
Ascension or journey from world to world

The cover I used does not belong to me. I found it on the Internet, and it belongs to the corresponding person. Also, all the works that I use in this fanfiction do not belong to me, and in no case do I pretend to be. This is just fan-made literature written for fun. English is not my native language. This story is about a young man and his travels to different worlds. Dying in his native world, a young man meets a god who fulfilled 5 of his wishes. What will be next? This we will find out later. I can say that I have plot ideas. Let us begin this journey.

PerfyX · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
87 Chs

Three years

Morning May 27, 1988.  To the east of the coast of Scotland is an island.  

This island is not on the maps of Muggles and wizards.  The Peverells really knew how to hide their home from the rest of the world.  The lonely castle was in a fairy glade. There, in the master bedroom, a child with snowy white hair was sleeping, at some point the child opened his eyelids and opened his blood-red eyes.  You would think that this is a vampire, but no, this is the original dragon Ray Peverell. Well, or at the moment the larva of the original dragon?  

The child got out of bed, and went towards the bathroom.  After washing and taking a shower, Ray put on a bathrobe and went towards the small banquet hall.  There he was expected, a traditional English breakfast consisting of eggs with bacon, oatmeal, toast, various jams and tea as a drink.  This time the house elf's did not overdo it and made food for exactly 1 person. After breakfast, Ray went to his office. Sitting at the table, Ray began to plan his training, when suddenly his house elves appeared in front of him.

Dinky: "Master Ray, Dinky checked the potion lab and checked all the ingredients in the warehouse. All the ingredients went bad, the stasis spell was designed for 200 years."

Tinky: "Master, Tinky has filled all the food stores as you ordered."

Ray nodded his head and said, "Good work. Now I want to find out from you whether the Peverells kept their treasures at Gringotts?"

Pinky: "Master Ray, the most ancient and noblest house of Peverell keeps some of the gold and books in Gringotts. This is necessary to maintain authority among noble families. But you can not worry, most of the gold and jewelry, as well as all the most important books are in  the treasury of the castle. "

Ray: "It doesn't matter. Tinky, Dinky, I want you two to transfer to the castle treasury everything that is in the safe of Peverell in Gringotts."

Tinky: "Tinky will execute the order, master."

Dinky: "Master, Dinky will carry all the treasures."

With the sound of * popping * little house elf's disappeared.

Ray: "Pinky, I want you to go to Surrey, Little Whinging. Find House 4 on Privet drive. I need you to check if there are wizards in this place and if so, how they look and how many there are. Not  pay attention to a thin child with glasses and green eyes. The main thing is to see that no one sees you. And do not get too close to the house. "

Pinky: "Master, Pinky will look for wizards."

With another sound of * pop * cabinet silence enveloped.  Ray sat at the table and considered whether physical training would help him or if he needed to train magic first.  Having hit the table, he decided: "What stupid ideas, of course physical training will never be superfluous. Every morning before breakfast I will do meditations and strengthen my mind. After that I will go to breakfast. Next, I will practice spells, the knowledge of which I passed from the Great Sage. The main thing is to start developing wandless magic, I don't need to get used to using the wand, otherwise it will be more difficult to study spells in other worlds. 

Having exhausted my core, regardless of how I feel, I will begin physical training. I think  adhere to this regime throughout the year. After that I will begin to hone my skills fighting with manikins in a duel room. Another 1 year of training should prepare me a bit. Further development will require battles with living people. I must tell the elf's to prepare rich protein  food. Now I want to look at my little world. "

Ray: {Great Sage, how do I get into my world?}

Great Sage: {To do this, you need to imagine how you appear in your world}

Closing his eyes, Ray began to imagine how he appears in his personal world.  Feeling the breeze on his face, he realized that he was no longer in his office.  Opening his eyes and looking back, Ray did not see anything, there was bare earth all around, as if it were wastelands.

Remembering that Ray asked for complete control over his world, he began to imagine a picture of green meadows, forests, lakes and rivers.  He also decided to create climatic zones, mild winters in the north, summer and a small desert in the south, spring and flowering meadows, fields and gardens in the east, golden autumn with its harvest in the west.  In the middle, Ray began to imagine a Japanese-style palace.

A palace appeared in front of Ray, but he did not give a feeling of cold and political intrigue.  Rather, he felt at home. The palace had a huge dining room with traditional low tables. And a huge number of living quarters.

There were also 3 personal hot springs with automatic cleaning, in general the whole palace cleaned itself.  The master bedroom had a large four-poster bed. In the living room there was a home theater for evening entertainment.  There was a huge training room with various equipment and its own giant arena with many shields withstanding dozens of bijuudama.  Although the palace looks ancient, it has all the benefits of civilization. After going to the training room, Ray decided to check the time dilation, he wanted to create his own time camera, like from the anime Dragon Ball.  However, nothing came of it. Ray decided to find out the reason from the Great Sage: {Great Sage, why can't I slow down the time in this room?}

Great Sage: {You cannot slow down the time before you leave this world.  God has banned it. You have recently accepted the legacy of the Original Dragon, and time dilation will have a very negative effect on you.  Even in the next world you will be limited in this. Initially, you will be able to cover about 100 square meters with a time delay of 10 to 1.  In order to remove restrictions you must master the law of time. Or absorb a spark of law, such as the pages from a Temporal Demon spirit book that Nie Li from Tales of Demons and Gods had.}

Hearing all this, Ray was not upset, knowing that he had the legacy of the Original Dragon, he realized that it would not take too much time to master the law of time, although it is the most difficult of all.  All the same, this is a fundamental law.

Leaving his palace and standing in front of it, Ray thought a little. Since this place will henceforth accompany Ray forever before returning to Peverell Castle, he decided to give it a name.  Spreading his arms as if trying to grab the entire planet, Ray said in a loud and clear voice: "From now on this Earth will be called AVALON!" The words echoed all over the world, as if trying to say that now this is not an unnamed place, now this is Avalon.

After Ray gave a name to his world, he felt bliss and calm as if in the arms of his mother.  With this feeling, Ray finally let go of his past, fully realizing that now his name is not Michael Holiday, but Ray, Peverell Ray.

After a couple of minutes, Ray closed his eyes and imagined him returning to his office.

Returning back, he noticed that night had come.  [I spent all day in my world, unexpectedly]

Going down to the dining room, Ray saw the same food that he ate yesterday. Having looked at the three house elf's, he said: "I want to ask you to cook more food rich in protein in the near future, but cook one for me, I don't need a full table."

Tinky: "Tinky will do, Master Ray."

At that moment, Pinky appeared with the sound of * popping *.

Pinky: "Owner, Pinky watched the house on Privet drive. Not a single wizard was around. Only the old squib and kneazles."

Putting his hand under his chin and leaning on it, Ray thought: [So Dumbledore is not so bad in this world.  A manipulator who considers all his decisions correct and useful, but that's all. For the common good, yes, Albus?  You forget one truth: The common good is the sum of the lesser good. And what is good for one, evil for another. Until you stick your nose into my affairs, you and I will be able to remain neutral.  However, once you decide to act against me, this day will be the starting point for your death.]

