Lameo." Mondo followed up with.

Rattata simply picks up the Metapod with its head and tosses it aside.

"Ugh, I guess I have to do this on my own, you take Meowth and get out of here! I'll take care of these three clowns." The purple-eyed smirked at the Team Rocket trio.

"That's pretty big talk from such a little lady," Cassidy says with a smirk of her own.

"At least you're right about the pretty part, thanks for the compliment!" The girl followed up.

"You heard that Cassidy? The girl thinks she's pretty." Butch says with a smirk of his own as well.

"I agree with her Butch, I think she's pretty too… Pretty pathetic!" Cassidy said, throwing shade at the girl.

The girl growls in anger. "I'll show you, Poké Ball go!" The girl throws her Poké Ball and a golden fish Pokémon pops out of the ball.

The Pokémon is just splashing on land. "Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen Goldeen."

Team Rocket starts chuckling at the really bad failed attempt.

"Goldeen return!" The girl returns Goldeen to its Poké Ball.

"What was that?" Cassidy questioned.

"That was her best shot?" Butch followed up with a question of his own.

"She's all washed up," Mondo added in with a statement.

"I was just warming up, that's all!" The girl says, still smirking.

"'Warming up?'" Jessie questioned the girl's statement.

"Just get Meowth out of here." The girl whispers to Jessie.

"Oh yeah right." Jessie starts pushing the stretcher with Meowth to get away from the Team Rocket trio, but their Pokémon starts chasing Jessie while doing so. Jessie bumps into the burnt bike and falls which wakes up Meowth.

"GAH! Where the heck am I?!" Meowth immediately questions and looks around as Elekid peeks out of Jessie's hat and starts to spark up.

"Wait a minute, that Meowth can talk?!" Cassidy said in shock, seeing a Pokémon speaking the human language.

"WHAT?!" Butch screams out, shocked as well.

Meowth just blankly stares at the trio. "Uhh… Meow?"

The Pikachu starts coming in and shocking the Team Rocket trio and their Pokémon, Elekid joins in as well to make it five times stronger and they start screaming in pain from being electrocuted.

"Hey! Let me have a go!" Meowth says.

"Sure, go crazy!" Jessie replies.

"I dunno what these wires on my head are for, but I think they got electricity or whatever in them. Gimme more power, Jess." Meowth suggested her trainer.

"Got it!" Jessie hops on and starts peddling the burnt bike while it's upside down.

"Huh?! What are you doing?!" Mondo questions Jessie about what she is currently doing.

"Let's just say… we're gonna generate a little excitement for you three!" Jessie replies, still peddling as Meowth hops on the bike with Jessie. Meowth and Elekid both use a powerful Thunderbolt on the trio from the electricity of the bike from the peddling. The trio screamed in more pain from getting even more badly electrocuted. It's so strong that the whole Pokémon Center explodes from the electricity.

Officer Jenny Tokyo drifts in from outside, witnessing the explosion. "I guess I'm too late. But not for the fireworks…"

The scene cuts to the Team Rocket trio holding onto a rope from their hot air balloon.

"Just great, a rat losing to a cat!" Cassidy says in frustration.

"Cats kill rats, you idiot! But what's more baffling is that a ground type lost to a normal and electric type!" Butch pointed out in frustration.

"That Meowth can speak the human language! I haven't seen any Pokémon like it that can do that. That's no ordinary Meowth guys." Cassidy followed up with her point.

"Didn't you also see that spark plug like Pokémon with the Pikachu? I've never seen anything like it." Butch says, having an interest in Elekid.

"It's certainly very rare, a perfect prize in my eyes," Mondo says.

"Let's steal it from that stupid girl!" Cassidy suggested to her Team Rocket partners.

"The Meowth or the spark plug?" Butch questions which Pokémon she is talking about.

"Both if we have to!" Cassidy answers right back.

"Hurrah!" Mondo yells out with a cheer.

Team Rocket's hot air balloon suddenly pops and sends them away with Team Rocket screaming. As the scene cuts to the Pokémon Center after the explosion with Nurse Joy talking with another Nurse Joy and Officer Jenny next to her.

"Thanks, sis. Jessie, Domino, and Meowth are heading your way to Pewter City. If they can get safely through the Viridian Forest." Nurse Joys said with a frown.

"Don't worry, I have confidence those three can make it out of there safe and sound!" Jenny replied.

The scene cuts to the three walking in the Viridian Forest and having a conversation.

"Your name is Domino?!" Meowth said in shock as the blonde purple-eyed girl revealed her name to be Domino to Jessie and Meowth.

"Yeah, why did you question it?" Domino asked with an eyebrow raised.

"Wow, imagine being named after small white pieces with dots on them!" Meowth says as Jessie and Meowth both start laughing.

"SHUT UP!" Domino yelled at Jessie and Meowth, but they just continued laughing at her name until Domino had enough and punched Jessie.

"HEY, WHY DID YOU PUNCH ME?!" Jessie yells at her while rubbing her cheek.

"You know I can't hurt a Pokémon. You're its trainer, so you're taking the blame!" Domino explains as Elekid electrocutes Domino as she screams in pain and falls on the ground. Domino looks to her right and sees something in the distance. She immediately screams and hides behind Jessie.

"What happened now?" Jessie questions Domino.

"Yeah, what's with you now?" Meowth followed up.

"Just look over there!" Domino points at a tree and right next to a tree and a green worm Pokémon looking at the three.

"Oh cool, it's a Caterpie! One of the bug Pokémon!" Jessie says in excitement.

"I don't care if it's a Pokémon, bugs are disgusting and I'm freaked out by them! Just do something!" Domino immediately demanded while yelling out loud.

"Okay, okay, just stand back," Jessie tells Domino as she does so.

"It's not even that scary," Meowth said, rolling his eyes.

"I don't care! Just do something!" Domino demanded once again to get rid of the Caterpie next to a tree.

"I am known for catching Pokémon without weakening them." Jessie pulls out an empty Poké Ball. "This should be easy." Jessie turns her hat backward. "Poké Ball go!"

"Will Jessie capture the Caterpie? What evil plans are Team Rocket planning, and will Domino ever get a new bicycle? All the questions will be answered soon!"