
As we go into the woods

This story is all about a group of friends and a girl named Zharlean. It was a wonderful adventure at first but as they begin to know what happened to Zharlean's mother and her uncle  23 years  by the help of a mysterious portfolio. That they doesn't know how they found it  in one of their tent. The following days became horrifying. As a storm came, they hurriedly look for a shelter. While on the road, they noticed a building. They decided to go there and have rest just for a few hours. And that's how it started all the bad things to them. Zharlean and Jake survives but others didn't.

Heicho · วัยรุ่น
8 Chs

Chapter 1 - Katherine Blakes

1993****** Mental Hospital

*Someone's Point Of View*

I still can hear the demonic laugh of that goddamn creature. She is a patient here, But a crazy patient who torture and kills the other patients. Even the nurses and the doctors here at the hospital. She didn't miss a chance to kill them. She has a disorder. That made her hurt anyone. Even herself. She was like that for almost 3 months.

I am one of the Doctors here. I saw all of what she have done to them. Especially to my brother, Nathan. He's a Psychologist Doctor, her doctor. Who died from her dirty works. Nathan told me before he die, that I need to find his journal. In that journal, he wrote the identity of all of his patients and also their information.

"Get out! Whether where you are! Dr. Francisco!" she yelled as she slammed the door.

She can't find me here at the lab.

All of the doors here are powered by technology. It won't be easy for her to open it, because she doesn't know the password.

Also, the wall and windows are perfectly built, to the point that they won't easy to break. I'm not scared, I won't let this demon win!

"Get out!" She yelled!

She kicked the door with all of her strength.

My heart beats rapidly when I stared at her.

She has dark eyes and pale skin that is covered with blood. Even her large mouth with pointed teeth.

She is like a demon. A demonic creature.

"Get out of there!" She yelled like her lungs are about to pop.

"Can you please Leave me alone!"

I shouted with fear.

A creepy laugh escaped her mouth, then she said.

"I need your soul doctor"

That sent shivers down my spine.

What, did she say?

My soul?

Does she need my soul?

What the hell she is?

"Oh God! please help me! "

I whispered while crying with fear.

"Hmmm, I can smell you."

"Honey, I can smell your fear. "

She said with a creepy voice while staring at me.

I pulled myself together and search the room. Maybe I can find a cross here or something that will help me to kill this demon.

I search everything in the box and the drawers. But the only things that I found are gallons of water, food, a flashlight, and a radio with boxes of batteries.

"These things can help me."

As I said that, I got relief. I picked up the radio and started to turn it on.

" You can't get outta here! I won't let you! "

She shouted

I just ignore her. Then I focused on the radio that I'm holding. Then I tried to call for help outside.

" Hello? "


"C-can anyone hear me?"


"Please, can anyone hear me??"

I didn't stop asking for help until.

*tcchhh.. tcchhhh.. tcchhh.. toooot tooot*

"Hello? Yes, I can hear you."

Oh God! thank you! thank you!

"Hey! Lady are you still there?"

The other line is spoken.

"Yes I-I'm still here. I need your help, please! I'm begging you, help me! They're all dead. I'm the only one left here. Please! I'm begging you! Help me! "

I can't help myself not to cry. I was crying while telling him that.

"What? What's happening there? What is your location lady?" The other line asked.

"Ahmmm, I'm at the Laboratory on the 4th floor. In ****** mental hospital. " I said while crying.

"Don't worry Lady. We will be right there in an hour. Just stay where you are and keep the radio on. ok?"

I glanced at the girl on the outside. She is staring at me with a wide smile drawn on her face.

" O-ok, Oh! and please, bring weapons. Holy water, a cross, or anything that can kill a demonic creature. "

I said while my body is shaking.

" Huh? Lady are you ok.? "

" Just bring what I said! please! " I cried as I shouted at him.

" Ok lady, just be calm, ok? Stay where you are and keep the radio on. So we can contact you anytime. We will be there in an Hour, so wait for us ok? "

" Ok, I-I'll wait... "

As I said that the line cut off.

"At last! I can escape! "

I self but to smile, while crying.

I hope I could escape to this place, safely.

* An Hour *

*tcchhh.. tcchhh.. tcchhh... tooot tooot*

" Hello? Hello? Lady, we are already here. "

"Thank God! I thought you wouldn't rescue me. I'm still at the laboratory on the 4th floor. Be careful someone is there, she's strong. Just don't let your men separate. "

I said while searching for that demon outside of the window. It scares me because she's nowhere to be found.

" Copy that Lady, we will be right there. " As he said that the line cut off again.