Ray had a frightening smile and his eyes turned into vertical slits glowing blood red, if Albus Dumbledore had just seen him, he would have turned gray a second time and would have avoided him at every meeting.  Indeed, in any world, even the most stupid person knows that you can not anger the dragon or touch its treasures. Magic surrounded Ray, the house elf's looked reverently at their master. After all, even the founders of the family at this age did not have such strength.  They knew their master was a powerful wizard, and he was at the top of the food chain. Like a true king.


And so began the monotonous everyday life, throughout the whole year Ray improved his magical and physical characteristics.  In this Ray achieved tremendous success. In the art of occlumency and legilimency, Ray really became a master equal to Dumbledore, although he had not yet tested it, but was sure that he could see superficial thoughts just by looking into his eyes.  Thanks to the occlumency, Ray began to completely control his emotions, even in the past world he had a cold expression, but now this mask will become absolute, and you really need to try to make it crack. Its core has reached a solid stage, and the volume exceeds the magic reserves of Severus Snape by 2 times.  Ray expected it to take the next three years, but thanks to the adoption of the title of Lord Peverell and regular training in a mana-rich environment, he developed his core in 1 year. And it was a child aged 9 years with a solid core and huge reserves. "Madness" you say, but do not compare Ray with ordinary wizards, remember the desires that he made.  With the help of only a "predator", he can begin to absorb both living and non-living objects filled with mana, thereby preserving part of their energy for himself, just do not forget about Avalon, which is already able to create mana and whose concentration exceeds the current world already now.


1 year later

In the training hall of Peverell Castle, one could see many colorful lights and flashes flying everywhere.  * Explosion *.

Training manikin tore into pieces.

A young man of about 12 years old with white hair and red eyes seemed to dance, dodging the stinging curses that flew into him from all sides from the remaining 6 manikins.  Although the stinging curse does not have a threat, it is rather unpleasant to stand under it. This young man was Ray. Thanks to his legacy and physical training, his body matures faster than his peers and at 10 he looks 12.

* Confundus * * Expelliarmus * * Bombard * a killer bunch of spells flew into the first manikin, destroying it.

* Lumos Solem * * Incendio * after hit by a sunbeam in the eye area, the second manikin burned in fire.

* Whistling * a stinging curse flew near Ray's ear.

* Bombard maxima * exploded the third manikin.

* Aguamenti maxima * * Baubillius Dua * white lightning pierced the fourth manikin shrouded in water

* Protego Totalum * Ray enveloped the barrier when he stopped and began to look at the two remaining manikins.  He decided to use more serious curses.

* Sectumsempra * cut one of the manikins in half.

* Flipendo Tria * impressed into the wall of the last manikin.

* Heavy breathing * "haff haff haff. This is really hard. I haven't used the most powerful spells, but have already been squeezed to dryness. Show me the fool who said: 'In the world of Harry Potter, with magic unshackled it responds to emotions and imagination.' It is very hard  To use non-verbal enchantment, you need to create a trigger for each spell, I easily managed this because I try to create a parallel stream of consciousness with the help of Occlumency, but wandless magic is a completely different thing. Most of the magic just dissipates, so even wizards like Dumbledore and Voldemort do not often use it. Using a regular wandless Exelliarmus with a minimum of mana requires as much as a solid Patronus to protect against dementors. I will not demonstrate my wandless magic. As the Chinese sages said  : 'If you can count to 10, then count to 6, but show that you can count only to 4.' "

"It's been 2 years since I arrived in this world, time really goes fast."

Clapping his hands, Ray shouted: "Pinky!"

With the sound of * pop * Pinky appeared in front of Ray and bowed to him.

Pinky: "How Pinky can serve you, Master Ray."

Ray: "Tell Tinky and Dinky to prepare a hearty dinner, I won't have dinner tonight. Just prepare another bedroom, we will have guests soon."

As soon as Pinky bowed and went to follow orders, Ray went to eat.  Arriving at the small banquet hall. He saw various dishes of meat and chicken.  Fruit, bread and one of Ray's favorite drinks is Grape Juice. * Drinks juice * "Ah, life is good. I think you need to look for good wine. Either create a vineyard on Avalon. I won't drink one juice all the time. When I go to the worlds of xianxia, ​​I will definitely collect a collection of wines. I remember some  there were powerful monkeys in the world who made Monkey Wine, hmmm, yes, that's a great idea. "

After lunch, Ray went into the garden located behind the castle.  The garden was full of different colors, house elf's did their best and put this place in order.  And you can't say that 2 years ago everything was like in the jungle. Sitting on a bench, Ray began to look at the water flowing in the fountain and enjoy the warm weather.  In fact, the whole island was surrounded by a powerful barrier that hid it from the whole world, and created its own habitat, the weather in which was constant.

Looking up from the water, Ray said in his mind: {Great Sage, give me knowledge of the ritual of creating a homunculus that can endure 7 days.  Also tell me all the ways in which you can remove the mental blocks and clear the mind. Um, I'm also interested in a way to break up a marriage and a marriage contract.}

Great Sage: {The ritual of creating a homunculus capable of living for 10 days: you will need one body in good condition, in the basement of the castle there is a refrigerator with various corpses and skeletons, a boiler capable of accommodating the body, you can find it in the basement.  You also need the blood of the one whose appearance you want the homunculus to have. Then you need to wait until midnight, at midnight you need to pour blood and begin to send magic to the cauldron while casting a spell:

 | Ego radius Peverell nomen eius magicis superextendam in corpore.  Ita vero vitam agentes ea sanguis proprii momenti ac specie. Sic fiat!  Evenit! |

 (I, Ray Peverell, in my name, in my magic, breathe life into this body. May it receive blood and gain its appearance. So be it! And it will happen!)

After completing the ritual, you will receive a living homunculus, which is able to carry out simple orders and accommodate a weak soul.  If he does not receive a soul within 10 days after his creation, then the homunculus will turn to dust.

To remove mental blocks and clear the mind, you need to use legilimency and destroy the memory of these events.  Or you will need to feed the target with your fresh blood and wish that it is healed. Your blood has tremendous vitality.  When you become stronger, it will have the properties of phoenix tears from DxD.

To break the marriage contract, the permission of the Lord of the family is required.  In the case of Bellatrix, this is Lord Black, but at the moment this is not possible. The only one who can become Lord Black, Sirius, is in Azkaban.  I do not recommend rescuing Sirius Black until you take the Slytherin locket and their family library.

Another way to break the marriage is if the husband performs a divorce ritual.  The best option for you is to kill Rodolfus Lestrange when you visit Azkaban, thereby Bellatrix will become a widow and will have full control over the wealth of Lestrange.  It will also be a good reason for the death of Bellatrix herself, after you replace her with a homunculus. Wizards will themselves seek the causes of her death and ultimately decide that she died from the grief of losing her husband.}

Ray: {Thank you, Great Sage, what would I do without you.  You really are much more useful than these stupid systems.}

Great Sage: {Thank you, Master.}

* Tempus maxima * muttered Ray in order to see how the inscription appears in the air 'September 15, 1990 15:45'.

Ray: [Until the beginning of August next year, I have to finish all my plans.  Today, an hour before midnight, I will go to Azkaban to meet Bellatrix. After that, I will conduct a ritual of creating a homunculus.  I am not sure of my well-being after the ritual, so I will postpone her salvation until the next night. Okay, now I'm going to sleep, this night will be long.]

Going to the master bedroom and undressing to underwear, Ray lay down in his bed, waving his hand, he set the spell of the alarm at 22:00.

