
Asgard: God of Vengeance

Reincarnated as an Asgardian Prince in the world of the MARVEL universe. He was born as the youngest prince, a few hundred years after Thor and Loki. Born with eyes like no other, that made the all seeing Heimdall seem mediocre. Blessed with talent and burdened with future knowledge, Watch as he grows in power, as he strives to save Asgard from it's predetermined fate, He is Vengeance, Born to seek revenge and destroy the wretched cycle and the gods above, that toy with him and Asgard. He is Vali Odinson. -------- /This is more or less an AU FanFiction. MC is an OC and his name is borrowed from a character of Norse Mythology. I do not own any other character, other than a few OC's in the novel. Based the novel on the movies, but will start introducing comic elements as it goes on./ MC is a Grey character, if you dislike manipulative MC's, this novel is not for you. He's a realist, a bit cold and uncaring, bar his close family. No harem btw. /It’s my first novel, so yeah, help me out with some constructive criticism to improve my writing./

7rox · ภาพยนตร์
33 Chs

Healing & Preparations

If anyone passed through the devastated region that was the location of the battle of the two gods, they would assume that a calamity had swept through the place.

Odin who had a few of his bones broken along with a few scratches, healed within a split second as if it was nothing but a mosquito bite, after he stopped suppressing his Odin-force. He had an impassive look on his face, even after he was injured for he had more pressing matters to attend to.

Vali who had just released something akin to a forbidden move, and was lying on the brink of death. His body was completely mangled, with a complete absence of magic, resembling a mortal being.

He had returned to his normal form after his final counter-attack, unable to hold on to his fading consciousness. He was severely injured in both body and soul, with the latter being more precarious.

Odin took quick measures as magic flooded Vali's body, providing it a bit of respite, thus stabilizing him. He proceeded to slam his spear on the floor, as the region surrounding Vali's body was in stasis, and his body was lifted into air slowly akin to a balloon.

Odin then collected Vali's weapons, and other the remnants of armor that were scattered throughout. With just a thought, they were all summoned from all over the region.

Odin proceeded to tear open space and leave, not before cleaning up all traces of the battle and blood, by completely disintegrating this tiny region of the universe. While he was returning to Asgard, he thought back to the attack that 'harmed' him.

'My son is a monster. NO, that would be an understatement. Any being that could touch upon the laws like that and use them in battle, are beings that surpass me. I could feel what Vali used was just a trace amount, after recklessly damaging his soul. He will definitely surpass me in the future, and maybe the chance to even go after those beings who - WAIT!?!? God of Vengeance.' Odin who was just having ecstatic thoughts inwardly suddenly had his pupils' contract towards the end, as his body trembled.

[Year 1301]

Vali who had been healing for a year had just been discharged, even though his soul wasn't completely healed. He had drastically underestimated the problems caused by injuring his soul, as it caused him to feel sluggish thereby dulling his senses.

He thought back to everything that happened over the last year, after he unleashed that incomplete attack of his. The pain he had felt, was worse than when he was dying in his last life. He felt his very existence fluctuating, akin to a light bulb as he was on the verge of disintegrating.

But, he felt that it was worth it, after realising what he could do after going all-out, and getting a glimpse at his future path. His last attack which he dished out at Odin, at the cost of almost dying was a result of him touching something he shouldn't have, as a lower existence.

He needed to at least be an existence on the level of Odin, before he could use that move without injuring his soul. And after experiencing it once, he decided that he wouldn't ever strain his soul again.

As for the move, he had instinctively named it 'karmic return' after he had felt what it could do. At the cost of lot of magic, it could transfer all the damage/injuries suffered to the person responsible for it.

And since he had piss poor magic, his attack barely succeeded in dealing any damage. Not that it mattered at that point, as Odin allowed the weak universal force to injure him by suppressing his Odin-force, or else he could have shrugged it off with some difficulty. Odin probably wanted to test the nature of the attack, based on Vali's deductions.


After Odin brought a 'broken' Vali to the healing chambers, leaving him to the shocked healers after making sure that he was stable. The stupefied healers, instantly started using their healing magic after connecting him to a pod filled with a green liquid, supposedly filled with healing properties.

They had never expected to see their Prince in such a condition, as it was a nerve-wracking experience for them as they carefully fixed his body. All the leftover blood was carefully destroyed as per procedure, as they knew the consequences of an enemy getting a few droplets of blood.

The enemy, if decent at curses could harm the injured person from far away with just a few drops of blood. Skilled magicians could also track down a person with a drop of blood, so they were thorough and strict according to their teachings. Though all this could be blocked, and resisted naturally by a few of the stronger beings on Asgard.

As they were finishing up, the chamber was intruded by the Queen who barged in with a frosty expression. As soon as she noticed Vali, she approached the pod with worry clearly visible in her face.

"This son of mine is going to be the death of me. I was just relieved that he got back from his missions unharmed yesterday, but now he goes and does this." Frigga muttered with anger in her voice.

Most of the healers had already made their exits after observing the Queen in a bad mood. Two of the healers stayed behind the doorway to deal with any emergencies, and they just kept their mouths shut and ears closed.

Frigga soon stormed away to have her talks with her husband, who was obviously responsible for this joke of a state her son was in. She didn't forget to send someone to inform Vali's guards, meanwhile, a few of her guards temporarily guarded him.

After destroying Odin, even poor Skarf and Frodi were not left alone by Frigga. But she felt bad and relented, after seeing how they didn't shirk away their faults, going as far as to solely claim that they were completely responsible for Vali's terrible state.

