
As Severus in Hogwarts

I never expected to wake up as Severus Snape, now I will learn all about magic in my next great adventure.

anke18 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
5 Chs

Chapter 2

After doing my morning rituals and getting dressed I stood looking at the mirror in the dormroom. After washing my hair with a soap a few times the oily hair of the Severus is gone. Severus' hair is oily because of all the potion experiments he was doing and to be clear in the backward British wizarding world cleanliness is not given importance enough as you can see leaky couldron even in the movies and also there was not any person that old Severus wanted to connect with other than with the purpose of gaining power other than Lily. But I as a modern person lived in a much futuristic environment than there people can't stand to be dirty and walk around with a very much oily hair that it has been a extra bullying material for the Marauders.

After getting prepared for my first say I exited the room. In the common room there was a few person. One couple near fireplace relaxing there because they do not have any classes in the morning. An one blonde sixth year girl reading a book which looks suspiciously like romance book from the cover, blushing from time to time.

I left the slytherin dungeon quicky. While walking to breakfast I started thinking about my situation. I have acceptable knowledge of magic for a fifth year according to British Wizarding standarts, I have no knowledge of the other countries of wizarding world. High potion knowledge enough to change and optimize the recipes, high spellcrafting talent (now that is something I can work with), occlumency and legilimency.

Then there is the situation of the wizarding world, even if there wasn't an open war and the attacts of the death eaters hasn't began. The people are starting to notice there is going to be a war. There is also a tension in the political and social side of the comminity. There is even tension in Hogwarts. Though most of it as you can guess is between gryffindor and slytherin students.

The social standing of the person I am now is also the most troublesome thing I have to deal with right now. The future death eaters want me to join them and serve for the betterments of the purebloods as the half blood who should be proud to serve and the so called light side that is sure I will be a death eater. The only good thing there is, I have got reincarnated just after Lily broke of the friendship with Severus. Any characteristical change I will show may be associated with this.

And to be clear I don't want to be friends or in any connection with Lily, mother of the chosen one, the furure member of the order of the phoenix, puppets of the Dumbledore.

Clearly, there wasn't going to be a lasting frienship with Lily and Severus even if Lily was alive. Lily who grow up within a house of love and peace can't understand the wish to have power, acceptance, self-respect of Severus.

As I was thinking, I reached to the entrance the Great Hall, there was a lot of people eating their breakfast, I was one of the late comers. I sat on the slytherin table on a spot not close to anybody. It look like Avery and Mulciber was close to finishing their breakfast.

I want to clear most of my headaches in one swift move today and I am looking to the unexpectant helper of my simple plan. She is sitting on the gryffindor table and chatting with her friends Marlene Price and Mary Macdonald about something, probably about the last date she had with Luke.

Thinking over again about the thing I am going to do a few moments later, I stand up and go towards the gryffindor table, slytherin yearmates of mine seeing where I am going makes helpless and a little angry faces. Especially Avery and Mulciber seems ready to explode from anger if their reddish faces are taken into consideration.

Probably, they are thinking that I will beg for forgiveness from her in front of everyone in the great hall, disgracing myself and the whole slytherin. Although, my plan is a little bit different.

Seeing me coming toward themselves Mary poke Lily with her elbow, she and Marlene can't see me walking because their backs are facing me. In Lily's eyes after seeing me walking is a momentary hurt look flashes, after that she ignores me, Marlene and Mary makes slightly suspicious and unhappy faces, Mary more worried for Lily than anything else.

I walked around the table and sat next to Mary without any reservation. The moment I sat there I started talking.

"Evans, I know that I have done something that jeopardized our friendship and I know whatever I do you might not forgive me, I understood that finally. I am not here to ask to forgive me, I just want to apologize to you for calling you that. I won't try to talk to you anymore." I said softly.

"Though for sakes off our old friendship help me one last time, please" I grinned and stood up from the table.

"I, Severus Snape, swear on my magic and soul that I will not be a death eater in my lifetime,

So mote it be"

There was silence in the great hall. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff tables silenced by the suprise of the oath. In Slytherin table Avery and Mulciber are going purple on the face.

Having done with my plan I walked out of the great hall in silence. Because the situation in the Hogwarts altought tense is just in the state of throwing insults or quarreling, a few prank spells being slightly hurtful because of the adrenaline of the situation, I wanted to be clear that I will not be a Death Eater to dark and the light side of the war.

Because right now Severus Snape know as a slightly above average talented student that invented a few useful but weak spell like Muffliato Charm with most of his talent in the potion section of the magical studies. Anybody else doesn't know about the old Severus optimizing potion recipes (except Lily or maybe a few friends of her). Although one of the reason of this because old Severus is a withdrawn and unfriendly person to everyone except Lily.

If anybody knowed the old Severus invented a spell like Sectumsempra, I wouldn't dare to do this. But right now I am just a slightly talented half-blood student that Avery and Mulciber aims to add to Voldemort and take credit form that.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

anke18creators' thoughts