Waking up from sleep and quickly washing himself, Ray put on a military robe consisting of: dragon leather boots with many charms, black pants with pockets with an expanded space and a belt for various potions and daggers, a tight-fitting turtleneck and a cloak with a hood (like assassins).  Everything was in black.

After examining himself and putting the flask in his pocket, Ray said: {Great Sage, as soon as I appear in Azkaban, you must tell all dementors not to let anyone in to the floor on which Bellatrix's camera is located, also monitor the surroundings if anyone is within  20 meters, tell me right away.}

Great Sage: {Whatever you say, Master.}

Ray closed his eyes introducing Azkaban, or rather the Bellatrix Lestrange camera.  * Aloud * with a slight hesitation, Ray found himself inside an absolutely dark chamber with no windows and any light sources, but for him this was not a problem, he saw perfectly in the dark, this is another feature of his bloodline.

Looking around, he noticed a woman curled up in a corner.  Approaching her and squatting down, he touched her shoulder.  With a shudder, the woman woke up, raised her head, and began to look around.  Everything was as usual, bare walls and darkness, but then she ran into a glowing red pair of eyes.  Bellatrix's breath caught and she felt fear from the unknown. [Who is it, how did it get here, why didn't I hear anything.  Can I finally be able to die and free myself from my destiny.] Bellatrix thought.

"So you want to die?"  continuing to look into her eyes this creature said.

Hearing this deep and pleasant voice as if penetrating into the soul, Bella calmed down a little, but still she asked in a quivering voice: "Wwwwhhoo aarre yyyou?"

"No matter who I am, the only important thing is whether you really want to die?" The man answered her.

Now, Bella was sure that this creature is a man and with great probability not a man.

Gathering all her courage, Bella looked into red eyes and said with tears beginning to appear in her eyes: "What else can I want, I'm nobody, just a slave, just a doll. Killer and maniac. I rot in this prison, every day dementors  consumed my mana and my happiness - which is not there. "in the end she was already whispering.

Ray, and it was he, was surprised, not even so, he was in shock.  Going to Azkaban, he hoped to meet a mad, limp, fanatical killer. But when he saw the current Bellatrix, he felt sincerely sorry for her, do not think that if he is always with a neutral expression and a cold look, then he has no human emotions.  Often cold people have a warm heart. In Ray's case, his love is only for the family, but he will not be cold or arrogant towards people whom he does not know, although he will remain cautious and neutral.

Initially, he decided to save Bellatrix for personal gain, she would be just a tool, of course he was based on knowledge from the past world.  But after the Great Sage spoke about her life, he wanted to help her in exchange for her knowledge, however, seeing her current state, Ray wanted to get her out of this pit of despair.  Ray was really lucky that he met Bella at that moment when her mind was clear, otherwise he would have a completely different opinion. Putting both his hands on Bella's cheeks, he tried to wipe away the tears, but only smeared the mud mixed with tears on her face.  As soon as he touched her, Bella flinched, for 10 years she had not felt the touch of other people, but she felt a little confidence from this gesture. [Warmly] thought Bella.

Seeing all this, Ray was internally pleased: [It's good that she gained a little trust, so it will be easier for me to explain everything to her.]

Raising his hands and standing up, Ray said, still looking into her eyes: "Tell me Bellatrix, do you want to live? Do you want another chance? Try to start all over again. I can save you, I can give you this chance, but ...  ..I can also kill you if you want to. " Ray subconsciously released magic that enveloped Bella, but it was strange that she did not press on her, but felt like a warm blanket on a winter morning.

Trying to get up, she leaned against the wall and replied: "I did many terrible things in my life, even if I was forced to, even if I did not control myself and my will was sealed," looking at her hands, she asked in a quiet voice: "these hands killed many innocents  "Do you really want to give a chance to a man like me? Do I really deserve it?" Bella asked herself more than Ray.

Ray approached her almost tightly and began to say: "Listen to me, Bella, can I treat you like that? So listen to me, I don't suffer forgiveness, I'm not a saint and I will never give my enemy a second chance, if there is a choice between  life of innocent people's and someone from my family, I do not hesitate to save my dear man. So why do you ask if you deserve this chance or not. Now I don't see and you are not a killer or a mad woman, all I see is a broken woman. If you were the woman that describes' Daily Prophet 'I have learned the reason and then I would either kill you, or tried to help. And since you're still breathing, you can answer itself, which of the two options, I chose. "

Bella listened attentively and at the same time considered everything that Ray had told her.  Having gathered, Bella squeezed her hands into a fist and looked resolutely into Ray's eyes: "Please save me, I want to live, I want a second chance, I will prove to myself and to you that I am worthy of life."

Upon hearing her speech, Ray smiled a sincere smile, for the first time in a long time: "Well, I'm glad you chose this option, I would be sorry to kill you."

Smiling a little, Bella nodded, although she thought that he still would not see it.  However, Ray sees perfectly in the dark and saw her actions.

Removing the dagger from his belt, Ray slashed himself in the palm of his hand, the blood began to accumulate, but he controlled so that it would not spill.  Looking at Bella, he said: "You need to drink my blood, don't worry, I'm not a vampire and you won't turn, my blood will help break your mental blocks and improve your health a little. Raise your head and open your mouth."

Hearing him, Bella did not ask unnecessary questions, although she was surprised that such strong blocks could be broken without a proper ritual.  Bella read a lot of books on magic, but she does not know whose blood is capable of such feats. Raising her head and opening her mouth, she felt like a hot liquid, drop by drop flowing down her tongue.  With every drop she felt the heat spreading throughout her body and a strong tingling sensation in her head. With the sound of * broken glass * she felt severe pain in her head and began to fall, but her hands grabbed her, it would seem children's hands?  The pain gradually passed and Bella began to feel herself in an embrace, but this did not last long and she was released, leaving her to sit on the floor.

The moment she was in the hands of her savior, Bella felt warm and protected.  She remained in her thoughts until she heard a voice: "The mental blocks are destroyed, now I will tell you the plan of your salvation. But first I need your blood, lend a hand."

Bella held out her hand when she felt a small palm clutch her wrist.  Ray took out his dagger and cut Bella's hand, the dagger was magical, and did not let him feel pain, so she did not even notice.  Substituting the flask, Ray collected about 10 drops of blood, after which the cut dragged on.

Ray: "Your blood is needed for the ritual of creating a homunculus, today at midnight I will conduct the ritual. Most likely I will spend all my mana reserves, so you have to wait until the next night. Next night I will return with the homunculus, replacing you with the homunculus .  I'll kill Rodolfus Lestrange and we will run away. After 10 days, the wizarding world discovers that Bellatrix Lestrange died due to grief in the Azkaban cell.

Bellatrix was really surprised and glad. Surprised that her savior knows how to free her from Azkaban without attracting attention, as well as his knowledge about the creatures of the homunculus.  Creating a homunculus is considered dark magic that has long been forgotten. Bella saw a description of some of the rituals in a book in Black's secret library. She was glad that her savior would kill Rodolfus, the cause of all her sufferings.  She regrets only that he will die a light death, otherwise it will cause suspicions. Looking towards red eyes, she said: "I am ready to wait not only for a day, but even for a year. I have been here for 10 years, one day will not be noticeable."