Skarf and Frodi had just entered the room, when Skarf stretched his hand towards the giant and spoke calmly, "Pay up! I won the bet this time. I told you that the Prince wouldn't give us a vacation for no reason, and that he must have something personal to do."

Frodi who was normally a stoic determined person, suddenly felt his face twitch as he reluctantly handed Skarf a few coins. He didn't bother replying as it wasn't in his nature to talk unnecessarily.

They suddenly tensed as they felt they were being watched, so their hands were instantly on their weapons as they looked around. They didn't find anyone even after scanning the surrounding area, but the sensation of being watched never left.

A little puzzled, without letting their guard down they turned around to check up on Vali. They saw the man who was in the pod awake, starring at them with a bored expression unbothered by their earlier actions.

Vali who had just woken up knocked on the pod, from the inside after seeing his guards who supposedly bet on what he was up to. Soon the guards who were shocked to see their Prince starring at them, ran outside to call the two healers who were on duty just outside.

He was removed from the pod as his body was soon healed up, with no problems except for maybe some soreness. Couldn't say the same about his soul though, as it was in a terrible condition, once again making him berate himself for underestimating the problem.

He was soon informed of needing to stay behind in the chambers for a year, owing to his injured soul, as they were apparently instructed by Odin himself.

Loki who had heard of his 'crippled' condition didn't hesitate to try and sneak in, trying to break a few more of Vali's bones thereby extending his time in bed. Well, he was clearly unsuccessful in sneaking in, as Vali's eyes still worked just fine, and his guards truly guarded him like a hawk now that he was injured.

After he failed to cause trouble, he left only to return to his place and find Vali's calling card. Enraged by the audacity to steal his things, he broke into Vali's place this time trying to repay the favour.

He was destined to be disappointed as Vali only left his decent weapons and items in his private chambers. The ones he used frequently were left in his meditation spot deep in the mountains.

Sadly, the ones he targeted next were the homes of Vali's guards completely robbing them dry. The depressed guards only cooled down after Vali compensated them, more than generously.

Thor visited with his friends as well, and his girlfriend Sif. Yes, Thor had a girlfriend now, and he had heard about it from Frigga who happily boasted about it, during her daily visits. Days went by quickly, and he was almost completely healed.

[Flashback ends]

The year might have passed by with him just lying in bed, but his mind worked fine as he went through his fight several times in his head over the year. The mindscape essentially gave him a replay button, and he used it thoroughly to think of countermeasures to several of Odin's attacks on him.

His combat style had made tremendous improvements, as it went through a complete overhaul. Before he had used his self-created style from his previous life as a base, and used his experiences from Asgard to add to it. He realised that he was limiting himself after his fight with Odin, so he completely broke it down and only took what he could use.

He soon realised that the time had come, after digesting all his gains from the fight. He even gained partial insights into karma during his meditation, that he had no clue on using in reality.

Vali decided that it was time he took the trial, as he needed to get through it and start developing his own magic as soon as possible. The walloping he had received had come at great time, as he could feel himself relaxing slightly over the past few years.

He left for Odin's throne room along with his guards this time, soon finding Odin on his throne busy with some other matters.

The King had clearly grown a little weary over the last year, after being bashed around by Frigga. He heard someone enter, and saw the cause for all his problems walking in followed by his guards.

He saw Vali look at him and speak telepathically, "I'm ready for the trial now, and I'm done with my preparations."

Odin then asked a reluctant Skarf and Frodi to leave, as he turned to his son and asked with a serious tone in his voice,

"Are you sure? You have all the time to prepare longer if you need. But since you're here it must mean that you have already made up your mind."

He pulled out an enchanted golden heavy armor from 'space' as if he had a spatial pocket, and threw it at Vali before he spoke with a meaningful look in his face, "I've made this one a lot stronger, than the armor I destroyed before. It should last a lot longer as well."

As Vali armored up, Odin stepped towards the portrait behind his throne before chanting a few mysterious incantations. Vali watched carefully, as the portrait rippled and a magical doorway formed on it.

Vali then looked towards Odin before speaking calmly, "As per the deal, Mother shouldn't hear of this. Just tell her that I'm out on a solo mission."

He then nodded, and walked into the doorway with determination conveyed in his steps.

After he left, Frigga appeared beside Odin with clear anguish in her face. She had always been there, and she knew that as a warrior herself she couldn't stand in the way of his goals. But the thought of him perishing in the trials, almost made her collapse.

Odin then spoke up with a serious expression in his face as he looked at doorway that had just closed, "Don't worry. I personally tested his growth, so there is no way that he'd fall there."

Frigga just glared at the topic of him 'testing' her son, and didn't bother responding. She just left immediately to rest, and calm her emotions as she inwardly knew that it wasn't her husband's fault.


[A.N]: Odin seemed to have gained a few hints into why Vali's the God of Vengeance.

[A.N]: I might be burning out a little. I find this chapter a little subpar as some sentences are redundant. I might have to take a break, but the first volume is almost complete in a few chapters, so I'll try and get it done. With that, his early burst of growth on Asgard would be completed and he can start several of his plans outside the realm. :)

Hand over the power stones! NOW!

[ P@ treon.com/7rox ] or [ buymeacoffee.com/7rox ]

Won't be posting any advanced chapters there, though you can donate 3$ and buy me a cup of coffee for the time I've spent writing, if you're interested. Peace.