" God! please! Guide them, please! Protect them from the demon. I hope that there's nothing bad will happen to them. Guide them o lord almighty. "

I was praying in a low voice when suddenly.

*tcchhh... tcchhh... tcchhh... tooot... tooot...*

" Lady! Hello? Hello? are you- the- there? " he said while panting.

" Yes! I'm still here? Where are you? "

I asked nervously.

" I got 20 men with me a while ago, but every floor we reach. 3 of my men always got lost. Now we're on the 3rd floor and we're 14 left. We're coming to you ok. We will just gonna use the stairs so we can reach the 4th floor. "

He said.

" Ok, be careful. "

I said with a calm voice.

" We will! "

As he said that, the other line cut off.

" Oh, honey they won't survive. "

The girl said, with a demonic voice.

I gasped as she spokes out of nowhere.

"What the hell do you want from me!"

I shouted.

"I miss the taste of blood, and thanks to you! I got so much food coming right up. Too bad, that there are 14 left." She said with a disappointed look.

"Do you wanna know what happened to those men, went missing every time they reached every floor just to rescue you?" She asked with excitement.

"I ripped their heads off!" Then she rises off one of the heads up and laughs maniacally.

I stepped back at her and was almost about to cry.

The girl kept on laughing when suddenly a loud bang interrupted her. It was across the wall, and I can hear bullets.

" Oh! my visitors are here! "

She said, then in a blink of an eye, she disappeared.

" NO! "

I shouted.

" Lady! are you here? Lady!"

She attacked them and killed them one by one.

I was just standing here behind this glass while staring at them one by one. I can't move my body. I can't take all of this! Watching them dying. I can hear them. I can hear them screaming because of so much pain. She stabbed them behind and front. Crash their bones with her hands and long sharp nails filled with blood.

5 men left.

" No! I-I have to do something! "

I shouted nervously.

I grabbed the two tranquilizers in the drawer. This will make her fall asleep.

I opened the door and pointed her the gun. She's about to attack the other guy. Then without any thoughts, I immediately clicked the trigger and shoot her five times.


I covered my ears as she screams in pain.

She looked at me weakly.

" You! "

She shouted.

She was about to attack me when suddenly a baseball bat knocked her off. The blood was dripping from her head and she fell unconscious.

" Hey! Lady are you ok? "

The guy asked.

" Yes, thank you,"

I replied.

He held me in his arms as we go out of the building. They are the only ones who survived.

They bring me to their headquarters and make an interview.

" So you are? " He asked.

" I'm Doctor Francisco. Maureen Francisco. "

Sagot ko.

"Nice meeting you doc. I'm Captain Zach Villan. "

He offered his hand and I accept it.

" Thank you! thank you for saving my life. " I hug him because of happiness.

" Our pleasure. By the way, do you know who's that girl at the hospital?"

I froze, I forgot to find the journal.

But I guess it's useless. The girl is already dead and I am safe now.

" She's Katherine Blakes. She's a patient in our hospital. My brother was assigned to look after her and cure her. The one day she j-just killed him, them all of them. She was in the hospital, for about like three months. My brother told me that every time he visits her room, he caught her talking to someone that not even exist. She also hurting herself that is why as you can recall she has scars on her face, legs and arms." I narrated

" Woah! So Dr. Nathan Francisco is your brother," he said while looking at the documents.

" Yes. " I answered.

" Who was the first person she killed ? " he asked.

I let out a heavy breath before I answered his question.

" The first person she killed is m-my brother. "

As I said those words, feels like someone slapped me about the truth that my brother is already dead, because of that demon. My tears suddenly flow down my cheek. I covered my mouth just to pull myself together. I know anytime I will break down. I can't take this anymore. All the pain that I feel the emotional pain. I can't take it, I feel like anytime, I will burst out, Anytime I will explode. I have to let this all out, I want to scream, I want to cry but not right now. I glanced at the captain and I can see pity in his eyes.

" I'm sorry for your lost," he said.

I just smiled at him and wiped my tears off my cheeks.

" I'm just Curious. Why she didn't kill you? "

I was also curious about his question.

Why she didn't kill me?

" That's the same question I am curious about. " I answered.

" But, I remembered something she said, she needs my soul" I answered again.

Zach blink rapidly as he heard my answer.

" She is crazy. " He said

" Well, she is! But if you observe her she was like possessed by something like a spirit or a demon" I explained

" Yes, like that. " He agreed

" I found something In your brother's office. "

he said as he gave me a book.

I reach for it and open the pages.

It's my brother's Journal. There are pictures identification information and notes it's all handwritten.

" It's, It's my brother's journal. "