Nodding at her words, Ray said, "Then see you Bella, and don't worry about the dementors."

Pulling her hand, Bella cried out: "Wait ... say at least your name," she said in a whisper of the last part.

But Ray had already disappeared as silently as he had appeared.  There was surprise in Bella's eyes when she tried to ponder his words: [Which means 'don't worry about dementors'].  Suddenly, she understood something and her eyes opened wide: [Dementors stopped visiting my cell about two years ago, is it really because of him?  ] With such thoughts, Bella closed her eyes and fell asleep.

Returning with his ring to his castle, Ray headed for the open meadow.  On the go I use the * Tempus * '23: 45 'spell.

"Tinky, Dinky, Pinky," Ray called to his elf's.  Appearing at the call, the elf's bowed and began to wait for orders.

Ray: "Prepare a ritual mantle, a large cauldron, and a female body in top condition."

With * pop * the elf's set off to carry out the order.

In the meantime, Ray sat down and began to meditate, preparing his magic.  The ritual of creating a homunculus without certain components requires a lot of strength.  Even in his current state, Ray doubts that he can handle it.

After 5 minutes, the elf's brought everything Ray needed.  Going to a table covered with a white blanket, Ray tore it off and saw the corpse of a young dark-haired girl, she was white as snow, but she was perfectly preserved.  There was no cadaveric poison or decomposition processes. As expected from a family of necromancers. Having taken the vial of blood Ray put it near the boiler and decided to check the time again * Tempus * 23:52.

Dressed in a ritual garment, Ray told the elf's: "As soon as the ritual is over put me to bed, do not forget to euthanize the homunculus and watch it"

Elfs : "As You Command, Master"

Raising the girl with levitation, Ray immersed her in an empty cauldron, thinking: [Doesn't she need to be filled with water?].  Shaking his head, Ray cleared his mind of unnecessary thoughts. {Great sage, tell me when to start the ritual}.

 Great Sage: {Good Master}.

6 minutes 58 seconds later, the Great Sage warned Ray: {Time}.

After pouring the blood, Ray raised his hand and placed it over the cauldron, closing his eyes, he began to send magic and read out ritual words:

| Ego radius Peverell nomen eius magicis superextendam in corpore.  Ita vero vitam agentes ea sanguis proprii momenti ac specie. Sic fiat!  Evenit! |

As he read, a blue liquid began to fill the cauldron, fog enveloped the surroundings and dark clouds formed in the sky above Ray.  But he did not see this, because he was concentrated on the ritual, I feel like magic in a frantic stream leaves him. Ray was sweating from exertion, of the last forces he completed the ritual and fell into a salutory faint.

A white hand grabbed the edge of the cauldron.  A pale dark-haired girl rose from him. If Bella was here now, she would recognize herself in this homunculus.  Despite the pallor, she was alive, but if you look into her eyes, you will not see anything. Empty, absolutely empty, homunculus have no souls, and as you know, Eyes are a mirror of the soul.

Pinky picked up her master and teleported to the master bedroom, taking off his ritual clothes there, she put him to bed.

Meanwhile, Tinky and Dinky euthanized the homunculus, and laid him in one of the guest bedrooms closely watching him.

The evening of the next day, about 20 hours have passed since the ritual, but Ray has not woken up yet.  The ritual took all his strength and Ray received complete magical exhaustion. Ordinary wizards after exhaustion sometimes spend a whole week in a dream.  But Ray has enough of these 20 hours.

Suddenly, Ray opened his eyes and stood up, feeling tired, despite the fact that he had just woken up.  Getting out of bed, Ray went to take a shower and brush his teeth. Although he possesses cleansing spells like * Tergeo *, he will not lose his habit of daily showering.  All the same, even in his palace on Avalon, he created as many as 3 Onsen.

After doing his work, Ray used * Tempus Maxima * 'September 16, 1990 21:34'.  Ray put on his war vestments and called for Pinky. * Pop * An elf has appeared.

Ray: "Pinky, prepare dinner, but today it should be something light, like chicken broth or other soup. Prepare food for a person who could not eat right for a long time. Also bring me one female mantle and bring a homunculus here."

With these words, the little elf disappeared and appeared after 30 seconds with a black mantle and a dark-haired girl.  Passing on the mantle, Pinky bowed and disappeared with a *pop*.

Ray: {Great Sage, after Bella puts the homunculus on, tell the Dementors to absorb the soul of Rodolfus Lestrange.  But let them not climb to Rabastan. }

Great Sage: {As you command}.

Going to the homunculus and taking his hand, Ray used the ring to get into Bellatrix's chamber.

At that moment, Bellatrix was sitting on the floor, with her back leaning against the wall and waiting patiently.  But she no longer had a lost look, no, now her eyes began to glow with desire, a desire to continue living and find her place in this life.

At that moment, Bella heard someone stepping in her direction.  Looking back, she saw familiar eyes. Opening her mouth, she wanted to say something, as she was interrupted: "Hello Bella, everything is ready, * threw the mantle * put your clothes on the homunculus and we can get out of this place."

Bella took off her clothes and threw on her robes.  Going a little further, she came across a man, but looking into her eyes, she saw dark empty eyes.  Bella understood that it was a homunculus, without hesitation she began to dress the homunculus in her former clothes.  After that, she said: "Everything is ready."

Feeling how someone took her hand, Bella closed her eyes so that opening them she saw a beautiful clearing, consecrated by stars and sky.  Tears poured out of her eyes in an uncontrolled stream. After all, for 10 whole years, 10 years she was imprisoned in Azkaban, she was in the farthest and darkest cell.  Not seeing the stars, the moon, the sun and the sky. But now, now she is free, she is free from her prison, free from the cell in which her mother and her aunt put her in marriage to Rodolfus.  And to whom she should have been grateful for all this.  

Starting to look around, she saw a child standing and looking at her with her red eyes.  He was wearing clothes like battle magicians, the folded-up hood of the mantle opened a view of a beautiful but cold face, snow-white hair and blood-red eyes created an incredible impression.  She was not surprised to see her savior, as she suspected that it was a child, but for Bella this does not make sense, because she is grateful to him and he is her savior. Thinking, she didn't hear a voice calling her: "..la, ..ella, Bella," shaking herself, she gathered herself and looked at her savior.

Bella: "Thank you, thank you for saving me and giving me this chance."

Smiling Ray said: "Do not worry, the main thing is not to give reason to regret this decision"

Going up to Bella and taking her hand, Ray led her towards the castle.  He wanted to directly go back, but the shields did not let them go, throwing them on the outskirts.  Ray thought that for the first visit it is necessary to go through the main entrance, otherwise it is impossible to use direct transgression.  Having passed through the gates, Ray drew attention to Bella's shocked face, not surprisingly, not every noble family can afford a castle. Meanwhile, Bella decided to ask: "You know who I am, but I still don't know you. Even your name."

"Ray. Peverell Ray," Ray answered her and began to watch Bella's widening eyes.

Looking at the hand that held her, she saw a black ring.  Realizing what the ring was, she was even more surprised. [So young, and already Lord.] Bella thought.  Not noticing they got to the entrance to the castle. Bella was from a very wealthy family. But even for her, the luxury of Peverell Castle was amazing.

