
As we go into the woods

This story is all about a group of friends and a girl named Zharlean. It was a wonderful adventure at first but as they begin to know what happened to Zharlean's mother and her uncle  23 years  by the help of a mysterious portfolio. That they doesn't know how they found it  in one of their tent. The following days became horrifying. As a storm came, they hurriedly look for a shelter. While on the road, they noticed a building. They decided to go there and have rest just for a few hours. And that's how it started all the bad things to them. Zharlean and Jake survives but others didn't.

Heicho · Teen
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8 Chs

Chapter 2 - Present Time

" So what now? Are you going to come or not?" Luis asked.

" Ei? Well, you know my parents won't allow me to go out with you guys. " I said with a sad voice.

" Ughh! Why do your parents are so strict with you? " He said with annoyance and hugged me.

" Well, they are always like that all the time " I said

" Don't worry I will tell them. That you're in good hands if you'll come with us." He said with a smile.

" Looking forward to that. "

As I said that he kissed me on my forehead then he left.

Luis is a sweet friend. That is why he's the campus crush. Yeah, He is Handsome, smart, kind, sweet, and caring. He is known as the ideal guy. Well, that's true. He is  Luis Lemar Lejandro. He is the Son of the Ceo of Lejandro Corporation.

As I got home. My mom called me into the study room.

I knocked on the door before I entered.

" Yes, Ma? " I asked as I entered the room.

" I'm allowing you to go out to your friends this week. " She said while staring at the documents.

" What? " I asked surprisingly

I was so shocked!

" Luis wants you to be with them. How can I refuse a good-mannered boy? Also, I know that you'll have fun there honey." She said while smiling at me.

" You a-agreed? " I asked in disbelief.

"Of course, I don't want you to think that I and your dad are so overprotective of you. Well, sometimes we are, but now we think. You need a break. So I'm allowing you to have a one-week out thing with your friends. I know that you are already a big girl. I know that you can handle yourself. So, have fun ok? But not too much fun! You know what I mean right?" She said.

"Yes, mom!" I said and hugged her so tight.

" Thank you ma! " I said while hugging and kissing her cheeks.

" Hahaha... Ok.. ok.. You're always welcome honey..  Have fun ok? " She said

" I will ma! " As I said that I kissed her before I left the study room.

I packed my things. All the things that it's important I put in my adventure bag. I also brought my cam recorder.

I have to buy some batteries because we're camping in the mountain for one week. I have to film our adventure for the memories.

As I got my things. Someone knocks at my door

" Ma'am Zherlean, your friends are already in the living room," Manang Meng said.

" Thank you manang, tell them I'll be done there any minute. " I said while arranging the bags.

" Yes, Ma'am," she said.

As I checked all the things and make sure that I didn't forget anything. I decided to go down and meet my friends.

They stopped laughing as they saw me.

"Oh! Zharlean, you're still not ready?" Mavis asked.

" My god!" Callie said with annoyance.

I blinked, they were all dressed up! Also, they have their bag with them.

" I thought will take our leave tomorrow?" I asked.

" Change of plans! We have to leave now. Before your mom and dad change their minds " Ryle said while laughing.

I just rolled my eyes and then suddenly someone came in.

I won't be surprised It was Jake. He's the only one I know that doesn't know how to knock. He sat on the couch with his foot on the table. This brat thinks it's his home!

" So what's now Zharlean? Go! get ready! " Psy said

" Oh wait give me 15 minutes. "

As I said that I hurriedly reach my room and take a shower.

15 Minutes Later.

I was looking at my reflection in the mirror.

" Hmmm. I guess this is ok. "  I whispered.

I'm wearing ripped high waist shorts, a white crop top with a black leather jacket, and a pair of sneakers. I wore my waterproof wristwatch and my sunglasses.

I was entertained by looking at myself in the mirror.

Everything was settled so I grab my bags then suddenly someone knocked at the door.

" Zharlean, why the hell are you taking so long."

I opened the door, I was shocked, our lips were almost touched. I immediately stepped back and lost my balance, but he held me in his arms on time.

My cheeks turned red because of our position. We immediately stand straight.

" Next time be careful, ok?. " He said with concern.

I just nodded, I was about to go out when he suddenly grabbed my backpack and also my handbag carried it.

" Wait, Give me my back it's too heavy. " I said.

"  No, it's fine. " He said,

" Oh, there you are! " Sabe ni Abbie.

We all ride in a van. Luis is the driver while on his side was Khenjo so that they could switch if Luis is already tired. I am at the back of the driver's seat while on my right is Jake and on his right is Abbie. Luke, Callie, Ryle, Psy, Aryron, and also Mavis are in the other van. That is next to us.

We decided to stop at the supermarket. We bought food, water, drinks and everything we need. While they are busy buying some foods. I decided to go to the electronics section to buy some batteries for my cam recorder. I was thankful that there are still 3 boxes that are available in their store.

As we finished buying everything, we immediately walk back to our vans and arrange everything we bought at the back.

Then we drove again.

While we are on the road, I was bored.

I grabbed my cam and recorded the scenery.

" Hello, guys? " I said happily

" Hi! " Abbie said

I turned the camera to her and she smiled and happily waved her hands.

" So our driver for today is Luis! " I said while zooming the video to his back.

" Say, Hi Luis!? " I said still shooting the cam to him.

" Hi? " He said while waving his hand.

I giggle he has done that.

" So, at the front seat is Khenjo. "

As I said that Khenjo faced me and waves his hand with a big smile on his face.

" And this is Jake! And on his left is Abbie" I said with a genuine smile.

" Hi? " Abbie said while smiling at the camera.

I frowned when Jake didn't respond.

He just ignored me, well he is busy playing mobile legends on his phone.

" Hey, Jake? " I exclaimed

" What? " He said, with a look of annoyance.

" Can you just smile for a second? " I asked.

As I said. He smiled.

" Happy? " he said, sarcastically

" Of course! " I said with a smile.

He just ignored me again and played with his phone again.