The whole road passed in silence and everyone thought about his own.  Ray brought Bella to the banquet room, where they were met by many light dishes, such as soups, fruit puree and grape juice.  Bella stared at the food with a hungry look, pushing her to the table Ray sat down in his seat. Bella, although she was insanely hungry, still retained her manners and ate very elegantly, it was an amazing sight, given her appearance.  After eating, Bella remembered what she wanted to ask the question: "Lord Ray, you were able to kill Rodolfus?" . This is actually an interesting question, and in order to answer it, you need to go back to Azkaban 30 minutes ago.

While Ray was transgressing into the clearing in front of Peverell Castle, in one of the cells there was a thin man, quite tall, with chocolate-colored hair and an unkempt beard.  Of course, that man was Rodolfus Lestrange. The man was sleeping, not even knowing that he was surrounded by hundreds of dementors, the cowardly guard had long hidden behind special barriers.  Suddenly he began to feel a terrible cold, frost began to cover the floor and walls of the cell. Rodolfus woke up and scared, in front of his face there were many dementors. He tried to scream, but there were no sounds, there was a terrible silence, and his whole life, all his sins, began to flash before Rodolfus's eyes.  All the Muggles he tortured and killed, all the families that he destroyed, they were all there, even his wife Bellatrix was there, saying "You ruined my life, you and your brother destroyed me." With a final sigh, Rodolfus Lestrange left this world, being devoid of soul. He left an empty shell. The dementor's kiss is really a terrible thing, because there is no worse death than soul death.

We will return to the Peverell castle.  Ray looked at Bella and said: "He is dead, you are now a widow."

Hearing these words, Bella was really happy.  She would like to hug Ray and thank, but she knew her place and was aware of her appearance.  As such, even the homeless would not look at her, but even so she was surprised to not notice disgust in Ray's eyes.

Ray really does not care what she looks like, if you ask him, he will answer: "Even in this state, her features are visible, and we can say with confidence that she was incredibly beautiful."

Ray turned to Bella: "A room is prepared for you, you can put yourself in order and rest. Pinky will take you. Let us leave all the conversations for tomorrow."  With that, Ray got up and went to his bedroom. The last two days he was exhausted and tiredness began to pile on him.

Bella sat at the table for about 5 minutes, after which she got up and asked Pinky to take her to the room.

Entering the room, Bella immediately went to the bathroom in order to put herself in order.  After 3 hours, she still finished.

Leaving the bathroom and heading to a large full-length mirror, Bella threw off her bathrobe and began to examine herself.

Little is left of its former beauty.  Her body was extremely thin, her cheeks were hollow.  There were huge bags under the eyes. There were gray strands.  There is practically nothing left of the famous beauty of the Black family.  She became sad, for a woman, the look is very important, no matter who says anything.  But remembering where she is, Bella smiled involuntarily. Today was one of the happiest days in her life.  Today Bellatrix Lestrange died, now she is Bellatrix, just Bella.

With these thoughts, she went to the bed and jumped on her.  Almost immediately, Bella fell into a dream, and it was wonderful, for the first time in 10 years, she would not have nightmares.


The morning of the next day.

Ray used to get up early in order to jog and begin to meditate.  He had already become a master of occlumency, but continued to develop the mind.  Ray wanted to create another stream for thoughts. After all his training, he entered a small banquet hall and began to expect Bella.  The elfs had already served breakfast, like yesterday's dinner it was suitable for a sick person. Ray really was very attentive.

After about 5 minutes, Bella entered the banquet hall, she looked much better.  Of course, the consequences of 10 years of Azkaban do not go away in one day. But her mind is crystal clear now.  As for the appearance .. well, the appearance can be restored with the help of potions, in the worst case, Ray will make her drink blood.  Dragon blood will be very useful to her.

"Good morning Lord Ray," said Bella.

Ray: "Good morning Bella. You don't need to talk to me like that, just call me Ray. You are my guest, omit the formalities."

Having curtsied towards Ray, Bella sat down in a chair and prepared to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Ray called Bella into the living room.  There Ray and Bella sat in soft chairs opposite each other.

"So, it's time for a conversation. Listen to me at the beginning. Then you'll ask questions." Ray said.

Bella nodded and focused on starting the conversation.

Ray: "So. I'm not going to lie to you and will be frank, since I saved you, you have a life debt before me, so you won't be able to betray or harm me.

In the beginning, I decided to save you only from selfish motives, but after our meeting I changed my mind.  I want to talk about your former owner * looks at the dark mark * do not worry about it, I will find a way to erase it, Voldemort is arrogant, he probably used what is available only to him, such as the Parseltongue.  For starters, I'll tell you. That this your 'Lord' is no lord. He is a half-blood wizard born of the union of a sorceress and a muggle. But now is not about that, the important thing is that his name is Tom Marvolo Reddle.  And the most important thing is that he created the horcruxs. Yes, yes, yes, you didn't hear, he created not one horcrux, but as many as 7.

I know what these objects are and where they are.  Here I need your help, it is not necessary, but with you it will be easier.  One of the horcrux is in your safe in Gringotts, I see from your look you understand what this object is.  This is a bowl of Hufflepuff. Another horcrux is ​​located on Grimmo 12, your cousin Regulus realized that the dark lord was just a crazy killing machine, and found out that he had created horcrux.  At the price of his life, he found one of them and hid it. This horcrux is ​​the medallion of Salazar Slytherin.

In a month, you and I will go to Gringotts and empty all your vaults.  After that, we will visit Grimmo 12. "

Throughout the conversation, Bella's face constantly changed.

She was shocked that the Dark Lord was a half-breed.  Bella has never been against muggleborns or half-breeds.  She did not like that when they came to another world, they tried to teach everyone and try to destroy the traditions that had been built for centuries.  They did not realize that it was a different world, with different rules and laws. They thought that wizards are backward and still live in the 18-19th century.  But wizard technology is much better developed. Just pay attention to medicine. Having come into the magical world, the magically weak muggle-born, who are most often children or descendants of squibs, began to try to prohibit magical directions that they cannot master.  All this was made out of envy.

"Of course, how so, why some purebred can use the Hellfire spell, but I can't.  No, it won't work, henceforth the Hellfire is a dark spell. ' thought muggleborns.

Bella agreed with Ray, she did not want to have anything to do with the Lestrange family, so the idea of ​​emptying the vault sounded great.  The same goes for Grimmo, she hated this place.

She also needed time to recover, now she was exhausted.  And this month will give her enough time.

Looking at Ray, she said: "I agree with everything you said. But can I ask you something?"

Ray: "Mmm, I'm listening."

Bella: "Let me train with you, this morning I looked out the window and saw how you are running and doing meditation. I am a very experienced duelist and master of battle magic. Having such a sparring partner you can develop much faster.

Ray himself thought about it, so he immediately agreed: "It's a good idea, but first you have to start the recovery. After that, we can start practicing magic and doing duels."

Nodding to Bella, she replied: "Well, if you don't mind, I would like to study the library. I'm very interested in the knowledge gathered by the Peverell family. If you believe the stories, their library is much more extensive than Black's."

Ray: "That's acceptable."  remembering the library, Ray turned to the Great Sage: {Great Sage, create a library with expanded space in the palace on Avalon.  Let it be divided into sections in order to store the knowledge of each world separately from each other. Also prepare places for reading, and provide the library with search magic.  I am sure that the library will store a huge number of books, and it will be quite difficult to find the right one. After that, make a copy of each book that will appear in Peverell Castle.  Send the original to the Avalon library, but keep copies in Peverell Castle. I will leave this knowledge to the future lord, perhaps he will be able to somehow influence the world and return magic to it.}

After that, Ray began to look at Bella and think seriously.

Under the gaze of Bella, she felt uneasy, but Ray did not relieve herself.

* Sigh * "Well * takes out a glass of wine and a knife *."

Bella watched all this and began to understand what Ray wanted.

Cutting his hand, Ray began to fill the glass.  After which the wound was healed and he turned to his interlocutor: "For a month, every morning, you will drink a glass of my blood. In the beginning I did not want to do this, not wanting to feel like a cash cow. But * a sigh * for your recovery  a lot of time and relevant conditions. "

Bella simply nodded, went to Ray and drained the glass.  Immediately, she began to feel how warmth spread throughout her body, energy poured into her core.  It was a fantastic feeling. Blood gave an instant effect, not so strong, but noticeable. Some gray strands turned black again like night.

Waking up from her condition, Bella again looked in surprise at her savior: [Who are you?  Who has blood has such properties. ] but she did not dare to ask, because she knew that Ray still would not answer.

"Let's start, since we can't duel, I want you to teach the exchange your knowledge and also explain the process of apparation."  said Ray.


And so in the life of Ray appeared an important person for his heart.  Of course, he would not know about it right away.


A month after the rescue of Bellatrix.

October 18, 1990  Unknown island. Peverell Castle.

In the garden you could see a beautiful black-haired woman.  She was beautiful, it is clear that years have benefited her, piercing black eyes in which one could see high intelligence and magical abilities.  Puffy lips, and sharp features. The woman clearly did not need makeup, for she was awarded natural beauty. She was wearing a simple black dress and sandals, without any frills, but they were a wonderful addition to her appearance.

Of course, this woman was Bellatrix.

A month has passed since her salvation.  Ray used to feel her presence next to him.  And it wasn't as bad as he had originally thought.  Ray was by no means an anti-social person. It's just that for him there were 3 categories of people: family, enemies and the rest (including strangers and acquaintances).  Gradually, he began to see part of the family in Bella.

The month was very productive.  Bella taught Ray apparition short and long range.  The first sensations of pushing through the tube were not pleasant, but after that, Ray learned to apparate better.  Do not forget that he still does not have a magic wand and casting spells was many times harder.

A week later, Bella told about her whole life, although Ray already knew all this from the Great Sage, he listened to her.  After all, sometimes a person just needs to talk it out and it helps. Bella cried for about an hour until she fell asleep.

Ray learned all the knowledge of dark magic that Bella managed to collect in her life.  This turned out to be much easier, because when she found out that Ray was a master of legilimency, she taught him to copy knowledge directly from her head.  At that moment, Ray realized how he had successfully chosen the world. With his ability to 'predator' and the ability to copy memory, he realized what he was capable of.  Even with these two abilities, he could become powerful, but he also had the legacy of a dragon and the Great Sage could edit DNA. In general, attainment of the level of God has become more real.


Today was the day they would empty the Lestrange vault and visit Grimmo 12.

"Are you ready?"  asked Ray.

"Yes, you can enchant glamour," answered Bella.

Imposing an illusion on himself and Bella, Ray put on a hood, took his companion by the hand and Apparated to Diagon Alley.

This place is the same as it was shown in the films.  However, there were fewer people, but one thing is for sure, before you start studying there will not be crowded.

Bella led Ray in the direction of a snow-white building, towering above small shops.  And at the polished bronze doors, a pair of goblins were shrouded in full armor.

Goblins drew attention to two people wrapped in cloaks.  And fear pierced them, instincts shouted "run". Although they do not like goblins, they are proud wars and respect power.  And this shrouded man had tremendous power. The goblins were surprised and their respect increased when this man nodded to them and entered the building.

Entering through the bronze doors, Bella and Ray collided with .... with the second doors, but silver.  The warning was engraved on them:

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn.

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

Not paying attention to the inscription, the couple entered a huge marble hall, where goblins work behind high racks.  Walking up to one of the clerks, Ray waved his hand, laying a barrier against listening. The goblin broke away from his business to look at the insolent, but fear paralyzed him.

A deep voice awakened the goblin: "You do not need to be afraid, we are here on business"

Bella: "We need to store Lestrange, but I don't have a key."

The calmed goblin pulled out a piece of parchment and a silver knife: "Cut your finger and drip onto the parchment. An identity verification process costs 10 galleons."

Ray put 10 coins on the counter when Bella cut her finger and parchment confirmed her identity.

Descending from his place, the goblin invited a couple to follow him.

Ray and Bella followed the goblin into the Gringotts dungeons.  There they sat in a cart and headed towards the Lestrange vault.

Going to the vault door, the goblin opened the door.  When Ray was about to enter, Bella stopped him: "Wait, there are a lot of protective spells here, first I have to remove them."

Ray stopped and nodded.

Entering inside, Bella went to one chest.  Opening it there was a long box and a duel holder for a wand.

Opening the box, a long 12.¾ inch black wand appeared.

It was the spare wand that Bella ordered at the end of Hogwarts.  The wand was made of walnut and the dragon's heart vein.

Putting the holder on her hand and taking the wand, Bella felt a long-forgotten feeling.

She began to walk around the vault and take off the spell.  After 10 minutes, everything was ready. And she called Ray: "Ray, everything is ready."

Entering the vault, Ray immediately went to the darkest object - the bowl of Hufflepuff.  Ray approached her and pulled a black chest from his pocket. It was a special vessel for dark artifacts.  Throwing the cup into the chest, Ray asked: {Great Sage, send this chest to an isolated vault in the palace of Avalon.} With these words, the chest disappeared.  After that Ray went to Bella.

Ray: "I removed the cup, now I need to take everything from here."

Bella agreed with Ray and he began to send everything that was in storage to the treasury of Avalon, where the Great Sage sorted everything.  Ray smiled mentally: [It's good when you have a secretary like the Great Sage.]

Leaving a small mountain of coins (100,000 galleons), which surprised Bella, Ray left the vault and went towards the goblin, taking out a bag of 1000 g and holding it out.  The goblin was perplexed, but did not refuse the money: "What do you want me to do?"

* Shows the goblin the ring * the goblin found out what kind of ring it was and wanted to open his mouth: "I ..."

Interrupting the goblin, Ray said: "Transfer the money from this vault to the Perevell Family vault. This gold will be used in due time to pay for Hogwarts. I gave you gold for your work and silence .... But .... if you dare to sell this information and tell about  today. * red eyes turned into vertical slits and began to glow * ....... I will show you fate worse than death. "

The goblin gasped with pressure and nodded furiously: "I swear by my name Groranil, I will not sell this information."

Bella silently watched, I feel awed.  She liked how her savior acted.

Going up to Bella, Ray took her hand and led her towards the cart to go to the surface and go to Grimmo 12.

Bella looked at her clasped hands and smiled, she was pleased to hold hands with Ray.

Ray didn't know what Bella was thinking, but guessed seeing her face.  [She's getting too used to me.]


After leaving Gringotts, the couple apparated to Grimmo Square.  There was a lot of protective charms at the house, which took a long time to be removed, but those in whom Black's blood flows can easily enter.

Ray looked at the old house and * sighed * with relief: [It's good that he is not covered with fidelius.  I couldn't remember if the house was covered all the time, or Dumbledore did it when he turned Grimmo 12 into the headquarters of the Order of the Phoenix.]

Walking to the old black door, Bella grabbed a snake-shaped door knocker.  The snake bit her and after that the door creaked open.

This place was very dirty and old.  Time did not spare him, and apparently the house was not under stasis.

Walking down the corridor, the couple heard a scream:

"Bastards! Scum! Generation of vice and dirt! Half-breeds, freaks! Get out of here! How dare you defile the home of my ancestors ..."

Bella smiled a frightening smile and turned to Ray in a sweet voice: "Raaay, let me say hello to my beloved aunt."

Seeing this smile from Ray, a chill crept down his spine: [this is not Yuno Gasai, this is not Yuno Gasai, no, no, no.] Ray thought.  Although he outwardly remained calm and simply nodded to Bella.

When Bella left to say hello, Ray sighed with relief:

[Uuuh, that was close.  I hate the smile of Yandere, from a previous life it gave an unpleasant feeling.  Bella is not Yandere? Really right? ]

Suddenly he heard a scream, and after him the sound of an * explosion * was heard throughout the house.

Ray stood and waited, looking into the corridor from which there was a sound and smoke was mixed with dust.  Seeing Bella smiling with a happy smile, Ray cast a cleansing spell on her.

"Mmm, I see you're glad to reunite," Ray said.

Bella nodded and said: "Aunt was just happy to see her niece."

Ray: "* hands over the bag * take all that is possible, this is a through bag connected to the library of our house."

Ray didn't even notice how he said "our house", but Bella noticed.  She was about to cry, but she quickly left so that Ray would not see.

After that, Ray turned to another corridor to see Kreacher: "Come out, you will still be standing there for a long time."

As soon as Kreacher showed up, Ray laid Imperius on him.

"Bring the locket that your master Regulus left."

The elf disappeared and immediately appeared with a Slytherin medallion.

{Great Sage, send the medallion into the chest} Ray said mentally.

The medallion disappeared and Ray used *Obliviate* and * Confundus *: "You will not remember today and go to sleep."  .

Elf disappeared just at the moment when Bella returned.  Ray saw slightly red eyes and asked: "What happened Bella? Are you okay?"

Bella: "It's okay Ray. Just old memories."

Ray certainly did not believe her, but did not ask further.  Going up and taking her hand, they disappeared.


Appearing at Peverell Castle, Ray and Bella went to dinner and sleep.  The day was long.


A month after visiting Gringotts and Grimmo.

In the training room of Peverell Castle, one could see many flashes of spells flying around the room.

It was a duel between Bella and Ray.  They seemed to dance with each other, exchanging blows

Bella was a very experienced and powerful sorceress.  For all the time, Ray never won, but his level grew very quickly.  He got the experience that he needed.

Bella was very flexible and easily dodged all Ray's spells, at the same time throwing bundles of * stupefy * * confundus * * expelliarmus * into him.  Also from time to time daggers flew into Ray. He was surprised to learn that Bella was trained in knife fighting. As she said:

"Many women in the Black family learned the art of killing with daggers and knives. I had a talent for that."

And it was true, she was a very unpredictable opponent.

With an explosive curse, Bella created a dust curtain and used short apparate to appear behind Ray with a dagger resting on his neck.

On this battle was completed.  Having removed the dagger, Bella walked away and began to look at Ray.

"You have become much more experienced than Ray. You have tremendous magical power and a wealth of knowledge, but you did not have experience. But you have really grown a lot in the last month. Perhaps you could not defeat a fighter like Antonin Dolokhov, but other death eaters will easily lose  to you. "Bella sincerely praised him.

Ray smiled at the praise.  Bella was a godsend. She helps him a lot and Ray began to trust Bella more.  If she suddenly leaves, he will most likely feel a loss.

"Thanks Bella, it's all thanks to you," Ray smiled at her.

Seeing a smile, Bella began to think: [What happens to me, why I am so happy when he thanks or praises me.  I could not fall in love with him. He is a young handsome young man, I sometimes forget that he is not even 11, how ripe he is behaving.  He has his whole life ahead, I ... I ... I just can't, I can't get in his way. Also, this strange tattoo appeared on my left chest. What is it * tears flow *.]

Seeing how Bella began to cry, Ray felt an unpleasant feeling, he did not like to see her tears.  Going up to her, he tried to erase the tears and ask what was the matter, but Bella turned around and ran out of the hall.

Bella ran into her room, jumped onto the bed and began to cry.  However, if she now looked at her left breast, she would have seen the tattoo shining dimly ....  tattoo * of a black dragon embracing a heart with its wings *.

After 5 minutes, Bella fell asleep, at that very moment Ray entered her room.

Seeing Bella sleeping with tears on her cheeks, he went up to her and ran a hand through her hair.  Of course, he realized what was in her head. All the same, he saved her, he accepted her, gave her a house and a new life.  Any girl would develop feelings in such a situation, especially in the case of Bella, who did not know care and love, which was like a bird in a cage ... but Ray did not know what to do.

He also liked her, and he did not want to lose her, but Ray knew that in 5-6 years he would leave this world.  He simply did not know whether she would agree to abandon her homeworld for the sake of the unknown. Ray sat down in a chair and waited for Bella to wake up.  At that moment he heard.

{Master, just ask her about it.  She has a tattoo of your flock} said the Great Sage.

Ray wondered: {What tattoo?  What are you talking about?}

Great Sage: {Master, remember your fifth wish.  God has added a small bonus to your desire.}

Ray: {Tell me more.}

Great Sage: {Those whom you mark, so that their soul would fall on Avalon in case of death, will be your subordinates.  The mark is a * black dragon tattoo * and you will be the King for them. Bellatrix got a * black dragon tattoo embracing a white heart with her wings *.  This is a bonus from God. He also left a message, would you like to hear?}

Ray: {Yes.}

God: {Greetings, my son.  Don't try to talk to me, this is just a message.  I see you are faced with my gift. When you and I met for the first time, I looked through your whole life.  Seeing your cautious relationship with the opposite sex, I decided to leave you a present. I think you already understood that the dragon's pedigree changed your character a bit.  Surely you began to love treasures and want to collect it. But besides this, male dragons are famous for their love for the family. Dragon flocks usually consist of 1 male and many females, the reason for this is that dragons cannot die of old age and it is very difficult for them to create offspring.  Especially if it's an heir. Because, the son of a dragon, in time he will receive all the power of his father and will have a potential much higher. And in addition, you have the legacy of the original dragon. The universe itself imposes a restriction on creatures of this level of power. Even ordinary lower gods have a hard time making children.  Just imagine what will happen to reality if someone with such power collects a harem of a million women, and each gives birth to a child. You don't need to worry, you don't have to travel the worlds in search of women. It's about tattoos: when you meet a woman who loves you no matter what and is ready for anything for you she will have * a dragon tattoo with a white heart * but this does not mean that everyone who falls in love with you will get it (do not forget about the dragon  aura). Oh no, for this you have to have perfect synchronization, a connection of souls, a label will bind you much stronger than marriage. When you bite the tag area and send out your energy, you officially accept the woman and the heart turns pink. In this case, you can turn a woman into a dragon, for this you need to transfer your blood essence, keep in mind that it will be restored for about a year. Your pedigree is very strong, so those who will receive blood will feel severe pain, but with the help of the label you can share it.  Also, the Great Sage will be able to edit the DNA of your wives. That is, if you go to the world of Naruto and receive a sharingan, the Great Sage will be able to transfer it to all your wives. Also, as soon as you take away the virginity of your wife, the heart will turn red (when a pink mark appears, all violations are healed). Continue to live, you have eternity ahead, do not focus on all this. See you, my son.}

[This is pretty unexpected.] Ray thought.  [But pretty reasonable. Although I'm not going to turn my life into * NEEDS TO CATCH THEM ALL *.  But I realize that on the way that I have to go I need anchors and for what it's worth it's getting stronger.  Okay, I won't bother with my head, as the old man said, "ahead of eternity."]

After waiting about an hour, Ray saw that Bella was about to wake up.

Waking up, Bella sat down and began to recall: [What happened, why am I in bed?  Oh sure, I burst into tears. And ran away like a little girl. Hahaha Bellatrix Lestrange herself behaves like a schoolgirl in love.  * smiles sadly * what should I say to Ray.]

Ray went over to Bella and laid a hand on her cheek.  With a start, she looked at Ray with her tearful eyes.  But she said nothing.

"Do not keep everything in yourself. Tell me what is on your mind. Do you really have such a bad opinion about me and think that I will not listen to you and drive you away."  softly stroking his cheek Ray whispered.

Bella began to talk about how she fell in love with him, how he became a very important person for her, but she does not want him to spend his life on someone like her.  Bella believed that they have too much age difference and he deserves a worthy young witch, and not such a "dirty" woman, which she considers herself to be. Bella just wanted Ray to be happy, even if she would not be part of this happiness …...

Ray was speechless; he really did not expect this from Bella.  He saw that she began to fall in love with him, but did not think that it would be to such an extent.  Now he knew that if he refused it, she would simply break down and lose her will to live….

Of course, Ray will not refuse her, although he always told himself that he had not fallen in love with Bella, but when he heard what she said, he realized that he was lying to himself.

Pulling Bella into his arms, he kissed her.  The kiss was salty due to tears, but tender and full of love.  Bella froze, but then returned her embrace and began to respond, now shedding tears of happiness.  Tearing a kiss between them was a bridge of saliva. Bella put her head on Ray's chest and silently listened to his heartbeat.  Ray just hugged her, and stroked her hair and back. It was a moment to enjoy, words were not needed ....

After sitting in this position for 15 minutes, Bella calmed down and smiled happily on Ray's chest.  Then Ray said: "I have secrets that no one should know, I want to tell you about this."

Kissing Bella's forehead, he handed her the memory of his whole life, including a meeting with God and a past life.  The only thing he did not show is the memory of books, manga, anime, and films.

It took Bella about 30 minutes to digest the information.  Tearing her head from Ray's chest, she sat on the bed and looked into his eyes.

With a serious look, she said: "I don't care, I agree to everything while you accept me. I don't care where you come from or what power you have. I want to be with you, I want to spend this eternity with you."

Ray smiled, sat down and hugged Bella again.  "You saw information about the tattoo." Ray said, breaking his arms and getting out of bed.

Standing in front of Bella on one knee, he took her hand and asked: "Then Bellatrix, do you agree to become my wife. The wife of the original dragon. Become a member of my flock and spend this eternity with me."

Tears again poured from Bella's eyes when she smiled happily and said, "Yes."

At that moment, rings with interwoven dragons appeared on the ring finger of their right hand.

Getting up Ray kissed again, now his wife.

Breaking the kiss, he asked: "Do you want to go to Hogwarts with me? The Great Sage can return your body to the age of 10 years."

"Of course I want, wherever you go, I will accompany you. Besides, I have to protect you from unworthy girls who will be at Hogwarts," said Bella.

Ray did not pay attention to the last part: "Show me the label," said Ray.

Bella was embarrassed but began to take off her tracksuit.  Having undressed to his underwear, a truly beautiful sight appeared before Ray.  Even at her current age, she was perfect, Ray began to think: [What will she be after I mark her and turn her into a dragon.]

Walking up to Bella, Ray held out his hands behind her, and unfastened her bra clasps, thereby exposing her elastic breasts with pink nipples.  Although Ray was not a virgin, he never had a woman he loved, so looking at Bella naked, he felt completely different feelings, there was no lust, but there was love and pride for her belonging to him.

Bella saw his eyes and was glad that he liked her body.

Looking into Bella's eyes with concern, Ray asked: "Are you sure you want to turn into a dragon? Although we can share the pain, it will still be terribly painful."

"I'm ready Ray, I can handle it, just believe in me," Bella replied.

Ray looked at the mark and bit this place with his fangs.  * Aaahhhnn * Bella moaned. After he transferred his energy, the mark lit up and the heart turned pink.  Ray and Bella felt a deep connection between themselves. Now they have become husband and wife according to the customs of dragons.

{Great Sage, as soon as Bella becomes a dragon, bring her body back at 10 years old}: Rei asked.

Great Sage: {Good, Master}

But before that.  Ray looked into Bella's eyes: "In my name, like the original dragon, I call you Isabella. From now on, you are Isabella Ray's wife. And Isabella Peverell for this world."

Magic spun around, now Isabella, accepting the change.  The world itself has approved it. From now on, Bellatrix Lestrange is dead.  Now there is only Isabella Peverell.

Bella was glad and jumped into the arms of her husband.  From today, her new life will begin.

Ray picked up Bella and laid him on the bed, lying down next to her, he took her hand and twisted his fingers together.

"Are you ready ?"  asked Ray.

"I am ready, dear," answered Bella.

With these words, a drop of blood flew from Ray's forehead, the whole island began to tremble, the barriers barely survived.  This drop kept incredible power. The space itself bent around it.

Flying to Bella, a drop entered her head.  And Bella began to scream.


The pain was unbearable.  Ray activated the connection at full power and about 70% of the pain fell on him.

Having cut her tongue, blood poured from Ray's mouth.  But he did not scream, for the first time during the adoption of the heritage, he felt pain much stronger, many times stronger.

The great Sage began to change the body of Bella, turning her into a 10 year old girl.

After 30 minutes, now loli Bella stopped screaming and lost consciousness.

Despite all the blood covering her naked body, Ray hugged her tightly, as if protecting from the whole world, kissed her forehead and fell into a dream.


Meanwhile, far from the world of Harry Potter, the old man watched Ray and smiled: "My son, you have found a beautiful wife. You already realized that you did not choose this world for nothing. I'm proud of you."

God really was happy and proud, from the day they first met, he began to consider Ray his grandson, and carefully watched him.

Smiling at the last picture of the embracing Ray and Bella, the god stopped looking at them.

The next chapter will be ready in 3-4 days. This is not accurate. Because I want to complete the first year of Hogwarts in 1 сhapter , and for this I need to spend enough time.

I do not plan to add more girls in HP world.

But if you want Ray to meet Narcissa Malfoy ....

Hmmm, or Greengrass sisters ...

So maybe I can arrange it.

Do not think that a harem will ruin a story. I will maximize the disclosure of female characters.

The next world will be selected from: Naruto X One Piece.

PerfyXcreators' thoughts